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Everything posted by STU175

  1. the filler neck is off a mk5 golf and the tank at the bottom is a universal one off ebay 1.2litre http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Washer-Bottle-Tank-Repair-Kit-12v-1-2L-with-Front-Rear-VW-Golf-Passat-Polo-/391729091117?hash=item5b34df922d:g:9-cAAOSw4A5YyRwG the original pump fitted in perfect
  2. higher flow rate injectors would make it over fuel and run rich. i wouldnt risk it.
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]85552[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85553[/ATTACH] new grill and badges resprayed bumper grill and splitter well happy with it:dance:
  4. yes i wouldnt want to be doing a lot of miles in it LOL
  5. no the 03 s4 he has is definatly 4.2 v8 na must be the earlier shape to his that is v6t maybe?
  6. ah i always thought the rs4 meant supercharged on these and the s4 were NA my mates got an 03 s4 4.2 v8 NA they do sound awesome especially with full milltek exhaust like my mates one has
  7. lovely car! 4.2 v8 supercharged? what bhp are they?
  8. never had cruise control. i never took the dash out in the end just lower panels gave enough access. i just didnt want to have even more of it apart at that stage
  9. The wiring for lighting and power is routed through chassis leg the rest just rerouted. I wanted to do as much as I could without cutting and lengthening the original loom. The only wiring I had to lengthen was coil and expansion tank and I remade the starter and alternator power cables and earth's also STU175
  10. Fuse box and ecu still in original positions STU175
  11. front mount, wagner replica golf g60 theres pics in my thread
  12. Yeah would be nice wouldn't it. Took me 2 years of scrimping saving and working my arse off to afford my build lol STU175
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=g60+engine+m65+eaton&safe=off&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=770&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjm85vckcDSAhVFGsAKHY1_BckQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1#imgrc=xVmZDA0dzWCdKM:
  14. STU175

    G60 tidy up

    it seems ok now ive fitted the heatshield temps seem ok in engine bay and hasnt melted anything else but will be keeping a close eye on it
  15. a few more pics of my progress. [ATTACH=CONFIG]85406[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85407[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85408[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85409[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85410[/ATTACH]
  16. STU175

    G60 tidy up

    yeah i had the same with the manifold i had a mate assist pushing it together so not to damage the threads on the studs. i have wrapped the boot in heatproof tape and made a heat shield to go between aswell the heat wrap i put on was useless i have now removed it. as soon as it got hot it smoked alot and didnt seem to be getting any better!? it should have been all right i dont know why it did that its wasnt the most expensive wrap i used tho....
  17. STU175

    G60 tidy up

    thats the way id go in hindsight :bonk: the gwerks manifold runs really close to the steering gator it melted my first one! i installed a heat shield that seems to have solved that problem but am keeping a close eye on it.
  18. LOL we've both got great taste obviously! yeah if all goes to plan i hope to making a few more shows this year. ive got to clock up some miles to get it run in
  19. STU175

    G60 tidy up

    one job just leads to another on these cars doesnt it? LOL have you gone golf g60 or rallye intercooler?
  20. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191442837433?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  21. its been off the road for a few years. i believe we spoke briefly at an alive and dubbin show quite a few years ago. my car was in the show and shine so you would of seen it.
  22. ill be coming not far for me. im hoping to have mine all road legal again by then
  23. looks a neat idea may have been interested 6 months ago i went with a wagner replica golf g60 setup. looks like it would need a bit of tweeking to fit a corrado. the intercooler outlet could possibly foul on the larger corrado headlights and would have to hack off the towing eye by the looks of it. would be nice to build in a bracket for front mount oil cooler if i was having one made
  24. sure ive seen some on vw heritage
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