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Everything posted by belfastfumanchu

  1. AON (Royal Sun Alliance) have my 16v's market value listed as 4500 in the policy.
  2. How often should the brake fluid be changed?
  3. Ultimate's going for 85.5p in BP ! Cheapest in ages.
  4. AON have pretty good classic insurance cover, not sure about standard cover.
  5. Ayone got pics of the smoked IN Pros or the FK ones on a light met grey Corrado ?
  6. Arent they the smoke/red ones in that pic there Temptest ?
  7. The radio is mostly piss anyway
  8. Hey Hub i just realised its you who started this post. In Ballymena theres a place called Motor Sport & Spares (think thats their name!) 48-50, Henry St, Ballymena, County Antrim BT42 3AH Tel: 028 2564 8935
  9. If you can't do it yourself there should be plenty of car shops that can do it for you for a few quid without harming the wheels. Just stop by a few places and ask them.
  10. Theyre all the same as far as i know.
  11. I'll be up for it too depending on definite final price. Interest in smoke/red or simply smoked
  12. Oh well - at least you have a car that compromises looks with speed. He might have speed, but its not exactly good looking.
  13. Got the Corrado under year round Classic insurance (which is fully comp) for 341.00 quid. Not bad eh ?! Limited mileage mind, but suits me as i don't put over 5k miles a year on her. Company is called AON - based in England. Well chuffed :-P
  14. He's asking enough for postage anyway. Thief.
  15. Just while this threads open - wheres the ISV located on the 16v ?
  16. Hi Roger Im not driving the Corrado from October to around April time, except for the odd drives to keep things ticking over. I just want to keep it as good as possible and put up no more than 5000 miles per year on it. Back to the little diesel Saxo now haha.
  17. So say if you weren't gonna be driving you Corrado very often - maybe starting her up every fornight for a 5-10mile drive. Would a 15/40 oil be best as its thicker ?
  18. You guys are paying a decent price - i'll give Campbells a shout Mike. The Corrados' going away in couple of weeks until April/May next year, but will still be looking to take it for an occasional spin to keep everything ticking over. Also if it's a nice day and im at a loose end it'd be nice to take her for a spin when i feel like it just for the hell of it! Cheers
  19. Yep, another insurance question. Ill keep it simple : For anyone who is running their Corrado as a 2nd car under classic insurance, how much is it costing you ? Tell me your age aswell please and what engine size your Corrado is. Im asking because I'll be 25 soon and once i am, i'm considering putting the Corrado onto year round Classic Insurance.
  20. Go with black - its worth suffering for
  21. If i was you i'd take it to the best place possible regardless of price. I had some work done and wasn't happy with it & it ended up costing me a lot more to get it done right. Go for the most professional people available is my advice.
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