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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Indeed, CCGB have booked a ten-car stand, or are about to book, as booking won't be taken till beginning of April. Tempest
  2. Bit like Holywood filmstars then, all fake (boobs) and looks, nothing real :lol: Tempest
  3. Just to make the announcement here, as the CCGB website is undergoing serous building works :-) The CCGB AGM will be held on Sunday, 3/4/2011 at the Gaydon Transport Museum (just off junction 12 on the M40), starting at 13:00. Meet up in the car park will be from 12:00 onwards typically. Tempest
  4. AGM is on Sunday 3rd April at Gaydon Transport Museum, starting at 13:00, meet up on car park any time before that :-) (where can I view smilies on the new forum?) Tempest
  5. All those Mk1 Roccos were part of the SciroccoRegister clubstand, which deservedly won best club stand this year, nicely demonstrating that it´s not always the sheer amount of (financed) money and/or amounts of bling on cars that counts :-) Tempest
  6. As Yan already has stated: You´ll have trouble to get nay tools on board in hand luggage. I made the same mistake now 9 years ago, when I flew to Munich to inspect my current Mk1 Rocco. Tools were all confiscated at the security check. The only one allowed was my torch. Fortunately I didn´t have many tools with me, and had deliberately taken cheap ones only, but still. Tempest
  7. Might be up for this, take the Mk1 for a spin. Tempest
  8. Correct. But it would still be wise to leave your Rado insured (like I do with all my 3 cars during the winter) for fear of theft. If your toy get stolen, and is not insured, that´s it then, you pay. OK, I know insurers may find a way out if you claim on them, but there is a better chance compared to not having any insurance in terms of getting some money back if your car were stolen. Tempest
  9. I fear they will introduce a charge for SORNing and deSORNing a car, simple. Tempest
  10. Lucky sods :lol:, weather here in the Midlands despite that much hyped high-pressure area above Brtain is sh*te, drizzle, grey cloud, depressing. Have to move, I guess. Can´t wait to tax the first in my fleet again, but not until the Midlands finally sorts out its crap weather first. Tempest
  11. 8th spot still to be filled ;-) Also, if you could all send in details of yourself and car (full name, what type of Rado, reg number) to Swompy, so he can complete a form with details of all the cars wanting to attend. This needs to be in with the organisers by March 7th! Tempest
  12. Worse: My cars have their own website! :lol: At least they´re not blogging or twittering yet :lol: Tempest
  13. It was the fitness training powders that Kip got out the morning after to mix up some quick-boot potions for the troops, that most impressed me :lol: Tempest
  14. Indeed, apart from Jag, when they handed over their latest saloon (whatever that is, not into Jags), to TopGear mag for their 6-month long-term test, and one day during a motorway drive in the rain, the wipers broke off!!! Excuse by Jag: Erm, yes, press car, engineers fettled with it, must have forgotten to tighten up nut on the wiper mechansim (read it in the Dec issue 2010, I think it was)! FFS, Jag, look at how it´s done by copying Ferrari :lol: Tempest
  15. Nope, side markers no longer available from VW. A German mate of mine used to make the side markers in clear, based on a pattern of the original VW item. He has long time ago stopped doing them. BMW E30 markers will do the trick, too. I am running clear ones for an E30. The original US bumper has recesses for the side markers, although the original BVW items then still stand a bit proud. Tempest
  16. On US-cars not actually a recess, rather than it standing proud. But of course dmensions are those of a US-plate, so a UK plate would look odd (not high enough and too wide). No, neither front nor rear bumpers are deeper than EU ones, fortunately. So no parkbench drama like on US-Roccos :gag: Tempest
  17. No tow-eye hole and indeed no tow-eye 8) Pic: Tempest
  18. Just what I was thinking, hmmmm, lovely smell of dog poo stuck to new tyres :gag: :lol: Tempest
  19. Ah yes, please. Plan is to take the Mk1 :shock: Shshsh, don´t tell anyone :lol: Tempest
  20. Yes, must be. Can´t have Stanford Hall without certain cars entering. :) Tempest
  21. Good luck with it all, but, no Kip-Charriot at Stanford Hall??? :eek: Can´t do that, as standards will invariably slip, with all the riff-raff candidates entering the concourse :lol: Tempest
  22. Exactly what I was going to write. In the ¨good old¨ days, the generation born in the 40s and 50s, had job security, a job for virtually your whole life, so there was hardly a need to move other than if for personal reasons you fancied a career change. Those times are over. Our governments and industries demand from us, the workforce, an amount of flexibility 9as they like to call it) the beggars belief compared to several decades ago. In the past, big corporates built homes where the factories were. Today the workforce just has to see how they get to work, irrespectively of where their employer may move to, and in the case of losing one´s job, it all starts all over again: Move houses etc. Not a cheap excercise either. Not masny companies give compensation in thses scenarios any more. Why would they? With cheaper and increasingly highly qualified labour in India and China plus a whole market in those 2 and other countries, a lot of companies simply close up in the EU and move far east. B*st*rds! Good point indeed! However, having observed life and luxury in both the UK and Germany for long enough, it is simply a fact that despite higher taxes in Germany, the average citizen in Germany is better off than in the UK. A lot of that is simply down to a (still) more equal wealth distribution in Germany. People simply earn more money, and the gap between the employee and boss isn´t nearl;y (not yet anyway) as big as it is in the UK. Why people don´t protest more against this fact in the UK is beyond me. Mind you, things are unfortunately changing in Germany, too, rich getting richer. Well, much as I hate to say this, perhaps it is time for an uprising again, possibly Germany led, as no-one else fancies standing up against the current failed society conditions. Erm, no, we have television to keep the masses entertained, so all is well, actually .... Rant over. :) Tempest
  23. Right, paperwork being sorted as we speak :) Just noticed this message from the organisers: Tempest
  24. Arggh, sorry to hear. Not a good start for 2011 perse, but hey, could have been worse, I guess. Would claim though, or at least report. Was Tron at the Imax worth it? Considering going to watch it myself. Tempest
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