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Everything posted by clumpy1

  1. On the other hand I believe swict had some dealing's with baron the previous owner of mine regarding wiring/software and mine seem's ok apart from the map which I had redone up here by a DTA agent who is very knowledgeable. I do hear what your saying though chris and have heard of other's having issue's with swict.
  2. Pic's of door handle's would help bud you have been promising them for a while maybe with them you will get a sale.
  3. Alway's the case Jim after you seem to have spent an awful amount on something a little lacking the good stuff pop's up :bonk::bonk:
  4. Got the moola buy it Jim you will not lose money on it
  5. Totally understandable mate Car's drive us nut's when they are not right but when they are right :dance: Good your issue's are being sorted under warranty the Vanos is something that is a bit of an a Achilles heel on these from what I can gather I'm sure it will be right :thumbleft:
  6. That was one lovely Corrado matey :thumbleft: It's your decision mate do what you want I'm sure the one's who feel a little peeved will soon be won over by your excellent taste after all you would be a former Corrado owner. All are one's with impeccable taste.
  7. Have you been looking Daren? ;)
  8. There you go bud even a part no nice one Jim :thumbleft:
  9. I don't know where you get a replacement from but a bit of detective work or ask on here someone will know/help
  10. 23 and you have sold your house :thumbleft: plenty of option's out there but do your homework beforehand to make sure you get what you want/what you expect. Welcome (by the way I'm not one of the normal one's)..
  11. Couldn't resist matey sorry ;) Where are you off to on your 9 month Jolly?
  12. I'm with coulstar on this maybe it's because I lived in England for 20 years and have friend's etc down there. I too voted no today I also watched this program and it really could signal the end to Trident I don't want Nuclear weapon's full stop but if we have rogue countries etc then it is sensible to have it.I think alot of the people up here are not getting the proper info and don't understand the enormity of it all, one of the yes campaign's slogan's vote yes and get rid of tories forever Ridiculous trying to play on past politician's.
  13. :lol::lol: Sean is right and his car is a credit to him :thumbleft:
  14. Keep it up buddy for sure lnhappen mate .
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