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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. Im around Chepstow most wknds :D
  2. Yeh heard on the radio not so long ago about one guy having his account cancelled, can't remember if he was fined or not though, I imagine he was...
  3. So is Tecso's high octane stuff pretty pants, too? I have a 5p off a litre voucher and not sure whether to go there or not..?
  4. Yup rado's looking good from here mate! Although u have half a front end missing on my computer, dunno if the pic has been cropped or not :lol: Not sure about the Golf either, I love a rat look mate but not entirely sure u've got it right there...? :?
  5. Ok thanks guys. Andy, whereabouts is the crank and the motor? Any idea on the allen key size? (Gonna keep one with me permanently) :lol:
  6. Ok, long story short, had issues with the sunroof today which led to my interior being soaked :( I went to tilt the sunroof open, it wouldn't, tried sliding it, it did. I only slid it open a little bit to see if it worked, but it wouldn't slide back into the closed position. Got to the cinema where we went to see Saw 3D, the weather was sunny so thought sod it go watch the film with it open about 2inches. Got out after the film, of course it had p1ssed down. Got to the car, tried the sunroof and it closed instantly!!! Typical. Started driving off, tried the sunroof on tilt just to see, it started to work, so I brought it back into closed position. Then it didn't wanna tilt again, I didn't even try sliding it back in case it happened again, so I've left it shut. Are these symptoms of a failing sunroof? Sliding back but not tilting or sliding back in? Why was it temperamental like this? Any ideas? Going to do a full search now for any info
  7. Id be up for the 28th - my mates DJ'ing on the Friday though so gonna be at an all-wknder so will be hangin' by the time Sunday arrives! :lol: Maybe we could meet up at some place for a beer or something, then head over to the dub show together? Just an idea :shrug:
  8. Im drinking copius amounts of Morgan's Spiced atm, might give this a try though used to drink Jack all the time until I got fed up with the taste :lol:
  9. Looks nice bud! Good to see u getting stuck into it :) I might be interested in taking the lights off u, if u decided to sell :norty:
  10. Not too far South-West of Yeovil coz it'll be further for me :tongue: Not too bothered about which wknd it is but Im normally doing something or other, so would need a date to be sorted!
  11. Lemme know if there's a meet around this area guys as Im normally in Westbury so I'd be up for a little drive!! :D
  12. As high res as you an get...[/quote:2mfgrku4] Is 1024x685 too little?
  13. I use mine to keep my empty space in. I might get an extinguisher tho...
  14. My screename comes up in the 1st search result too :) My claim to fame, how sad!! :lol:
  15. Wullie, I love how all your hints/tips start off with a bottle of Wolfblass :D :lol:
  16. :wave: Hey dude, u've met me at both events...so is that u replying but signed in as ur bro on the last post? BTW, Id be interested in purchasing/swapping rear lights if u wanted to get rid of... :D Chris
  17. V-Dubstar


    Yeh I've scoffed, and Id have a gander at it. Id probably be throwing up as Im doing so though!! :lol: Appreciate a lot of effort has gone into it etc, I just think it looks plain nasty!
  18. V-Dubstar


    The dash just looks like it's been smothered with leather, completely destroying every element of that dash that I so know and love!!
  19. V-Dubstar


    I thought the same! Well, looking at the door card pic number 4 I thought that wouldn't be so bad if the trim was in a dark red, or black, then I got to pic 5 :gag:
  20. I meant to get tickets for The Cat Empire for last Friday in Bristol...think they're pretty awesome. Can relate to you thinking some being pretty dull though!
  21. As long as the space under the ashtray and in front of the gearstick stays.... it's the correct size for a Big Mac. Well designed Mr Karmann Why would u want to put le Big Mac in that space? Id put it all in my belllllllly
  22. Yeh definately. They stop water coming in (obv) if u've got the window down a little bit, u can smoke on the motorway without ur head being blown off
  23. I sometimes put coins there coz I often go across the Severn Bridge into Wales, I only use them for this journey (around an hr) and with sometimes some crazy driving they're still sat there when I come to the bridge! I don't mind them tbh, plus I also have wind deflectors so my switches never get wet :D
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