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Everything posted by clumpy1

  1. Look's lovely that mate the oyster perpetual has alway's been a favourite of mine :luvlove: you lucky chap :mrgreen:
  2. :camp: Mmmmm. Sorry Bill couldn't resist ;)
  3. I would be interested to know this too dave as i could work it in with some other work i have got planned. Thank's James.
  4. I think you have made us wait long enough Nick :bounce2:
  5. To be honest phil i think everyone on the forum selling part's feel that way cos they love the corrado and want to keep as much of it useable/recyclable and in the vast majority of cases are decent good people who will help other's who feel the same about these little car's which is a nice thought as they are a very lovable car the more time goes on the more attached to it i become and no i haven't been :drinking: tho it is very tempting with the sun blazing.
  6. bump?? anybody??? i could be interested in a deal if you have obscure wheel's to p/x the more obscure the better.
  7. Hi phil got parcel's today very happy with the quality of everything were you getting earache about an abundance of packing material in your garage as well :lol: bloody hell mate i'm knackered after unwrapping them You are a gent sir much obliged :cheers: James.
  8. Good buyer's banan0r and Endeegee let me know when part's arrived safe pleased i could help chap's. Good seller corradophil bought some part's packaged excellently kept up to date with courier with all info and at a cracking price best service i have received on here thank's phil top man :thumbleft:
  9. Sorry chris i was replying to fla's post and it was meant in general not about your particular car though it may have came across that way ;)
  10. I'll have a VR6 one please no emblem Thank's
  11. Hope you don't mind me saying mate but that is pretty sad car's are for driving simple's
  12. Whenever n mot is missing you have to do your homework especially when mileage report's are not adding up suggest's car has been off the road for some time why? to get repaired? best thing to do is say paperwork is not adding up and your best offer is £2k and see what kind of reaction u get if he is keen to do a deal at £2k when he was initially asking double that suspicion's should be aroused.
  13. Hi mate i'll take the fog's pm me your detail's thank's James.
  14. VR6 is right i managed to get some off ebay and they are very good 3 or 4 quid for 20 so can be replaced.
  15. Have you got your Genesis amp? No! Well as it happen's i have one make me an offer you never know you know you want it :suprised: :dance:
  16. I have been avoiding posting on this thread with being a newbie and never actually meeting the gent in question i say gent because from what i have read since kip started the thread it is so obvious that is what this guy was and he is going to be sorely missed by the forum and of course his family and friend's. RIP Chris.
  17. Good seller chaos3oe received boot popper today very well packaged and to top it off he threw in a couple of door bumpstop's for free thank's very much Ric it is appreciated :cheers:
  18. Interested in fogs/indicator's from m reg subject to condition/price thank's.
  19. :dance: as soon as you said it look's black sometime's i knew.Yeah best way with these car's it can be frustrating at time's but a little time and patience is all that's required you will get there :)
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