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Everything posted by G60Jet

  1. what engine marcus?
  2. my deepeest sympathies. no words can really express how you feel. but if we can all live and learn from the mistakes of others then these sorts of death would not be in vien
  3. i havent commented on a meeting just the post meeting lack of info and responding to others comments, and club in general
  4. Oh, how I wish people could... ;) Just a point of interest, G60JET - ALL issues of The Sprinter that were sent out by myself had a return address on them. That is possibly not true of other correspondence from CCGB. RW1 Are you on the CCGB committee, and if so are your comments coming from an official standpoint, or a personal standpoint? As others have said, would people PLEASE bear in mind that all positions on the CCGB committee are voluntary, and unpaid. CCGB Committee Positions are "elected" at AGMs, but it would appear that the committee structure is at the will of the committee, posts can be deleted at the whim of the committee WITHOUT membership consultation. Sorry Jeremy, like i said i dont recall, but if that was the case i stand corrected. I would add to the last point you raised the committee has no right to disband positions within a club or to add to the committee without a member vote. The committee structure CANNOT be at the will of the committee otherwise people could be brought in over the potential wishes of the members. The club SHOULD have clearly diffined rules to is constitution and how the committee is formed. if it doesn't then the committee is a rule to itself. this applies to any club or business. On a positive note, if the club does not have a mandate as such i will be happy to share my knowledge of such clubs structures so the CCGB committee can stand firm. (this info could be used form the club to come up with its own rules policy regarding the committee. If such a thing already exists then i'll shut up now. This would need to be proposed by a member and seconded by another member to then be voted on to become set in stone within the club. Having never been able to attend a CCGB agm until now i cant really comment on the meetings structure.
  5. I'm with you Henny but I still want follow ups to the ongoing problem that spark all this in the first place. I would like to hear what the members and committee have to say before I part with another £15 quid. I would like to attend the AGM to openly discuss these matter at the AGM itself not the pre and post chat. yet not to vote on any proposals as being a non member i would not have the right too. I feel it is the CCGBs best interest to invite as many owners as possible, to boost membership levels from former and new possible members alike. at least that way all this can be put to bed, then no one has any come back. plus the chairmans post AGM report can be made public to those that failed to attend.
  6. RW1, i dont see where any of the new commitee is being kicked in the teeth. these are problems that are still up in the air from the past. i fully understand what it is like to coordinate and run such a club. as some of you may when i used to live in england before spain i ran model IC power boats and was very involved with the NCRA. i helped run race meetings and was oftern the last to leave an event and then drive half the length of the country for some meetings. if i was not involved on such a high level there already this year i would lend my time to the CCCB. being in such as position is very enjoyable. I have been asked by that committee to do a lot already. to which i have accepted. which i take as a compliment to be asked again after a 5 year gap. Now for a little rant at what you've said, in a constructive, positive manor. you mention liability and control concerning the CCGB CF idea. You can control your liability via a disclaimer that all users must agree to, so they can use the forum. im sure andi would accomate such a thing for CCGB members area or whole intergration. a tight disclaimer is all that is needed to ensure that persons holding the domain and club committee are not liable for users comments. Its as simple as that. so saying that about the ccgb and forum is rubbish. members could also be forced to agree to Terms of use, just like the yahoo forum. i ask you to reconsider it and think about it as a better way of members and the committee communicating. From what i've read in the past on this CCGB CF matter is that the CCGB are very anti forum (that is the way it come across) and feeling they could some how loose control, which i am sure i need not remind you. is not the committees, the control of a club is that of its members. a committee simply there to act on the members behalf. As a committee member of any club you do not have the right to say yes or no to anything that was not on the AGM agenda without calling a EAGM. we held them as race meetings to vote on things, rule changes etc. As for blaming the post on. I lived in spain on the costa del sol for 5 years which has the worst post in europe due to holiday homes and illegal x-pats not registering with the local council, to explain the post office in spain is only allowed 1 worker for ever so many head of population, if 50% of that population is not registered thats the post office 50% down on man power for the amount of post gernerated.) i dont ever recal a return address on a sprinter or CCGB letter. simply adding return addresses to envolope goes a long way to stop letters getting lost or un accounted for. Letters that i have had got astay have always turned up again, all be it a few weeks later. i have not moved during the time i was a CCGB member. if you are saying you cant blaim the members sec for a lack of communication. then your damn right. the members sec (should only) co-ordinates members fees and the duties there in. the only communitcation a member should get signed by a members sec should be that concerning membership issues. it is down to the chair to write to the members. the members sec and treasurer and other officers of the committee report to the chair. that is what the chairperson does. sadly it is human nature to be thankless. and i understand what you are saying. but you should also be aware that it only take a call to dishearted members or ex members to stop it and find a solution. something that i have seen any evidence of yet. Now if i was on the committee of the VWCCGB i would of already spoked to the persons in the is thread each in turn to find the way forward. something that i dont see happening. writing a message generally snubbing already upset people will not defuse a situation, it will make it worse. naming or no naming aside. will someone from the committe move the club forward and put an end to it all now. now trevor do you want to call me you have a PM.
  7. did you try it without the cover on just to be sure. and dont stand over the engine with the cover off, just incase the belt snaps. after all thats what the covers for.
  8. the Corrado ones are activated from the rear screen as are the mirrors. i was on about an aftermarket kit. i've edited the post so it reads better
  9. £18 a side, you used to be able to buy a NON OEM kit that put a heat exchanger into the top rad pipe to heat the screen jet water. but i guess that dont help if they freeze at the jet. it was availalble for cars in general
  10. I'll second what Andi says, I spent many nights while this was all going on talking about the attitudes of the few affecting the many with Andi. At the end of the day, its IS down to a communications break down between the members and the committee. I know many former members where VERY pissed off with the goings on of the former committee and I am still waiting for an in-depth report to what happened with all that money. IT’S THE MEMBERS MONEY, not the committees. Sadly I was unable to attend AGMs being an overseas member, but I still should of received formal minutes of the AGM and its findings. In my personal option all the members past and present that were members in the last 3-4 years should have been told every single thing with regards to the past problems. There were three main reasons for me not rejoining this year. 1. Lack of renewal letter (very poor) 2. Sprinters were getting fewer (no reflection on editor, we should all do write ups) but if not sprinter, letters should of been sent out. 3. The present committee failed to update the members affected by the problems the club had. So can someone tell me why I should pay my £15 to be ignored? Now that i'm back in the UK I’d love to come to the AGM but since i’m not a member I can’t really. I just want answers. When the CCGB is good it’s great but when is bad it’s really bad. As far as i’m concerned it’s not CCGB bashing it fact, it happened, it’s the truth. From my own experiences as a member. And until such time that its rectified I see no reason to part with £15, which I would get far more enjoyment out of in loo roll at present. At least I’d be cleaning up poop!
  11. how about at chrome Karmann badge for the gear stick surround. its easy to do. all you do is peal the black bit off and your left with a nice shinny karmann badge. not a lot of people know that
  12. as above or the cable guides are worn, happened to mine
  13. i think everyone that was in the club the year the money was a mess should recieve a written appology from the present commitee for a start. i know its not their fault but it could repair some damage. i still think the whole thing should of involved the police.
  14. sunroof so eighties, get with the 90s aircon
  15. i used a Green one that said VW/Audi approved on the bottle. worth a note, Always use a new sealed container for PAS Fluid and Brake & Clutch Fluid
  16. nothing its in spain and im here in the uk
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