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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. What are the plates stuck on with dude? I had to take mine off sharpish when I got pulled by the feds, WD40 seemed to work quite well :)
  2. Lol, was he being sarcastic or did he think that was actually what it was called? :lol:
  3. Yeah i agree, can take or leave series 3! The Tundra and the Hitcher are by far the best :) Milky Joe and Ol' Gregg!!
  4. Why didn't he scream or something!? He must've been at least thinking, "Oh, what a silly lorry driver" :confused4:
  5. Is there a noticeable difference between mk3 and Corrado inlet manifolds from the exterior, so u know which it's from? Will a Corrado mani fit a mk3, and vice versa?
  6. Haha, that is funny! Double fail though they couldn't even spell that right!! :lol:
  7. Grim1, sorry to hear this has happened bud!! I for one am grateful for u trying to help us out, it's a shame this has happened as the last thing u wanted is any agro from this!! I sent my email out to Clive pretty much as soon as u posted the addy up. Can't believe people would send abusive emails though?! :? Thanks for helping us out though dude :)
  8. Thanks dude! I reckon pretty sweet on dark blue and white! And black! Here's what a mate's just done for me: Rim Job.jpg[/attachment:ohaawhi1]
  9. Picked up my wheel today, and am really pleased with the result!! U can't tell it has been welded before, it's perfect! Love the colour as well, will put it on the car over the wknd to see what it looks like. In the meantime gonna try and find someone to photoshop the colour onto a pic of mine! What d'ya think? 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC00226.JPG[/attachment:1jhztfs2] DSC00229.JPG[/attachment:1jhztfs2]
  10. It's an awesome photo, and it's awesome that we got sent a card! End of.
  11. Cheers dude!! Chris Bamford PM'd my address
  12. It was alright, mainly aircooled tho. Was only there for an hour, which was enough really as it was frikkin' cold!! Cruise was a laugh with all the beetles/vans dressed up in xmas deco's going through Briz!! Ha, yeh man I did notice u behind me - sounded pretty sweet as u went past mate, gotta say man I do like ur Corrado!!
  13. Did u pay £70 for it delivered then, Andy?
  14. Weren't being serious were u bud?! Everyone get the same, with Toad's car? I love that pic :)
  15. Thanks for the comment! I actually took the worst conditioned one into the place yday (the surface had been welded in a few places by a mate and fettled down - not that bad a job but id rather the experts have a go at it as well :lol: ), they only had choice of 2 golds, one was named Subaru gold (which is what I asked for, the gold that comes on the Subaru Speedlines :lol: ), and another one which I can't remember right now. They only had the 2nd one on an example alloy so I had to compare it with a tin of Subaru paint. The colour of the example on the alloy was quite dark, as u say Portent almost bronze! I decided to go with that anyways, will probably pick it up Weds!
  16. Thanks mate Haha good luck as it will be at home as I dont fancy sticking loads of christmas stuf all over it so doing it to the Rat :lol: and they are just tinted head light protectors, need to get some laminx for the fogs Oh yeh I remember u saying, shame man!! And I said the rear lights, not ur fronts!!
  17. That last pic is sexual! :luvlove: And I will be stealing ur rear lights off u on Sunday mate...
  18. Sorted guys, as u were replying to this I was locating the worse conditioned Speedie in the shed and have put it in the works van to take here tomorrow in Swindon! Anyone had any dealings with these guys? Will see what he says as this speedie has had a bit of weld on it by my mate (who didn't do that bad a job with it actually) on the surface of one of the spokes. Looking forward to this now! :D Will probably go ahead and get that one painted then put it on the car to see what the colours like :) EDIT: Jake, u cheeky git :lol:
  19. Right, I dunno what it is with me atm, but I'm loving gold rims!! :shrug: I've got a spare set of Speedies in average condition from when I had my originals powdercoated...and I'm thinking of getting them re-furbed, in gold!! Any thoughts? Am I just being really weird and it'll look sh1te?! Much to my GF's annoyance, she hates gold!! The weird thing is, so do I?! I made a quick mock up of what they might look like, any feedback welcome :D (Not on my paint shop skillz, I know they're bad already! :lol: ) Dsc00133dasdad.jpg[/attachment:2vtuhldq]
  20. Bump for this! Anyone going from around Wiltshire area?
  21. Was thinking about this earlier today!!! - Nope!
  22. (Pulp fiction & Resevoir Dogs) Yes I am, those films have good pace and action where a lot of things happen in a short space of time, there is a lot of dialogue that advances the plot or backstory. But his more recent offerings do nothing for me, it seems he is trying to add gravitas to the scenes, but I think he tries to hard and they just end up being drawn out for no particular benefit. His characters speak far too slowly and it really annoys me! The problem is that he has so much clout in Hollywood and can generate so much money that no-one wants to tell him he's being over indulgent and needs to cut out 45 mins of silence from his movies.[/quote:ewbma3gl] I quite enjoyed Inglorious Basterds! Not quite the level I do with RD and PF though, PF is one of my all time top 3 films!! Has anyone seen Death Proof though? That's a bit odd...
  23. I had a dusty mauve mk3, fantastic colour!
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