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Everything posted by lard44

  1. I'll take the thermostat housing if you can post it please...price?
  2. lard44


    As above... where are you mate?
  3. Do you have the part nos for the Bowden cables? Just replaced my heater controls only to find that the control unit was sound...but the upper black cable is kinked...
  4. lard44

    No no no!

    Guaranteed to give +25bhp at the fly. It's the extra downforce yo.
  5. Team : Glasgow Celtic - umpteenth generation despite living down south. I try to fly/drive up as often as possible but it's getting more and more expensive these days... This season? : League win wrapped up by April, at least one domestic Cup, getting to the group stages of the CL would do it for me. Getting to the last 16 is a possibility although I still think we fluked it last season...maybe even last 8? Going to be tricky having lost arguably our best player, and top striker, in the transfer window. Game youre looking forward to? : Any and all European ties if we make the CL. If we don't get to the group stages then somebody may as well unplug the lights for a year because there's not much else to look forward to in the SPL Players? : Lost Gary Hooper to Nahrwich and big Vic Wanyama to So'ton, as well as the likes of Thomas Rogne and Paddy McCourt. Have brought in a young Dutch centre half who's already injured, a Portuguese striker called Amido Balde who has - frankly - looked pish so far, and some winger called Derk from Ajax who talks a good game but has only played about 40 games in 3 seasons. I'm not optimistic. We desperately need another striker to replace Hooper, and a couple more midfielders (one enforcer, one more creative) wouldn't go amiss either. Some of the youngsters coming through look quite exciting, and players like Adam Matthews and James Forrest I expect will have big seasons.
  6. Hmmm...mine's on an 'M' plate but definitely hasn't got big enough caps...any idea how big 'bigger' is so I can measure what I've got...fnarr fnarr...
  7. Hi all, Ordered some Apex lowering springs a looooong time ago for my '95 Corrado, finally got around to fitting them BUT the new springs are significantly wider at the top than the old standard springs - as a result the top spring seat could almost slip through the top of the spring itself. It certainly doesn't inspire confidence. The fact is that the springs are hardly even under tension when the strut's out...although it should only be a 40mm drop. Them the springs: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/APEX-Lowering-Springs-VW-Corrado-VR6-91-95-/170717226273?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item27bf8a2521 I've double-checked the part numbers - they're the right springs apparently. Anyone else had any experience of these? I'm not sure if I want to refit it as is if I can't be sure the spring's not going to unseat itself and pop through the top mount!
  8. Do you have the tweeters? As a component speaker they should have been supplied with them...?
  9. Had a chance to send out those heater controls yet? No rush, just wondering... :-)
  10. Blue temp sender. Always the blue temp sender first Get an original VW part too...
  11. Excellent - sounds spot on to me. I'll have them (assuming all the plastic runners on the back are in good shape?) PM me your details and I'll sort you out ASAP.
  12. How much posted for the heater controls then please?
  13. You got a copy of this? http://www.amazon.com/How-Keep-Your-Volkswagen-Alive/dp/1562614800 If not, get one - it's a bible for us aircooled enthusiasts. One the one hand, rebuilding an aircooled engine is so straightforward compared to anything modern, and pulling an engine out of a bay is a piece of pi55... On the other, rings would generally only be a temporary fix - you should really look at doing the cylinders and pistons at the same time - but if it's a standard 1600cc lump the parts should only set you back about £200... I'd love to help, but I'm south east - probably couldn't be further away...
  14. Yeah, that's in my PM. Call me old-fashioned but I thought it was vulgar to openly state I'll have it but here goes... It's a fair price and, subject to receiving a reply from the OP to my satisfaction, I'll take it.
  15. PM'd - call it '1st dibs' if you like...
  16. Just to add, I did a wet test tonight. 1/3/5 came in at 205, 200 and 200psi respectively. Worn rings?
  17. The results are in...having gone through two dodgy compression testers that just weren't sealing I got my hands on a decent Gunson. These results are cold btw - I'm concerned about the discrepancy and the fact that it's all on one side that compression seems to be low... 1 = 160 psi 2 = 205 psi 3 = 160 psi 4 = 205 psi 5 = 150 psi 6 = 195 psi I double checked the figures, that's defo what they come in at. The top row of cylinders all lower than the bottom...
  18. Just borrowed a Gunson from a mate...gonna charge the battery overnight and do a cold test + add 20psi. Will update...
  19. There are OTHER ways...parcel2go.com Just sayin...
  20. Right well through general laziness and procrastination I've only just investigated this afternoon... The worst of the spark plugs came out looking like this: The other 5 came out looking like this: I've found my oil leak - the rocker cover is clearly FUBAR and dripping oil down the back of the block. At least that looks reasonably easy to sort, and could well explain a little oil on the threads? However I tried to run a compression test and I'm pretty sure I - or the gauge - are doing something wrong. Cylinder 1 came in at 25 PSI Cylinder 2 = 50 Cylinder 3 = 20 I then really cranked it loads and - on a warmed up engine - only clocked 75 on cylinder 6. Eventually. If these were true surely the engine wouldn't even run? Now, the compression tester is this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PETROL-ENGINE-CYLINDER-AUTOMOTIVE-COMPRESSION-DUAL-TESTER-TOOL-KIT-/130760378531?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item1e71ed08a3 The cheapest one I could find on eBay. Can it be trusted? I was tempted to bite the bullet, pop to Halfrauds and get the Gunson one they sell. My other thought was that the car's not really been anywhere - could the battery use some juice?
  21. 1995 vr6-I thoughti was running obd2 as standard? ---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ---------- strike that I'm a tool. So what can I do with that port?
  22. Hey all, Bought a bluetooth adaptor and downloaded this popular app to do some logging and fault code reading but it's not working - the app talks to the adaptor fine, but I keep getting 'No response from ECU' on the phone - lots of little clicking noises from the dash, lights on the adaptor looking busy - but nothing.. It just loops testing the different protocols. Has anyone got this combination working? Presumably I could still check codes with a cable and VCDS?
  23. Did you previously have it fitted to your motor? How much cutting was involved in getting it fitted?
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