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Oops, thats gone and done it!

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Not had the best of days today... I did this on the A515 between Ashbourne and Buxton.


Wasn't going too fast, 60-65mph, corner was sharp blind right hander, that lost its camber and had a sudden drop in incline, the car lifted over crest, rear end went light as I turned in, the rear end massive stepped out, applied opposite lock and throttle to correct, mud on the inside of the verge sent the rear end the other way though, corrected again but swerved into a 180spin, halfway through 180, the front left smashed into BT telegraph pole (smashed that into two!), that spun the left rear into a country stone wall and ripped off the left rear wheel. Oh well... no one else involved thank god, just me, feel OK, no bruises or anything, just a knackered corrado.


Paul Cauldwell







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That looks a mess!


I hate to say it, but it looks like you *were* going too fast.....

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Oh dear.. really sorry to see that Paul.


I think its safe to assume thats going to be a write off unfortunately. Just a good thing that no-one got hurt :(

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That looks a mess!


I hate to say it, but it looks like you *were* going too fast.....


Have to agree here.....

But the main thing is you got out unaided and are hopefully feeing ok :?

Looks like the Corrado is past the point of no return though - time to look for another.

I also notice your car is running on P6000's which in my experience have crap wet road grip - probably didnt help.



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I know that road well mate- One of the best roads to drive fast that I know- yet it does have some difficult corners that will catch you out if you don't know the road :(


Thats a bad day mate- at least your OK. I'll take it a bit slower myself next time I use that road :|

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Cheers guys, abit gutted, cos it was pretty mint too and was going to sell it in a few months aswell to concentrate on the racing abit more. Might end up getting another corrado, but it'll more than likely be another track slut rather than daily driver.


Yeah, I was going too fast...for that corner as it turns out. Yeah, third gear and 50mph should have been better, Wasn't even caning it at all, had my water temp light on so just cruising til I could fill up with fluid, the crest and camber/height change took me by surprise and caught me out proper, speaking to copper about it and he was saying about the lack of signage concerning the severity of the corner as its quite notorious if your not local to catch you out as its you cant see untill the last moment that it drops away. Plenty of accidents in the past there have been far more serious than my little shunt.

If anyone knows the road, its the corner just before the milldale road junction (opposite some farm) near tissington on the A515 going toward Buxton. Just so It doesn't catch anyone else out.

Like I said, Oh well, live and learn I guess.

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fooking hell you done that proper mate top marks for destruction!!!


Your ok though thats the main thing, at the end of the day it's only metal that can be replaced


Get your insurance money through and get another one and take it EASY :)

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As i said earlier - glad your ok mate - thats the main thing :wink:

Plenty of us have made mistakes in the past and luckily got away with it - you were unlucky today and unfortunately with winter looming road conditions are crap and the margin for error is that much closer and was probalby a big factor in your off...

Im sure you will get plenty of interest in bits if you do decide to buy it back and break it :lol:



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monkey yr such a monkey.... what you doing with it then ? wanna bring it down to me for parts...


seriously though glad your ok mate..

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:shock: glad you are ok................just gutted for you losing yer C :cry: ...........deffo looks a write-off i'm afraid to say :(

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yeah proper write off, engine ok though. Will be breaking it once I get it back to my house, its got full mid-grey leather, 3 BBS Wheels, G60 engine and gearbox, and what ever small bits are left.

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paul speak to me when u get it home .... remember u got my number ...."thinks of night in hotel in b'ham" :lol:

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:( Glad your okay mate, some of us may live for our corrados but when it comes to the end, im sure we'd rather see the car than ourselves terminated. :D

Anyway i need sunroof motor and fittings, fog spots (if intact) i like ur silver VW badge and windscreen appears to have survived too - ' Who said scavenger G-man??' :lol:

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Should be getting it back to mine monday or tuesday, so I can start an assessment/list of what can be broke, and what isn't knackered.


Yeah Daz, I'll give you a ring when its back with me.



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but dont worry, halfords have some really usefull products for minor dents and scratches :roll:


But least ya ok fella. . .


Also noticed the spoilers still up! Why? U clout the batt?

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Ouch! I know how you feel man... Glad you're all right though that looked nasty, especially with the involvement of a telegraph pole...

Take it easy,


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Glad you are OK. That is the main thing. There are countless more cars available for us to replace the one we bend.


I have written plenty of legal reports for accidents related to weather/road conditions, mainly in Scotland and England north of Lancs and Yorks.


Look at my website on http://www.forensicmet.co.uk and if any forum members/relations/friends are advised by their solicitor that a report would be worthwhile I may be able to do one for, say, a 15% discount. Remember, though, that my duty is to the court and your accident, etc. will genuinely have had to have been wholly or partly caused by adverse conditions, e.g. the driver must not have been under the influence of fermented substances, etc!

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You Killed It!!!! As long as you can walk away from these crashes, that's all that matters! Still a shame to see another Corrado go down the pan but still the rest have gone up in value :lol:



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