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Everything posted by daves16v

  1. Right it's getting to the point where I can't supply these anymore due to 'return' shifters not being returned. As I've said before, please either return them for a £10 refund (cheapest return postage) or if you want to keep it then let me know so that I can strike you off my 'not returned' list. Thanks. Dave
  2. Do you mean re-tumble them for use with your own key? If so then you don't need to do this with my repair kit.
  3. If the door can be opened from the inside and NOT from the outside then my kit will fix it.
  4. Yes and only 1, drop me a PM if you want it.
  5. Ok just checked and it pulls out smoothly. £10 + £5 postage ok? Is it just the belt you need, no other mounting brackets? Dave
  6. Ok will check it out shortly.
  7. I've got one from a 94vr just need to check its ok.
  8. Gear shifter assembly? Just the stick assembly inside the car not cables.
  9. Here - http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=83925
  10. Don't think you'd be happy with it, got some scratches and a bit of fading on the top edge left hand side.
  11. Michael, do you still need the plastic rocker cover or was it just for the brackets?
  12. I've got the dipstick with tube off a 94VR £10 + £3 postage.
  13. c So you have your standard one off? I'll have to do some working out for that reduction.
  14. Dan, I can do them shorter but can't modify them once they have already been modified as in your case. Dave
  15. Ok just quickly checked, I have 4 pairs for a VR and none for a valver but there's no problem in having more made up for any model. Could those wanting these please drop me a PM, I can keep track of the orders easier that way. Ta.
  16. Yes they are available, what car do you have? diarmaid16, I'll have to check on the 16v brackets. Jim, Mic and Hasan, will need to check my VR stocks.
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