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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. Ok cheers mate. Yeh understood lol, obv if it's not insured I won't get an insurance pay out if something happens to it. The car will actually be parked on a flat 'residential car park' outside the house, so hopefully no numpties will drive into it or use it as a bonfire...should only be for 2weeks anyhoos
  2. Im specifically talking about roads where parked vehicles mean there's only room for 1way traffic, or 'priority points' in the road, or letting someone out of a busy junction that traffic is easily viewable from. I completely see your point, when people let me out in that situation I would never do it blind :lol: U should always check for urself that there is no traffic coming, I didn't imply I meant people making that decision for u! :lol:
  3. Right, my car needs to be taxed at the end of the month, no problem. However, my insurance runs out on the 20th of this month, and I can't afford it just yet. Common sense tells me that my car's fine to be on a public road taxed, aslong as Im not driving it, without insurance...however my common sense is generally quite bad. Can anyone clarify for me please? Ta :)
  4. Lol forgot to mention this that happened yesterday too: I overtook a 1000cc Morris Minor yday who was doing 40 in a 50, only to get stuck behind the car in front of him which was a Toyota MPV thingy (horrible looking :gag: ) doing about the same speed. Anyways, after about 2mins of following behind this guy it then turns into a 40mph zone for a mile, so the guy in front slows down to 35ish, then out of nowhere this Morris Minor blazes (well, I say blaze, more like a continuous breeze) past me doing 50-60, overtaking myself and the Toyota in front! I was actually shocked and laughing to see this happen as it was the last thing I was expecting! :lol:
  5. Lol dude! I hate it when someone who blatantly cuts u up/does something wrong and u beep at them angrily, or if they've done something so bad to nearly cause an accident u give them the finger, then they do it back! Im there thinking "do u not even realise what u've just done?!" :lol: Mental.
  6. Lack of indicating really frustrates me too. I like to think Im quite an observant driver, and indicate when there's others around or if it will help someone to know what's going on - I don't indicate if there's no-one about however but that's common sense I guess. Another one which really frustrates me, is when u actually go out of ur way to let someone through in a 'right of way' situation when it's actually ur right of way, just to be kind. Then yep, u guessed it, they don't even ACKNOWLEDGE ur there, or what u have just done. If Im in the opposite situation I actually make eye contact so I know they know Im waving to them and thanking them!
  7. This has happened to me twice today in very similar instances: Was behind a guy going through a village (30mph restricted) and he must've been doing at least 40-45 as he was getting away from me quite quickly (doing 30ish), then after the village it opens upto national speed. However, this guy then decides to drive @ 40mph along the 5 mile(ish) road which doesn't have many overtaking opportunities (in a van, anyways :lol: ) This really frustrates me how he thinks it's fine to speed through a village, or any 30mph area, and then seem to almost go slower through a higher speed restriction zone!! GRRRRR!!! :censored: I know there's a lot of different annoying things that happens to me when on the roads, what do u think is the worst?
  8. U want M14x1.5, radius, 17mm head, and 26mm if ur on standard speedies matey EDIT: Better get someone to confirm that they're radius seated actually
  9. Nice, lovin' how fresh it all looks underneath! Did u have new mounts as well? EDIT: Yes, I can see that u did! :lol: May I ask which u went for? Am currently obtaining bits for the same and was wondering about which mounts to get...Did u go all OEM?
  10. Love that mk2 rocco man, seen it about so many times! I think I remember seeing it advertised not long ago around Gloucester way, is this where ur from?
  11. dp2680 - :thumbleft: They've gone upto £38 now tho!
  12. Best price I got was Camskill, for both the fronts and backs delivered cost me £86. £33 for the rear and £53 for the fronts (fronts were for 288mm's tho)
  13. A lot of VW's use them, mk3's do I know that much. Fair one carrots, I had GSF ones in my rado and one went after 6months, so VAG all the way for me from now on
  14. Yeh ud have to hammer the $hit out of the old bearing races to get them out, wouldn't be worth it unless ur Gandalf of the bearing world. DON'T get bearings from anywhere other than VW tho mate, I have learned as have many others, it just doesn't pay!!
  15. Yeh I believe they're talking about someone else called Abdul Hasan, but with 2 different usernames if u read the page beforehand :)
  16. Nice :wink: And u have standard rado wipers, yes Kip?
  17. Indeed, its awsome stuff if used correctly and now they do a glass cleaner that tops up the layer on your windscreen for when you've washed the car and thats good too, plus add the stuff they do to the washer bottle and you cant fail. :wave: :grin: I still haven't tried it yet. When 1st applying, have u really gotta give the windscreen a good proper cleaning, like seriously eliminating all dirt/residue? What would u use for that?
  18. Not entirely sure what's involved with upgrading ur fronts to a 280mm setup, but I think you can get 4x100x280mm discs so ud just need the calipers/carriers/new discs and pads...i think. Lemme know if u decide to go through with that mate I got my old 280's sat here (which had only covered around 63k) I dunno dude, I like to think everyone appreciates everyones motors on here - I mean there is a few that have loads of money spent on them sure, and a lot that kinda haven't, but I think this forums quite easy going in that respect and understands people's finanical limits/experience etc! I mean I haven't got BBS' and I've had a few compliments :) And the only serious money I invested in my car was the initial purchase and suspension, which I still haven't paid for :lol:
  19. Peter North? Isn't he a porn star? :scratch: I got the front's (288mm's) off ebay for something stupid like £25 delivered and got the rear mk4's off a mk4 forum dude, then totally grinded the $hit out of them until they were pretty clean, then painted them up and fitted the rubbers - biggred is the place to go to get re-con'd calipers :D Thanks tho for the compliment dude :)
  20. Looks nice Junglist, have u got put oval indicators on?
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