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Everything posted by clumpy1

  1. You certainly know your product's Sean I am not one for the shiny/blingy stuff keep it how it came out the factory :shrug:
  2. Thank's Baz i know it may sound a bit strange having been a valeter but i am not keen on it on my car's don't mind it on other people's though totally agree with what you are saying ;)
  3. That is one super clean Mk2 mate everyone of the car's you have had that i have seen on your thread's are blooming awesome :notworthy: Concourse be rude not to.
  4. clumpy1


    Too cheap!!.....
  5. Hi mate after both door seal's got to be in really good condition with no cut's what are the one's like on the M reg you are breaking? A few pic's would be helpful cheer's James.
  6. Thank's chap's just to add if ridlymaca doesn't want to post someone has offered to pick them up on my behalf which is very kind and decent of them to offer to do for me so either way ridlymaca i will have them thank you. I assume you are going to honour my first dib's on these matey.
  7. What's the difference between later headlight and earlier? cheer's
  8. I'll take the headlight cover's mate.Let me know payment detail's Thank's Sorry just noticed in my haste to reply you are offering pickup only if you are willing to post would appreciate it cheer's.
  9. I don't want that either Bill and can totally understand where you are coming from i have worded what i wanted to say in the wrong manner sometime's this happen's like you say we should not have to rely on the mod's being grownup's i know 99.9% of the guys/gal's on here are for the corrado and will help other's out ;)
  10. Just a small update car is going in for a map on 10th may and on 11th will be getting a cold start map after being left with guy's at Triple H tuning they are an appointed DTA Management supplier/tuner the main man there reckon's he will be able to do something to help with cold start's which to be honest is my only bug bear with the car all going well i have some plan's for it over the next couple of year's which will include some engine mod's (no supercharger kit's i haven't got a spare £5k plus kicking about plus for what you gain for that money it's not worth it i could buy an R36 for £2k fettled :clap:) Not saying too much at the minute but there are plan's !!!!
  11. clumpy1


    You the man Bill :rainbowafro: Bill will alway's come up trump's and post a link this is the kind of people we need on this forum :wave:
  12. clumpy1


    Did you know you can still get these brand new from Wheelbase (Oldham) around the £700 mark i believe don't know if you have a budget for that tho. :thumbleft:
  13. Jim this guy has got previous on here regarding ripping people off something really need's to be done i appreciate we have a good/bad buyer/seller thread but how does that help to be honest not alot really.I am not saying it should be down to you but some format need's to be sorted to stop issue's like this arising.I myself have started watching who i deal with on here and i am sure there are plenty more doing the same thing which won't be helping in making the site grow and progress.I know you are one of the more active mod's which is appreciated but there seem's to be a bit of sweeping under the carpet going on i have thought about being a donator to the site but then i think why should i when it's a place where i could be potentially ripped off and nothing get's done about it sorry to go on but it is getting on my t**'s. ;) I believe it is Imgolfman who is owed £20 from over a year ago this is really sad sorry to say it.
  14. clumpy1


    Did you buy those one's off wheel whore's as i see they have been sold?
  15. Thank's for arranging this southie it is appreciated :thumbleft:
  16. clumpy1


    If you are looking for wheel's it's the place to go :clap:
  17. I wish i could got a couple of issue's to sort not to worry i will be there on national day i will get myself more organised for nxt yr and will try to be at as many as i can saying that it will probably change knowing what these car's are like :lol:
  18. clumpy1


    There are some 16" borbet A's on wheel whore's you may need adaptor's as i think the 5x100 set have sold don't ask me to put up a link :roll:
  19. Received fog's/indicator's many thank's :thumbleft:
  20. Should have posted a couple of day's ago but totally forgot Twin45 excellent seller received fog's/indicator's very good condition very pleased and very well packed which is alway's a good thing when item is glass/fragile cheer's mate :thumbleft:
  21. Weather dependant? Can't blame you it is immaculate :shades:
  22. That's a nice sized Garage Michael :thumbleft: I love the look of this car silver suit's those wheel's so well :salute:
  23. Are we going to see this little beauty at national day ?
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