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Everything posted by lard44

  1. PM'd - I'll have it if you've got it...
  2. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?80919-I-think-my-headgasket-s-gone-the-symptoms I'm out I'm afraid - suddenly my disposable income needs to be disposed elsewhere. Free bump for some awesome retro audio...
  3. So it could be wear on an individual cylinder? Would a compression test confirm? And, if so, what's the treatment?
  4. Sad times I fear...been piecing together the information for a couple of days... Car using a lot of coolant - needing another litre every few hundred miles. Had originally put this down to air locks after replacing the thermostat, but it's persistent and it's not leaking from any hoses or expansion cap Water in exhaust fumes, even on a hot engine - been too hot to see steam but I can feel the dampness Takes quite a few turns to start - when my Mk1 Golf Gti HG went it was the same - and runs/sounds particularly rough when cold. Aaand: Not sure how well it shows up on the photo, but there's definitely a little mayonnaise in there - water in oil. Firstly, this sounds like HG failure, doesn't it? Secondly, would a GSF kit be okay Part No : 114VG0370? My timing chains etc. sound absolutely fine - previous owner told me they were done recently too. Would rather reuse if possible... Thirdly, is there a good online guide to doing it? I don't have £100 for a Bentley manual and I'm reasonably savvy - just used to cambelts not camchains for instance... Really put a dampner on the bank holiday this has...
  5. well mine have packed up and are permanently pointing at my feet...anyone got a later heater control in good shape? Lemme know via PM or xp_mckenna AT yahoo.co.uk Cheers, Paul
  6. So it's either a Passat heater control, or find a ton for a replacement Corrado panel then? eBay has a few 'Rado ones for strong money, don't see ANY Passat ones on there tho...sadly this is a job I'm going to have to tackle sooner or later...
  7. You been to the Post Office recently? It cost me £4.10 to send a DVD on Monday, and that's not including the price of a jiffy bag. Since prices went up - again - it's horrendous. That, and if it bothers you so much why are you giving free advertising?
  8. Yesterday I stared at it. Jacked up the back end with a view to fitting my lowering kit. Realised the bump stops are fossilized, and quite probably the top mounts. Frowned. Contemplated buying bump stops and top mounts all round, then noticed that 3 of the 4 tyres are cracked. Frowned some more. Replaced the locking wheel bolts with standard ones. Went and had a cup of tea. Not the most successful day...
  9. Stortford? They sold me my new Beetle then - BAM - two weeks later it was gone. I've been to Harlow a couple of times since...they've been okay but a bit huffy because some part numbers have been superseded for the 'Rado and they weren't easy to find on the system...
  10. lard44

    VAGCOM help?

    Watching with interest as I want to get a cable for my late (presumably OBD2) 'rado. Did you go for the link from the second post?
  11. Sadly nope - been looking at getting a generic fault reader as i don't have £400 kicking around... The immobilizer light on the dash goes out as it should via the keyfob tho? EDIT - on reflection this morning I had to use two different Scorpion fobs - one seems to be dying, so I used one for central locking and another for the immobilizer in the car. Got 3 spare keys, I wonder if they're not all set up correctly - going to have a little play now... ---------- Post added at 4:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 4:23 PM ---------- Well, this is embarrassing...obviously when I've changed to my spare keyfob I've also tried to use the spare key - hence the car cutting out. Have now put the right key with the right immobilizer fob, and will investigate replacing the battery in the other one just in case...I imagine this is cheaper than having the other keys chipped to work 'properly'? Thanks for pointing me towards the immobilizer!
  12. Hi all, Took the 'Rado for a spin into town yesterday and back - ran absolutely fine - was planning on doing an oil change today... Got in this morning, car turned over and fired up - then immediately cut out. Kept trying, same result. Car will run for a split second or two - really rough and stinking of fuel - if I give it beans the exhaust is really smokey - then it cuts out. It's never done this before - had a new coil pack a couple of years ago according to paperwork - just wondered if there were any common faults I should be looking for...? I was thinking spark plugs and HT leads as a starting point as I've not done them and I think I chipped the end off a lead or two when I took everything out to replace the thermostat a few weeks ago...
  13. Me too! Would be keen to get to see some more Rados
  14. Thanks guys, fans all lubed up and running smoothly...so far...
  15. Basically as above...when I put the fans on - pretty much any setting -they'll start quiet and then make a noise like this: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I have to put my Fleetwood Mac album up to 15 on the stereo to try and drown it out... In all seriousness I've heard that spraying lithium grease or similar on the mechanism can quiet it down, at least temporarily, but what do I need to spray? Does the centre console have to come out for me to access the blowers?
  16. lard44

    Scammer alert

    Jeez this clown is back? I've seen threads about him on RetroRides and ClubGTi...beware people!
  17. Well look what I found in the lockup... ...and what I picked up from eBay... Now if I can just figure out how to wire the things...need to get hold of a 5bar sender and t-piece...can I just piggyback the wire from the MFA oil temp sender? I know having two oil temp gauges is totally unnecessary, but they've been kicking around for a couple of years so I may as well use them if it's easy enough to do so...
  18. Cheers for the heads up, pretty sure I have some of that in the garage...
  19. Yeah I've seen 6month old ones go on eBay for over £100, so 90-odd for a new one can't be bad...
  20. Yeah I'm really lucky to have found a lockup that's cheap and only 2 miles up the road...currently storing the mk1 and 2 Golfs and a T2 Bay up there...especially with Summer around the corner it's a lovely escape...
  21. The mileage was a little on the high side for me but I was tempted by the amount of history that was on offer - turns out that most of the car's 140+k miles were done in the first 10-odd years of its life, and it's only done a couple of thousand miles a year since. The early 2013 snow put paid to more than one attempted visit, but fate and the Gods would be on my side and I finally got to take a look at the end of January. It didn't take long for me to realise that this was the car I wanted. I put down a deposit one weekend, and picked it up at the start of the next from Surrey about 100 miles from myself. Following my dad back in his E-Class I achieved a respectable 32mpg (according to the MFA) - although I can't say this has lasted. Totally standard as far as I can tell (apart from the ugly 6x9s in the parcel shelf), had a respray on both sides not too long ago as well as a recent exhaust and a few other bits - I can't really fault her...yet! Only had a couple of jobs done - most importantly a new thermostat as the old one was stuck open. Despite all the warnings and guides online I was confident enough to not have a spare 'stat housing to hand...and guess what gave with a crack when I was removing the hose clip? Cue a 2 mile walk back from the lockup and several grumpy phone calls - eventually sourcing one the next day from the dealership for a reasonable £18 all in. Unfortunately the new stat (well, both of them - I bought a spare online) are rated to 80 degrees - a little lower than I would like. However when replacing the 'stat I noticed a non-standard lower rad pipe that wasn't sealing particularly well and occasionally dripped. Single drips bug the hell out of me so I managed to source an authentic VW pipe from a breaker and some heavy duty hose clips from Screwfix. A few driveway puddles and 3 eye flushes later (I'd just forked out £40 on G13 and distilled water - I wanted to get every drop back in - we were sorted and dry. Sourced a new N/S front indicator from this forum as the old one was cracked... Other than that, 'new' stereo fitted (I now have a Sony tape deck going spare!)... Present for myself from a recent trip to Wolfsburg...some DeutchesNummerPlateSurrounds... Sadly the rear one doesn't fit as the plate appears to be glued on, not screwed. Interesting. Another Wolfsburg souvenir Who doesn't like a period nicknack? Sourced from another forum... I have no idea who saw fit to put these on the car - they're neither accurate nor necessary...and they're going in the bin when I can find some nail varnish remover... Mmmm...history... Barely run in Whaaay? Stealth shelves FTW Have sourced some 15" BBS wheels that need a light refurb and have to pick from my store of tyres - either 195.45.15 or 205.50.15 - to go on them. Also purchased some 40mm lowering springs although, with that splitter at the front, I'm not 100% confident. NEED to fill the arch gap though. Longer term I'd like to get some 16s (Borbet As are the dream), sort out some decent sounds and get the front bumper touched up - lot of chips need filling. DAT ass... Spent today washing and waxing the 'fleet' so just another couple of gratuitous car pics andwhynot The daily: 1.4 TFSI, picked up last September - and it's not brown - it's Mocha/Cappuccino/somethingthatisn'tbrown. Quiet, comfortable, sensible, keeps all it's fluids inside - you can see why I needed the 'Rado. The summer car: Bought from an enthusiast last Summer 'for the missus' - hopefully this will be seeing some action later this month. V. early Eunos import so it's a 1.8 with speakers in the headrests and tub thumpers where your kidneys are. Pointless. Great fun to drive, though. Just noticed the headlamp alignment looks off here... What IS it with people and the wrong stickers? This is some sort of 1.8S MX-5 - NOT an Audi... The Mk2 rolling project... The Mk1 Cabby ABF project...definitely not rolling... The '71 1200 Beetle project...don't even ask... So that's me, my 'Rado and my life in a nutshell...comments welcome!
  22. Yeah I know...I was quoting what the missus said to me when I showed it to her... More pics to follow, having helluva trouble with Photobucket tonight...
  23. So having lusted after a VR6 Corrado for some time (note my signup date is about 4 years before I even began posting) I scoured the 'net in the new year, looking for one. It had to be a VR6, and either aubergine/purple/whateveryouwanttocallit or nugget yellow. Given that my Mk2 Golf ABF was coming off the road I required something retro to hoon around in, so this seemed like the perfect moment. I saw a few that looked like they'd been ragged or would have cost way above my budget to repair to a standard I was happy with, before finding one on eBay - a cursory Google check led me to this very forum...
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