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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Tempest

    Roof Trim

    I recently replaced the sunroof trim, as what happens over time is that the thing soaks up humidity (if the C's left outside, like I did up till recently), the metal insert starts to somehow expand, and as a result the thing simply starts to slide off (and it looks green all round, of course) and fall off along the straight edges, causing the sunrtoof to jam when sliding. So, I followed the procedure in the Bentley to get the sunroof panel out, took the old seal off, and stuck a brand-new VW unit (yes, was around the £45 mark, but looks darn good when new, and fits even better) back on, and voila no more sunroof jams when sliding :-) To get the panel out: Tilt the sunroof, then holding down the inner liner (plastic frame), hit the liner with your fist or whatever to the rear of the car, until it nudges out on both sides (it's literally just held in place with spring-clips). You can now access the 2 torx-screws on both sides, which hold the panel to the slide/tilt mechanism. Undo these screws, and take the panel out, then remove the old and tired weatherstrip, fit new one, and installation is reverse of removal :lol: It is really simple :-) Tempest
  2. Sounds like a boring title, but as yesterday was the 3rd time that I turned up at Coventry Airport (literally a cowshed in a field) to pick up my parents, the security guard at the barrier immediately recognised my C again: "Recognise the car, still looking tidy!". How cool is that? I'll have to get him into Cs, or possibly he is already :-) Tempest
  3. As Darren already said, put an Ohmmeter across both switches on the TB (the idle switch and the WOT switch). Then activate the switches and see whether they work. I myself may need a new idle switch, as it does not measure infinity when opened, but that doesn't seem to cause any problems yet as far as the ECU is concerned, as the ECU seems to use a threshold value, above which it assumes the switch to be open. Having looked at how to replace just the switch, it's a case of ordering a special format switch (typical) from the likes of RS, as the switches used are no bulk-standard 10-a-penny-microswitches as commonly used in other areas of electronics. I still do have a spare complete loom with both switches lying around (2nd hand) but will need that myself one day, sorry. They should still be easy to source from scrappies etc. Tempest
  4. Here's a picture of the InPro smoked (group-buy feeler still going on in the group-buy section, just need 5 people to commit, and we're off :-) ). Tempest
  5. Tempest


    My money's still on the Lambdasensor. try disconnecting that one and then drive around a bit. Do things improve? Tempest
  6. Cruise control. Sorry, couldn't resist, but US-spec Rados are pretty much fully specc'ed :-) Yup, have those door trim seals, or whatever Etka calls them. Tempest
  7. Best to come along to the AGM, and you can sign up there :-) Date: Sunday, 23rd of April, 11:00 assembly, 12:00 meet start Location: National Motorcycle Museum (nr. Birmingham Airport, off M42; junction M42 with the A45). Tempest
  8. Scary stuff on rads here: Have replaced the rad on my Mk1 Rocco with a GSF part (but making sure I was guided by SteveMac at GSF, so I wouldn't get duff parts), and I have replaced the one on my Mk2 Storm Rocco with an ECP part. Let's see which one lasts longer :lol: Tempest
  9. Yup, that one has already made the rounds on pretty much all the Roccoforums. Yes, would I drive such a car? Probably not, I already ever drive my current Mk1 baby. How cool is that? :shock: Nah, I would have to disagree, after I took my Mk2 Storm out for a spin last night again, after 6 months of wintersleep (having driven the Rado sometimes in the meantime), and boy, did I have a big stupid grin on my face or what, as I enjoyed the loud Powerflow exhaust, the tight handling (without any nonsense like PAS, all of which only breaks :roll:), etc. Superb! Next bring on the Mk1 Rocco, beginning of May, can't wait :-) Tempest
  10. As do the 1990 US-spec G60s like mine :-) Tempest
  11. Vince at Stealth simply attached his boost gauge to the intake manifold (between the FPR and the manifold) when he did a boost test on my C back in December. But that gauge only stayed on for the duration of the test runs on the rollers. If yours has a plastic piece, that already may cause a problem from a thermal point of view. The back of the TB may also be too hot. So, I'd say go for the back of the MFA solution. Tempest
  12. You can also do a compression test (gauge available from most autofactor shops, eg. by Gunson): First do a dry test on each cylinder (attach device to spark plug hole), if there is a substantial difference between all 4 cylinders (of more than 2 bar or so), then do another wet test (squirt a bit of oil into the spark plug hole before attaching the gauge). If the difference is gone, the relevant cylinder with a low(er) compression value has worn piston rings, else it's likely to be the valve stem seals of that cylinder. HTH, Tempest
  13. 2 years and 6 months, during which I did spend quite a bit on the C, but not that I added up any financial figures or anything :lol:, just notice everytime again, how much more expensive parts are for the C compared to parts for my 2 Roccos :roll: Tempest
  14. First pictures of the EOS in the wild sighted in Frankfurt by a mate of mine. http://forum.sciroccoforum.de/read.php?f=42&i=4103&t=4103 Reactions by us on the German Roccoforum: Not our taste, too round, too much like any other round car of today, we're gonna give it a miss, and just hope that BVW get it right with the new Scirocco ... one can but hope :lol: Tempest
  15. Get another Mk1 Golf then, better, get a nice Mk1 Rocco :-) Tempest
  16. Some more German sites (and yes, you did quote the correct C-forum, not the CCG, which, of course is ... no comment ... I am biased after all :lol:): http://www.vwcorrado-forum.de Zoran's Forum, part of the Corrado Szene Süd http://www.sciroccoforum.de Best Roccoforum IMHO, where I spend most of my time (moderating I suppose ...) Tempest
  17. I still stand by my original statement: In todays modern age, things have moved on from Yahho/MSN groups. PhPBB and Phorum are the way forward, easier to use, search, more pleasing on the eye, more scope for individuality of posts (avatars, signatures), yes, gone are the days of dial-up, so that's no longer should be an argument in favour of no avatars etc., no unwanted advertising, and I just hate big corporates like Yahoo and M$ :lol: Tempest
  18. It's all on my own website, as it's a lot to quote: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/eric.coolen/profile.html Tempest (International) :-)
  19. Erm, no, I haven't got one, just an ultrarare book on Roccos. The above book is occasionally available on German ebay for stupid prices, though. Accoridng to my German mates who are fortunate enough to have a copy, it's not that brilliant, actually, certainly not given the current ridiculous prices on ebay. Hence I gave it a miss for the time being :lol: Tempest
  20. Erm yes, I detest Yahoo, MSN, and so on, hence I've never posted or even looked at the newsgroups there. Once a date and venue has been set for the AGM I'm sure that we can raise the issues made on here (in a friendly manner, no stupid slagging off etc., or else I will, too, join the ranks of those who say "If you complain, then join in and change things yourself, as just paying a membership fee and sitting back waiting is not enough to get a club going, getting involved is what it's all about", phew, rather long statement there :-) I'm positive about things, though, as demonstrated several times already by combined clubstands at events, and many more to come :-) Tempest
  21. Yeah, but I too prefer the anti-SUV line of argumentation, as I too hate the bloody things, especially as all they're ever used for is a) driven by Mommies to get their kids to school b) gutless blokes on their daily boring commute to work c) carpark fights at Sainsbury's d) obscure my bview onto a roundabout, if one of those horrible thin gs pulls up next to my lowered Mk1 Rocco I therefore am fully in favour of introducing an extra tax band for SUV drivers, as those things are a threat to road-safety for other road users :-) What are you waiting for, Jim ;-) ? Tempest
  22. You too might benefit from a charger rebuild by Darren at G-Werks, TBH.
  23. Reason for that is fairly simple. In Germany the majority of Cs are G60-powered, in the Uk I'm inclined to say, the majority of Cs are VR6-powered. Simple reason: Road tax! Whereas in the UK both G60 and VR6 C-owners pay the same, the VR6 owners get stung extra in Germany. Given that both offer fairly similar performance, the G60 was just the more popular C in Germany. I for myself love the G60 to bits, so I'll join the G60-ranks :-) Yes, a G60 can also sound fairly quiet, just package it up in a US-spec Corrado :-) Get all the toys like airco, cruise control and automatic seatbelts thrown in, too :-) Tempest
  24. Check the timing marks on flywheel, crankshaft pulley, dizzy and camshaft pulley: Do they still all line up 100%? If not, then yes, your engine timing has gone adrift due to a loose crankshaft pulley. High time to get the old bolt out and replace it with a DX hex-bolt and washer (still have a set, if you need one, left-over from a previous group-buy), don't forget to apply a drop of Loctite 243 Lock&Seal on the bolt before screwing it back in. Tempest
  25. That's the problem I have encountered with all sorts of solvents (both UK and German heavy duty stuff) that I have tried so far: None simply wipe off that horrible glue residue. Annoying as I would quite like to have shiny paint underneath, and no more foamy bits on any of my 3 cars (the Mk1 never had that stuff, just has lots of shiny paint underneath the bonnet :-) ). Tempest
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