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Coxys R32 4 Motion Corrado - On the Road!!!!

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Nice work there Coxy!

thats a much nicer way of doing it than using the syncro floor and you can have access to whereever you need by just putting hatches!

keep up the good work!

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bit more progress. I think its about done now. I am going to do a little bit more work on the front right corner (theres some storage space there to be had) and then I will be ready to weld it in position

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Good skills my man! You look to be a competent welder, fancy making me a downpipe? :lol:


Loving the idea of the stowage compartments and I also like where the battery is too ;-) If you're interested, you can get some really light dry cell batteries and they're tiny too - http://www.brailleauto.com/


11lbs for the race one, and 15lbs for the race/street one. 5 and 7Kg respectively, compared to 20Kg for a 50AH Optima or about 30Kg for a 74AH bosch silver! I like saving weight :-)

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Good skills my man! You look to be a competent welder, fancy making me a downpipe? :lol:


Well....I used to be a bit ropey on the welding but I think I am ok now. Its just like colouring in really lol

Actually when i look at this framework I have put together I can see where I have started as my welds are slowly getting neater and neater lol


Loving the idea of the stowage compartments and I also like where the battery is too ;-)

Ta, Its quite neat and should look the part when its all plated up.

If you're interested, you can get some really light dry cell batteries and they're tiny too - http://www.brailleauto.com/

they look like motorbike batteries? are they powerful enough to do the job?


11lbs for the race one, and 15lbs for the race/street one. 5 and 7Kg respectively, compared to 20Kg for a 50AH Optima or about 30Kg for a 74AH bosch silver! I like saving weight :-)

big weight saving then. I think I would probablies go for an Optima.

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Cool, I might get a welder and just practice on some offcuts :-) Do you need special machinery to mandrel bend pipes? What is a mandrel? LOL! sounds like a breed of duck!


Yeah the Braille's are more than up to the job of cranking the engine and running the electrical systems.


My Optima Yellow top is surplus to requirements if you're interested? Went 11 days without any action and started first twist this morning :-) They're fit and forget.....but heavy.....20 kg!

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Cool, I might get a welder and just practice on some offcuts :-) Do you need special machinery to mandrel bend pipes? What is a mandrel? LOL! sounds like a breed of duck!

LOL yes its a special duck with pipe bending skills ;)

Aparrently mandrel benders are massively expensive. They end pipes at my company, they are about exhaust pipe size but they are 10mm+ thick....still....they wouldnt rot through :D


You can buy pre bent sections of pipwork, which you can mock up with gaffer tape, then either weld them up yourself or take them somewhere to weld up. you should get yourself a little mig welder kev, they are very handy things. When I have finished this I am going to make myself some gates for my driveway lol



Yeah the Braille's are more than up to the job of cranking the engine and running the electrical systems.


My Optima Yellow top is surplus to requirements if you're interested?

How did you guess my next question? ;-)

I will mail you soon :D

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well.........I have just dropped the biggest knacker in the history of very big knackers.


I went to insure my car today, as my 4 years no claims was about to expire, got a reasonable quote of 630 quid from adrian flux, did the deal, then just realised my no claims expired last month......




they now want 1050 quid....

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You only lose 2 years at a time AFIAK.


Try Brentacre, they can protect your cover after only 2 years. I'm with them.

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I have just dropped the biggest knacker in the history of very big knackers.


try dropping the other one, Women drivers premiums are quite a bit lower...



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Is that your nice warm milk ready for bed time? :lol: :lol: :lol:


You really arent doing yourself any favours mate :lol: :lol: :lol:

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insure it TPFT as a standard VR. F*ck em.


or at the very least, declasre the mods, but still go TPFT. I was only paying £268 for my Corrado with all mods declared. you just have to keep the value under £6000 (£5000 with some insurers). You won't have that much in the car parts wise, so just get a good car alarm and immobiliser on it to make sure it doesn't get nicked and that amount should be plety to cover it if you crash it.

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I am going to phone them up and make them give me no claims as I have been driving a company car for years now.


My dad did this - he hadnt had an insurance policy for years he got a letter from the company saying how cool he was and hasnt crashed at all, and they enstated him with full no claims!!!


what a bastard.

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