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Everything posted by jaded2882

  1. jaded2882

    17" bbs?

    I have 17 inch BBS Le Mans on mine. If you want genuine ones, they aren't cheap! I'm not selling mine but might be tempted for the right price as I do have another set of wheels that will fit over the brakes... Edit: sorry just read that you are after NON splits! Ye, the ones you saw may have been RCs, I think a few people have them on Rados
  2. I'm still after some better wipers, let me know if you have anything spare going at a reasonable price.
  3. Another owner moving on, sad times... At least it's through positives in your life rather than negatives. I'm sure you'll be back!
  4. I didn't have the tools to get the brake discs off, and the hole ended up slightly off centre when I tapped it... Not the fault of the coil!
  5. Thanks chaps, looks like I've got a new one sourced now.
  6. OK so that failed miserably, so I will be getting a new hub... I guess they are golf rallye hubs- does anyone know if all mk2 hubs are the same? Possible Corrado G60 ones are the same too?
  7. They're real BBS LM's, so I won't be drilling them! You're right though, a lot of people seem to use that method to get round the problem. I will be heli-coiling on Saturday. If that doesn't work then it will be a new hub.
  8. I have 50mm bolts so it looked like it goes all the way to the back of the hub even with the wheel on, and still wouldn't purchase. Even if it did, I'd rather not have only half the hub making contact with the stud given the power going through it!
  9. Well re-tapping didn't work, the bolt still wouldn't tighten and part of the kit I got from Screwfix snapped as I was trying to get the tap out! It wasn't the actual tap but the screw on 'handle' bit. I wasn't putting very much pressure on it, so that will be going back for a refund! Anyway, as I believe I would need a press to change the wheel hub (is that right?), I think it will work out cheaper using a helicoil kit.
  10. Plenty of options there, thanks everyone. It is a quaife kit but yes it is essentially 6 gears in the space of 5.
  11. I now have my 6-speed box in but can only find cheap and nasty looking ones on ebay. Any one know where to get something decent? Which other vws with 6 speeds would fit? R32?
  12. Thanks- the mechanic at work has a tap set so I will borrow an M12 one tomorrow and give that a go first. If that fails I will try a helicoil
  13. Not sure what model you have but JMR are G60 experts based in Littlehampton: http://www.johnmitchellracing.co.uk/
  14. I have used a helicoil before, but seem to remember the kits are quite pricey compared to just a tap.
  15. So the car has been back on the road for a day and I have another problem. Noticed today that one of the wheel nuts was loose. The thread on the nut was mashed so I tried another nut in the hole but it was just spinning, so looks like the hub itself has been stripped of thread too. Obviously I can buy a new bolt easy enough but can the hub be re-drilled or do I need a new hub? It has spacers on too but am I right in saying the spacer doesn't have thread (the bolt just goes through) so this isn't an issue?
  16. It's back.... And it sounds like a touring car :) Videos to follow, I have a very busy weekend but hopefully more of an update next week.
  17. It's great that it's being kept alive as whether it's to everyone's taste or not, it's an important and often overlooked part of our heritage. There has been a lot of young folk bands appearing at Cropredy recently which suggests it is having a new birth.
  18. This is so cool, imagine burning chavs off the traffic lights in this!
  19. I've worked there for the last 10 years! I got the job as my girlfriends parents have been working there for about 30 years, she's been every year since she was born! Agreed, it's not always my cup of tea either but a great atmosphere and Fairport Convention are great musicians even if they are getting on a bit now! They have had Supergrass, The Levellers and Seasick Steve in the last few years so maybe it will get better. Having said that, this year was a rubbish lineup... I now kindof have my own crew as 8 of my mates have got jobs through me over the years My VRT and my mate's G60 (previously mine) will be there this year, Wendy- you should hear us coming in from 3 miles away :) There's been some great 'minor celebrity' moments over the years, including my mate jamming with Lembit Opek at the backstage party!
  20. Yes, ideally open both the filter and blanked side of the charger and spray into each side for about 3 seconds with the engine running.
  21. I guess it's a nice touch for shows and clubs and let's face it, not many chavs or coppers are going to recognise that as meaning 'v6 turbo'.
  22. Everyone has their own experiences and opinions, but surely if this is about discrimination then EVERYONE should pay the same rate to start with. Go for one year without a crash and the rate drops sharply, screw up and it stays high for a few years. I know in theory this is probably unworkable, but I don't see why they can discriminate age but not gender anymore? What if a study found that Asian people had more accidents than white people? Would they get away with hiking up their premium? I really struggled to insure my first car but it was essential for me to work and resented paying a huge premium because I was apparently the same as another group of people based on my age and gender. And as mentioned, I love the way that women's has gone up but men's stays the same. Surely if this was about equality and balance, then men's would have dropped slightly!
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