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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Yahay, possibly just in time for a potential trip to Germany (Sciroccoforum birthday bash) :-) Tempest
  2. Yes, it is politics at the highest levels, and the blame finger can admittedly be pointed to both tops (CF and CCGB). I know I'm sticking my head out here, but as those that attended the last CCGB AGM can already testify, I already had a severe go regarding this issue at the AGM. I could also have a sever go here :lol: I think it's plain stupid to have 2 Corrado organisations/institutions, and one of my goals in organising stands at shows for both the CF and CCGB has always been to bring both closer together. Let's not fight and bicker, rather than join up and enjoy our hobby, our cars, the friendships we make, etc. Life's too short for the unpleasant things (we have enough of that in our daily lives, I'm sure ;-) ). Tempest
  3. Don't worry, he's got 3 more Corrado shells :lol: Tempest
  4. Long story, but to keep it short: Whilst living in Germany when the C first came out I already had been bitten by the Mk1 Rocco bug (was still too young to own one, though), and just loved the looks of the C. Many years later, i thought I would be cured, until I discovered my current Mk1 Rocco sitting in my garage (even arrived on my birthday, how cool is that ?) I then wanted to replace the daily hack, a Polo breadvan, with something better (the Mk1 was only ever going to be a show car). I succeeded, nearly, by buying a Mk2 Rocco, but it had to be the Storm special edition, so within 2 weeks that was locked waway, and kept as showcar #2. I then wanted to replace the Polo with a sensible car, a Mk3 Goof or something, low tax, etc., boring in other words. During a holiday visiting my mate in Germany, I was handed the keys for 3 full days to his G60 C :shock: Out of the window went the Goof Mk3 sensible car plans, 4 weeks later a flight to Aberdeen and a trip down back to Coventry in my newly acquired US-spec G60, which after a whole year or so, has also lost its daily hack status. Oh well, story did turn out longer than expected :lol: Tempest
  5. Not so far off from the truth, or they are well clued up, as they then realise that until the marketing boffins at VW decided to rename the Mk3 Rocco to Corrado, it was called the Mk3 Rocco during its entire design stage. Tempest
  6. Problem is then getting stands at shows that charge for having a clubstand ;-) The CF doesn't have the funds, I guess. This year, we've been invited to have 2 stands, one 6-car stand (the usual), and an extra 8-car display area, so don't let me down here, folks, get your name down! Do you mean the showground in Malvern? There was a well-attended stand at BVF (british Volksfest), as quite a few from this forum can testify. We all had a roaring time. Keep an eye on the events section on this forum. There are quite a few threads advertising stand spaces there already :-) Tempest
  7. Really? :lol: I thought they'd all drive around on Norwegian plates :lol: A lot of my German mates keep their Rados all locked up during the winter, like some of us do over here. The winters are much more harsh. Tempest
  8. Ahh, the cool seventies and its cars :-) I spotted this event too late, as I would have loved to take my Mk1 Rocco (also 70s retro etc.) there for display. Then again, wintertime, SORN etc. Why not have this in the summer ? Tempest
  9. My mate's RC Corrado model (same as the above one off ebay) looked like this last Friday and Saturday morning (modelled after his ex-C, which he sold), by Saturday afternoon it then looked a wee bit different :lol: Tempest
  10. I know what you're saying about the garages in especially new houses (Barbie doll houses, as I call them, because compared to houses from the 30s they're bl**dy small :-( ). The garages are really just for show purposes, it would seem, or they expect you to only be able to afford a tiny car once you've parted with the dosh for the house :lol: My 2 Roccos are kept in a garage (one is my own, nice and wide, such that I can open both doors at the same time, far enough to get out comfortably and also do some work on both sides of the Rocco, the other is rented, a lot narrower but still OK), whereas the C is kept on my rear alley, but am looking at getting a car cover for it soon. Tempest
  11. The Powerflow system on my Mk2 Storm Rocco pops wickedly well, once warmed up, especially so, ever since I've fitted the Supersprint 4-2-1-branch manifold last winter. I personally find the sound awesome, any tunnel etc. is just a challenge to make a U-turn at the end and go through a few more times. Best is going downhill somewhere, and just let the exhaust do the music :-) The Milltek on my G60-Rado only pops slightly and only when the engine's been revved a bit harder. Tempest
  12. How about these 2 in Germany then? :shock: http://www.autoscout24.de/home/index/detail.asp?ts=6549635&id=ft2bdqortwf&source=as24_inseratsg_detail_text http://www.mobile.de/cgi-bin/da.pl?sr_qual=G&top=1&bereich=pkw&id=11111111192233627& Tempest
  13. Tempest

    car bra

    Any further info on this topic now available in the Group-buy section, see here: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37873 Tempest
  14. Yeah, some peeps over in Germany have done something similar, or even simpler, they've just cut holes in their existing wheel liner. The latter must cause all sorts of road dirt to be slung through those holes onto the intercooler backside, however, whereas the solution with that grille inserted seems a bit better. Just not sure about the rivets, as they'll immediately rust, being in the water path from the tyres. Otherwise yes, good idea. Tempest
  15. Tempest

    car bra

    OK, had some pricing come in from across the big pond: A G60-bra is £56 plus tax (will find out how much this is, but envisage this to be around 5%, as in most US states) plus postage from the US to the UK (this depends on how many bras need to be shipped across, and to keep things simple, I'll probably have them all sent to me first, then repackage them, and post them on to you). A VR6-bra is £57 plus tax plus shipping/postage. These are obviously not as inexpensive as the UK-sourced ones, but they are genuine VW items with a logo on the bra. I'm already pertty chuffed with my genuine VWoA footmats, which somehow confused the judge at Stanford Hall last year. Yes, footmats with a genuine VW part number even. The same will apply to these carbras :-) I'll also post a feeler thread onto the Group-buy forum. Tempest
  16. I do spend a bit of time underneath my cars each summer checking for damage on the underseal and where damaged, rust almost immediately starts to form. Treat the rust, then reseal using something like Tetroseal or similar thick goo stuff. Tempest
  17. Tempest

    car bra

    I'm on the case. Bit of patience, as waiting for prices from the US. Tempest
  18. See here: http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35385 Tempest
  19. Tempest

    MOT fail

    My local MOT station also no longer offer free retests, again quoting the new MOT rules (VOSA's computer system etc.), and that they in actual fact have to do a complete new test on everything :-( Tempest
  20. At the end of the day this is a very personal thing. All 3 have their merrits, and they're Rados. As for the VR6 is a cruiser, G60 a racer debate, my US-G60 then seems to offer me both, as I do enjoy long distance work, cruising, as Jim might be able to testify, since he's driven it for some extended periods, too. It's not noisy or too rattly (well apart fromt he usual C-rattles :lol:), so I could choose either, if I had to go for one again. In the end I would, however, choose a G60 again, as I'm more familiar with the older 8V technology. If I were more familiar with the 16V or VR6 technology than I'd probably stick with that respective engine. Deepen my knowledge with what I already know :-) Tempest
  21. In what way? Would be interesting to know. Mind you, all the good old hack like Schwebe (chief construction engineer) have left anyway, indeed even Karmann is out, well apart from one member left on the board. The rest of the factory in Osnabrück is just leased by Wilhelm Karmann Jr himself, so at least he's still making some money :lol: Tempest
  22. This has been discussed ad nauseum ;-) What do you think I was doing in Berlin recently? ;-) See here: http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35965&highlight= Tempest
  23. Speaking of RC models, here's the Touareg that VW gave us, when we went to Berlin to discuss the "new Scirocco". Thing goes quite nicely :-) Tempest
  24. Can't really comment on that yet, as I have simply used it too much in PDA mode, playing around with it, connecting to my WiFi router at home, downloading and installing all sorts of software, etc. My colleague on the other hand, who's just used it as a mobile phone so far, (left it in standby all the time, only took and made a few calls), said that he's had it running like that for nearly a week and still had 50% battery life left. The backlighting on the screen and the WiFi capability all eat into the battery life, of course. Not to mention watching films, like I have started doing :lol: Tempest
  25. Goinjg completely off-topic: My colleague and me treated ourselves to a new O2 contract (were Pay-as-you-go with T-Mobile using some old Nokia bangers) with 2 HTC Wizard (also known as O2 XDA Mini S, T-Mobile Vario, Qtek 9100, i-Mate Jam) handsets. These rather swish things are full PDAs running Windows Mobile 5, come with 802.11g WiFi, Bluetooth (although not BT 2), 320x240 pixel screen, built-in keyboard that when pulled out from underneath the phone makes the display turn around from 240x320 to 320x240 display, and the whole thing is even smaller than my previous Nokia 3420 or whatever it was :lol: It even plays DivX, now that I've installed a few essential extra bits of software. The thing isn't fast enough for VoIP, unfortunately, as it only has a 195 MHz TI Omap (Arm) processor. Still, a very nice gadget, and very easy to unlock; for once you don't need to build your own data cable and run the risk of blowing up the serial port on your motherboard :lol: Tempest
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