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Everything posted by Dec

  1. Not really sure what to make of this! :shock: It changes shape at the flick of a switch and can 'wink'! :nuts: http://www.bmw-web.tv/en/channel/new
  2. Fupp! That's a long nose for a rear engined car! It was for sale, but with no details or even a price! Just the words "for sale" and a phone number! :roll:
  3. Dec

    HOW MUCH??

    Take a quick look through a few of the other "breaking" threads to get an idea what other people have priced their parts at! :wink:
  4. Yup they were early switchover Vr6's released in 1992. So the '92' Irish number plate matches up too!
  5. Another great VW / classics show last Sunday in Limerick. And for the 3rd year running the weather was fantastic! :clap: But found this there! Didn't know one of the campaigns was over in Ireland! :shock: (photo c/o some of the lads on the vagdrivers forum) Never seen one of these Brazilian VW's before either! Gav/Nikki, Zhen made an appearance down there too! Unfort we were a bit late showing up (due to a short detour to McDonalds on the way there :tongue: ), so had to park up on the "overflow" gravel carpark above the main show. But we snuck down onto the grass when a few places opened up! 8) You'd never think it was the same wing! Before: After:
  6. pity the sun went behind a cloud just when we rolled it out of the garage! :confused: Looks even better in the flesh, after we spent the day tinkering and polishing it. Hopefully should get some decent shots of it down at the show tomorrow (and hopefully the medeteranian weather holds up too!) 8) 8)
  7. Most likely cause is the crank-case breather pipe, which runs from the front of the block to the top of the airbox. That tends to carry a bit of oil into the air intake pipework.
  8. One of my old valvers with a late spec bonnet. Not the clearest in the photo, but the bonnet match from the front edge back to about 15cm's didn't look right at all! Further back the match was ok though. The front edge of the late spec bonnet sits further forward than the early slam panel, so the bonnet lip doesn't match with the top of the headlights/grille. And the front of the late spec bonnet is far more curved than the early spec bonnet, so there is enough of a panel gap to get your little finger in! :pukeright: Looked a bit of a mess imo, and there is no way I'd be fitting one if you were going to be getting a nice full respray! :salute:
  9. It's very tight for space, and is a [strike:1jx8nr3q]pretty[/strike:1jx8nr3q] very unpleasant job to do, due to it being nearly impossible to get enough access to get your hand or a spanner in there. But you can change the inner joints with the rack in situ.
  10. Thanks to mr ProdigalSon, who went out of his way to sort out a clutch slave hose from his friendly local dealer for me! :salute:
  11. Not the clearest of pictures, but this is the diagram of it off vagcat.
  12. Yup, and there are some plastic 'fins' on the bottom of the glovebox (the bits that make it such a bugger to fit/remove). They don't seem to serve any purpose at all (other than annoying you), so I just cut them off!
  13. Oh, and get pics of the "wear and tear" to the interior. Maybe see if there is someone local to it, who would be willing to give it a quick look over for you. :wink:
  14. Cool a potential local Corrado owner! 8) Ask for a full list of major service work done in the last couple of years, and definitely get photos of the rust around the arches! also get a hpi check on it to check for any previous accident history.
  15. Dec

    Help needed!

    You can actually get your hand in through the hole where the front grille was and pull the release arm with your fingers. It's pretty tough to move and will result in a few scuffed knuckles, but has to be better than a hole in the bonnet or a smashed headlight. Alternative is to get a bit of flexible wire and loop it through the release arm to pull it that way. Will take a lot of patience and a torch to get it around the lever though, but I have had to resort to this way once before.
  16. I'd be wary about ads that give so little information in general, but includes one of the main plus points about the car is the fact that the spoiler is working! :cuckoo: ...I'd much prefer to know about the condition of the chains, clutch, underbody etc Photos also leave a lot to be desired!.....Some pictures of what's making it "untidy around the edges" would help. So to summarise!....I wouldn't go near it without properly checking it out first (unless bidding stayed at a silly price of under £1200) :tongue: The main thing though, is are you set on getting a Storm model?! You can get a very nice Vr6 these days with a good history and recent work done for £1700-£2000. Some tatty looking Storm models still seem to be advertised at twice that price! (There are a few nice looking Storms for sale at the moment for around 5.5k though)....But at the end of the day you are paying a very big premium for the sake of a few small badges and a colour coded grille! If I were looking for a Storm, I'd save up my money and only pay that sort of premium for a mint low miler. I'd tend to try and stay away from budget priced storms. :|
  17. ahh...well you're not going to get charged any import duty when ordering from Germany, at least! :|
  18. Link to the buying guide! :wink: http://the-corrado.net/wiki/index.php/The_Corrado_Buying_Guide_%26_Checklist Oh, and welcome to the forum! 8)
  19. That's the overrun/deceleration cut-off valve. Yup, it'll definitely affect the running of the car if it's unplugged or the pipes are loose. Happened on one of my old valvers once, and the car really struggled to keep running, and would take quite a bit of throttle use to get it started in the first place!
  20. dunno about your glovebox, but the one in my car was practically impossible to fit or remove!! I resorted to grinding some of the plastic lips off the bottom of it to fit it a bit easier, as it was one of my least fav interior jobs to do on the car :shock:
  21. Pm replied to! And Paypal payment sent through to you! :wink: :salute:
  22. :notworthy: legend! Cheers!! 8) I'm not in a massive rush, so it's not a big prob if mine takes a bit longer. I'll pm you my address. Just let me know the total, including postage and paypal fees etc, and I can get that sent straight over to you! Thanks again! :cheers:
  23. Oh! If you are ordering one for blackcorrado from your local dealers would it be at all possible to order me one at the same time? :oops: (I'm suffering from useless local dealers here)
  24. They have really clamped down on foreign registered cars being driven by Irish residents. They have quiet a few checkpoints set up just to catch these foreign regs, and will either impound the car on the spot or make sure you have it down at the local vrt office to pay the registration tax on it the next day. It's all probably because the Irish gov charge a massive (and technically illegal) tax on imported cars. So to bring a valver into Ireland will cost about
  25. Dec

    Clutch problem?

    I have the same prob in my mondeo daily drive. It judders when accelerating from low revs, but pulls fine at higher revs. In my case it's definitely that the clutch is on it's last legs and is struggling to transmit power at low revs. It's not causing a noticeable increase in revs when it is juddering/slipping though.
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