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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. As above , out of interest why did the garage replace the crank sensor ?
  2. Lol , i like to leave it running so it warms up . With two dogs that go ballasitic if anyone comes within 20 yards of the house i think my car is pretty safe !
  3. Every car is the same David , if I got in mine and drove it straight away it would be awfull . I always start mine , walk away and come back five minutes later , then drive it . Rob
  4. Vr6 turbo in paignton ? Whose is that ? Never seen it .
  5. Looks intersting , i might be wrong but this might have come up a few years back , it rings a bell anyway .
  6. The no 12's ? i dont have any of those either ,just the metal folded in half with the screws holding it in place .Good post .
  7. The only ones on mine are one piece of metal folded over with a hole drilled through . Are these the ones that you need ?
  8. Er indoors was doing some cleaning and managed to break the aerial and loose the bit that came off .I have found a piece of black plastic which i can stick on to the stub thats left . Just need the length of it please , bit of a funny post i know ! Rob
  9. lol mr Vr6 , thats another months pocket money gone handjob , Mr Gaskell to the rescue again , or norris as i called him when he always got me out of s;;t with my car , will be needing info when i remove mine .
  10. I thought petrol would dissolve the glue ?
  11. Agree with both of you there . It's curtesy just to say thanks for the advice or help , and you can then retain what you have learnt and help others out when they need it .
  12. It was going to say that Jim , but thought I might get shot down . There are a lot if help threads with no definitive answer at the end .
  13. Yes compression had crossed my mind , Robbie on here has a tester so I can borrow his Rob
  14. Brilliant feed back as usual guys , thanks so much , will let you know how I get on Rob
  15. As above in first post , have fuel and spark , have been told it's a little weak and corroded leads , got knew leads coming . Rob
  16. One more question guys , would the car not turn over if the ignition switch had gone or was on its way out ? Mine is turning over .
  17. Will be ordering one today ,thanks for the help Am I right in thinking no special tool needed to fit the switch (unlike my t4)and it's just a grub screw that's a pain to get in ? . Thanks for help , rob
  18. No worries mate , can't afford the swop I'm afraid , that an the fact that I like the car as standard .
  19. Its a 92 clumpy , so there is a coil with one lead going to a dizzy . I would have thought that the coil would have come up on the vagcom , having said that the electronics on the car are quite primitive compared to say , an r32, well obviously! but the point im tying to make is my mate was telling me when something goes wrong on it , the vagcom will not only tell you whats busted but when it went wrong as well . I believe later vr's being a bit more advanced ,have more parts hooked up to register on the vagcom .
  20. Yep could be worth a try , I did check when I had starting problems about two years back , am I right in remembering that the black switch is the new one and White is the old ? . I'm pretty sure mine is black , but could be worth replacing all the same .
  21. Today ive had a John Clease moment , shouted at the c and told her there will not be a tax disc after october . Seriously i am at a total loss now . I have had another fuel pump fitted , had the bar pressure tested and a new fuel presure regulator . A new dizzy , hallsender , speed sensor and plugs . Its been on a vagcom and reads clear apart from the lambda sensor . All the electrics have been cleaned ,all be it a while back .Ive checked all the hoses and pipes around the throttle body , changed and cleaned the isv .The only thing that was pointed out the other day is the ht leads are a bit corroded , but i still have a spark and a new set will arrive next week .When i had exhausted all my efforts i put it in a garage to be looked at , they tested fuel pressure and it was fine , fitted a new regulator and it started fine for two weeks , then it started to fire on the second turn of the key and has gone down hill since then so much so it will not fire up at all now . Where do i go from here ???. I will try the new leads when they arrive next week ,but i doubt it will sort the problem . I have been out tonight and turned the key three or four times without turning it over to prime the system and it fired up when i tried , this is pointing to fuel again but surely when i was trying to start it this morning it was still priming ? so whats the difference . I think the problem is so intermittent its going to be a right pain in the arse to find . Yours at a total loss , Rob
  22. Sorry to here your selling up , good luck with your new choice of car .
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