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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Would have to agree with the previous posts, now that you have mentioned the dash clocks etc. turning off whilst cranking, would indicate a weak battery to me. Check your alternator, too, whether when the car's running you get in the region of 13-14 V at the battery, and this should change slightly when revving the engine. Tempest
  2. What were the symptoms, sounds in particular? If you heard some sort of slipping sound, then yes, I'd guess it's the starter. I replaced mine a year ago (after having tried 2 units from the scrap yard, both going within 3 months - not worth the hassle, as it's too fiddly to swap starter motors all the time :lol:) with one from GSF, which cost me around the £70 mark (had to hand over the old one). Tempest
  3. Well, on mine as I couldn't get the pulley off either, I ended up taking the crank pulley off (after I'd removed my non-stretch crankshaft bolt, then separated the two pulleys with a hammer and chisel - they were that tight :roll: As long as you get all the timing marks nicely lined up again, that shouldn't be a problem :-) Tempest
  4. Believe you me, already tried that :lol:, otherwise I wouldn't be asking here for help ;-) Will try some of the suggestions as soon as I find some time (back home again, weather fine, not dark out there, etc. :lol:) Tempest
  5. Problem solved: Dealer admitted I was right in the end :-) I do have the single pump unit :-) Tempest
  6. Yes, this has been done to death, but as I'm about to order a new fuel pump for my G60, the dealer started doubting whether I had a single in-tank pump. OK, here's my VIN: L011682 Uncle Edgar says, single pump from L0055.. to M..., so mine falls into that range, unless I've totally misunderstood Uncle Edgar. I've also despite having spent quite some time underneath my Rado (including replacing a clamp on my fuel filter) not noticed a 2nd pump underneath anywhere near to the fuel filter (which I believe would be the easiest give-away that one has the 2-pump system). Bentley also says 2-pumps till 10/89, from then single pump. Mine is definitely a 1990 (L in the above VIN). Just wanted to make absolutely sure, before anyone can think of some weird reason, as to why mine might still have something weirder :lol: And no, I can't check the existing intank pump, as I haven't been able to remove the white locknet yet. Once I have, I'd quite like to immediately change the pumps as well, as I don't fancy sticking the old one back in again for the time being :roll: Tempest
  7. Was thinking that myself, will have to check again, whether I have enough clearance around the nut to insert the chain and socket. You bet, it's usually the seemingly simple things that go horribly awry on my cars :lol: Tempest
  8. OK, after another good use of my fuel pressure gauge gadget on my G60 fuel rail, I can now safely conclude that the most likely reason for my starting/stuttering problems are an ageing fuel pump. As I have already had an attempt at getting the thing out of my tank (single in-tank fuel pump) I couldn't get that blasted white locknut off. Tried hammering it off with a chisel/screwdriver, but to no avail, haven't got a water pump with big enough jaws :x What tool do I need? Tempted to just break it off, as it's only a few quid from the stealers :roll: Tempest
  9. Nope, just the US-spec G60 and the SLC (American VR6, with the 2.8 engine). Tempest
  10. And to believe that I turned down my business partner's offer to take his Audi S4 TQ out to a client Friday just gone :mad: Once I was back again (went with the company van instead), he asked me whether I was feeling ill to turn down his unique offer to take the beast out. Tempest
  11. Yes please. Thanks :-) Although today when it had stopped raining once again, I wanted to measure the fuel pressure at the pressure switch end of the fuel rail, and wanted to start the engine my battery decided to call it a day. I had already noticed the battery starting to fail, crank more difficult etc. This is a trip back to Elliot's, my local autofactors, as they after lots of huffing and puffing back in May, finally replaced the then just 1-year old battery (that I had initially fitted to my Mk2 Rocco, where it failed, then tried in in the Rado, where it also failed, AA even did some checks on it, said it didn't take charge anymore, which I had already determined anyway :lol:) with a dodgy-looking 2nd hand unit, which has now failed. Let's see what they're gonna say tomorrow :mad: Steve: Thanks for the offer, will come back onto that nearer to the weekend, once I have a new battery for the Rado (hopefully before Tuesday, when I've gotta go to another Coventry meet :roll:). Tempest
  12. Not taken it out yet, as I can't get that blasted white plastic ring off (even tried the screw driver and hammer trick). Reading the recall documents from VWoA and looking up the listed part numbers to be replaced seems to say that it's a Pierburg. Would you have a bit of time potentially next weekend, if I came up, as I need help to get that retainer ring off ? :roll: I'll bring along the fuel pressure tester, though :-) Tempest
  13. Correct. Just my ze crap Engleesh skeels :lol: Tempest
  14. Fuel pressure kit has arrived and wayhay just before the showers today (and a bit during :lol:), I got cracking. This time I correctly followed the procedure in the Bentley to determine the fuel delivery rate with 4 bar pressure (1990 G60 Corrado, single fuel pump)over a 30 second period, repeated the test several times, and each time I only had 400 ml instead of the stated minimum of 500 ml. I then did a pressure test, and with an initial pressure of 3 bar, this did drop down to 2 bar (not lower) after 10 minutes (OK according to Bentley), so the check valve etc. of the pump seems to be fine. The pump therefore seems to be ageing, I guess. Now I do have some documents from VW of America (VWoA), listing my US-G60 Rado as having 3 open recalls, one of them pertaining to the fuel pump! Having had no luck with VW of GB in MK with regards to one of the open recalls (they initially couldn't find my Rado based on either of the 2 VIN numbers, US Rados have 2 VINs, then said the recall had expired, blabla, basically just fobbing me off big time :mad:), I might just send a letter to VWoA. Problem is that I'd like to get this sorted before the RR day at Stealth end of the month :roll: Oh well, one more test to do with my new pressure gauge toy :-) Check the fuel rail and FPR. Tempest
  15. This exciting title was to be found on this month's issue of my ADAC (German AA) ckub mag), which popped through my letter box this morning. The ADAC has initiated a bit of research whereby approx. 2800 car drivers from Germany, France, UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Croatia, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland, Slowenia, and Spain were asked 14 questions (see below), and the drivers had to do some practical things (like identify the hazard light switch etc. :lol:), and also state what annoyed them most on the roads (not indicating when overtaking, for example, ranked highest), and judge their own driving skills. Well apart from the questionable set of questions (like, how the heck am I supposed to know the answer to Q1 - even though I did get it right :-), if my own childhood lies back more than 30 years - laws have changed in the meantime, and I don't have children at the moment, so the whole question is of no interest to me, and once I do have children, I would look into the issue anyway :roll:), the choice of drivers selected (random people on car parks at supermarkets, petrol stations - why not at car meets with only Rado and Rocco drivers attending ? :lol: They only would have to read up on forums like this to know where we are :lol:, proper drivers that we are compared to the rubbish bin owners/drivers out there, that they did bother to interview :lol:) the results were quite shocking (but then again, as they haven't asked owners of proper cars, that doesn't surprise me :lol:): The best scoring country was Austria (Wot? Not Germany, now there's a surprise :lol:), where 64.4% got all the answers right, Britain came 3rd last (scored 49.2%, yeah, but we have fewer accidents *hooray*), Germany came 2nd (61.5%), and the rest were in the middle, Spain coming 2nd last (47.2%), Slowenia coming last (43.4%). All folks said that they judged their driving skills to be good to very good :lol: OK, so here are the questions (oh, don't forget, unlike the instructions in my magazine, not all questions can only have one correct answer, due to which I got 2 questions wrong, even though I already wanted to tick several boxes, but the instructuions didn't say anything :roll:): 1. How do children have to be secured in a car? A. Children have to sit on the rear bench. B. Children only have to be buckled up with a seatbelt. C. Children have to be secured into suitable child seats or similar safety devices. 2. Who has to wear a seatbelt in a motorcar? A. Only the driver. B. Only the driver and passenger. C. All people sitting inside. 3. How do you correctly handle the car when aquaplanning occurs? A. Don't brake and keep the steering straight. B. Brake gently and countersteer. C. You must brake. 4. How do you secure a vehicle on the motorway when it's broken down (irrelevant, as Corrados don't break down :lol:): A. Place the warning triangle 100 metres behind the parked vehicle. B. Switch on hazard lights. C. Wave past traffic to keep it flowing past the broken down vehicle . D. Bring passengers into safety (e.g. behind the crash barrier). 5. When should you perform a test brake manoeuvre? A. When the car hasn't been driven for some time. B. After a car wash. C. When you drive a car that you normally don't drive. D. After each oil change. 6. Where is overtaking absolutely forbidden? A. At pedestrian crossings (really? :lol:) B. On country roads. C. On road sections with restricted or otherwise bad view of the complete road. D. At bus stops. 7. Are you allowed to use your mobile phone whilst driving? A. Yes, without any limitations. B. Yes, but only when using a hands-free kit. C. Yes, but only to answer calls when you're not using a hands-free kit. D. No. 8. What do you have to carry in the car for emergency situations/breakdowns? (this question is almost irrelevant, as legislation in the UK is different to that in Germany and some other EU countries - you'd think, the ADAC and partner organisations would have thought of scrapping this question :roll:): A. Warning triangle. B. Reflective vest. C. Spare tyre/wheel. D. First aid kit E. Nothing 9. What to do to drive in an environmentally-friendly and petrol-saving manner (totally irrelevant to us Corrado bunch :lol:) A. Have a tyre pressure below the recommended value. B. Change up a gear as soon as possible (now where's the fun of doing that?) C. Avoid fast acceleration and hard braking. D. Switch off engine at every red traffic light. 10. What is the legal alcohol level? A. 0.2 0/00 (Permille for you lot, as the rest of the EU don't use Pints as a measure) B. 0.5 0/00 C. 0.8 0/00 D. 0 0/00 11. What does the ABS do? A. It reduces braking distance. B. It allows for the vehicle to be steered when braking with full intensity. C. It reduces the severity of an impact in case of an accident. 12. What should you not do when the passenger airbag is activated? A. Move the passenger seat back all the way. B. Carry children in backwards facing childseats on the passenger seat. 13. What is the correct height adjustment of the headrest from a safety point of view? A. The top edge of the headrest should reach into the neck. B. The top edge of the headrest should be level with the highest point of the head. C. The top edge of the headrest should protrude above the head. 14. When are rear fog lights allowed (muppet question alert, as too many muppets get this one wrong, all nono-Rado drivers, of course :lol:) A. When it's foggy and visibility is les than 50 metres. B. With poor visibility. C. Always. D. Whenever it's foggy. Answers on a postcard to the usual address, Tony Blair etc., :lol: No prizes unless we might be able to lobby that all cars that are not type 53s by Karmann have to leave the road for one day a year :-) Probably time to choose a more relevant set of questions of interest to us purveyors of Karmann's beautiful coupes :lol: Tempest
  16. Yes, I have seen that rado in the flesh at this year's GTI Trackday event at Donnington. it was actually on the Jabbasport stand, that seemed to be almost uncomfortably close to the CCGB's clubstand (nope, I didn't organise that stand, otherwise I'd have moved it :lol:). Turbo is Jabba's new found technology, not doing good work on our beloved Superchargers any more, pooohooo :lol: Tempest
  17. ESP :roll: Now why does a Rocco without this much hyped piece of electronic rubbish, which only masks basic crap suspension design, still handle so much better in tight cornering? Already had seen the Yank with melt-down Citroen thing on the German forum, where we weren't quite sure about what really had happened. We liked to believe it was the Yank woman's fault, though :lol: Tempest Tempest
  18. Tempest


    Taking fuel prices up to 3 quid a liter or something, after road tax and insurance premiums have been abosrbed ito the fuel cost :roll: Joe Public / chav / fat Jag-driving b*stard will not accept that, I'm afraid, particularly as the latter (the Jag fat b*stard) usually has enough lobbying power or mates with lobbying power, that this will never happen :roll: Tempest
  19. Jim: As posted by moi earlier ;-) Hope it'll stay, not that I was just on a lucky night last night :lol: Right, that still leaves 2 probs to sort, the stuttering at start (my ebay seller still hasn't sent me the fuel pressure testing gauge, even after 3 weeks!!), and the squeal. Oh well, getting there, by which time, numerous other problems will have introduced themselves :roll: Tempest
  20. Hmm, bear in mind though, that I get this squealing sound with the engine idling, irrespectively of clutch position (i.e. both depressed and released). It only occurs when moving the throttle as well (accelerating, not decelerating), not when holding it steady. I had another listen yesterday, but still couldn't place it :-( Tempest
  21. Oh, and there was me thinking someone howled the Karmann meet (in Osnabrück beginning of September) drinking chant: Timääääh!!!! Sorry, ... :lol: Tempest
  22. Almost sounds like the government is wanting to follow Germany's example with their horrible TÜV, where every single mod needs to be approved either by a corresponding certificate by the manufacturer of the relevant part (they have literally paidd thousands to have their parts approved and tested by the TÜV, hence why you sometimes see the TÜV type approval seal on mainly German tuning products), or an individual test by the local TÜV station (very expensive). I've always fought the German system, as I find it far too strict, and it still doesn't prevent sheds from driving on the road. There are whole arguments in Germany over what the minimum height of the headlamps on Roccos are allowed to be, for example, of interest when you've just spent several hundreds on a nice shiny new coil-over kit and slammed your Rocco. Tempest
  23. Well after all that fun bleeding my clutch cylinders, I took the Rado for a good spin tonight. The squealing is still there (see relevant thread in Engine Bay), the squealing is also still there when idling with clutch depressed, and revving the engine, still can't really pinpoint it, though, but, I couldn't help but notice that engaging gears was a wee bit smoother when letting the clutch go, and I had no difficulties at all getting into 1st gear when, for example, waiting at a traffic light. Hope this stays like that, because then it was all very much worth it :-) Tempest
  24. Tempest


    Using higher octane fuels on G60 engines is only useful if your chip has the corresponding maps! The 189-ending chip (B-code ECU, early G60s) only has 95 octane maps, the 636-ending chip (DP-ECU, late G60s) has a 98 octane map as well. My Zoran chip even has a 100 octane map :-) If pinking is detected the ECU selects a lower octane map. Tempest
  25. Still very happy with the Milltek full system on my 1990 G60 :-) That despite the crack in a pipe section before the midbox (nr. rear axle) which I had fixed by my Powerflow fitter back in February. My Powerflow fitter commented at the time on the poor fit of the Milltek system having led to said crack. He was also not too impressed by the steel quality, particularly its gauge, when compared to the tubing they use on Powerflow systems (which I had them fit onto my Mk2 Storm Roccoo some time agao, which I'm also very chuffed with. Those that know my Storm will be able to testify that they can hear my Storm coming :lol:). Still, *touch wood*, it'll last, it sounds nice and subdued (again those familiar with my US-G60 will be able to testify :-) ), gurgles nicely when coming off the throttle rapidly, what more could you want ? :-) Tempest
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