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Everything posted by G60Jet

  1. it would be cheaper to repair it, unless the main pump has gone, I have a pressure switch here for a VW ABS pump (its brand new and still sealed in plastic) which you can buy if needed.
  2. The fact is he was speeding without due reason, he wasnt responding to a call. We all speed be it one or two miles above the limit, but how many of us do that speeds. If we get cought so be it, thats the price. the fact that he is an upholder of the law and speeding without due reason on public roads is unbelievable. To me the honing the skill was an excuse that he cam up afterwards, lets face it you would if your lively hood was at stake. As for getting to know the car, he has basically said he's driving at hi speeds in a car he doesn't know how will react to certain situations, therefore he should of been on a test track. The can be no justification for speeding without reason for police. the only reason is responding to an incident.
  3. G60Jet

    mudflaps !!

    nick48480, The Ones you have ordered are the OEM mudflaps for the Corrado, they are the only ones they have done, The Corrado Badges are a seperate order, and have a similar VAG part number. However you can get passat ones to fit IIRC with a little modding. they dont acutally need any protection as they clamp at the plastic bumper not the metal work. Now the front are a diferent storey, you need to order a fitting kit for them. and they dont stay on that well.
  4. Cold Air intake and performance filter would be a god start, you need to get the engine breathing sorted before chipping. Chipping a VR is best done after cams or a VSR!!
  5. G60Jet

    raddo car bra's

    the american dealer do two, one for each body, however i think they may be discontinued now. there was a guy selling them on ebay.
  6. I have no problem with them training, infact they all need to practice, but what practice do you get out of driving at 159 on a motorway, the motorways are basically striaght, i know at those speeds things are gonna be happening a lot faster. as for the 30 zone, it only takes a Cat, Dog, fox other other animal in the road to cause a potential situation where there could be a RTA or damage to tax payers property. If he was off duty was he insured?? To my way of thinking his should of put the car through its passes at a test track not public road. if he wanted to test his speed there is plenty of runways around. If top gear get slated for doing on a track this guy is WELL out of order. Where were the speed cameras?
  7. I think it was a vectra, Hmm some tweeking done me thinks
  8. Thats right a traffic cop got away with driving 159mph, with the excuse he was honing his skills as a advance police driver. from what i've heard some of the "session" was done in a 30 zone, it was in the ealry hours, but i think that recless. This give traffic cops the right to drive how fast and get away with it. I agree they should be allowed to practise, but not at over twice the legal limit. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/shro ... 559173.stm
  9. Diesel and with the saving they are offering im gonna get electric leather the works. why not :lol: I the new one looks like a 307/altea mix and the only thing i like about it is the DSG gearbox, but they dont do it in the high power diesels yet and wont be till next year.
  10. i did its a recording I've just email the sales people
  11. they website says they are all UK models not grey imports interesting. but it also says they are from Seat Main Dealers too
  12. well its 15% so i could be, my dad got 17% off a new car once, but you pay the dealer direct apparently.
  13. Has anyone heard of http://www.broadspeed.co.uk better still ever brought a car from them. The are advertising New cars (not pre registered ) at massive saving over that of the showroom, yet claim the cars come from dealers. so much is the saving that on a Leon FR its £2442 pounds, which basically means i could order one fully loaded with leather for less than the showroom price. what do you think.
  14. Ouch thats not good
  15. angle grinder and a skip :lol: and make sure you inform the DVLA its scrapped
  16. The old green one are thicker than the new black plastic ones, so you cant really seal the boost pipe with the new black ones. (if they are the same as the ones i got from VW in spain
  17. The G12+ bottles have instruction on them on the back label, it peels open like a book HTH
  18. you may be able to find someone that can remap the present chip to a standard map, depends on the chip I.e If is was an of the self chip then you will need the old chip if it was a rolling road chip setupp then the chip may have been set to your car, therefore you MAY be able to get it mapped to near standard.
  19. i use a bucket and sponge, then rise with the hose, then use a bucket of hot water and a shammy leather with a cap full of dishwasher rinse aid in to stop the windows smerring
  20. wonder if the spoiler works??
  21. Just phone up the manufacture of the alarm you want to buy and ask them which is the nearest fitting center that is authorised. (i.e not selling Gray goods imported from another country or brought through another outlet). This way you will get a fitter that is still registered with the manufacturer.
  22. hardly car alarms or In car ents though is it hehe
  23. Okay guys after last weeks flashing i've decided to get a bit of black spot warning in the motor. So what are you guys using?
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