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Parked next to an L reg golf in the leisure centre car park the other night while I was skating around (gotta love smoooooth tarmac!) and she said she loved seeing it on the road and out and about! And that she's owned about 5 'rocco's but never got the chance to own a 'rado!


Twas nice :)


@daves16v: Tell him to stop fannying about and buy one already! I'm not even 20 and own a 'rado!

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Parked up in the works van t'other day and 2 little kids (must only be abour 10-12) came upto me specifically knowing the 'rado is mine even tho I didn't get out of it, and were like "your car's well nice"


Made me chuckle :lol:

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Parked next to an L reg golf in the leisure centre car park the other night while I was skating around (gotta love smoooooth tarmac!) and she said she loved seeing it on the road and out and about! And that she's owned about 5 'rocco's but never got the chance to own a 'rado!


Twas nice :)


@daves16v: Tell him to stop fannying about and buy one already! I'm not even 20 and own a 'rado!


Which leisure centre you talking about?

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Was at a friend's flat in Brixton and there was a guy there who I'd never met before. The conversation turns to cars and when I say I have a Corrado he says "is it one of the new ones?"

I'm just about to correct him when he then says "oh wait that's the scirroco isn't it? the corrado's a proper classic. is it a G60?"

I was pretty shocked at the self-correction and G-banger knowledge too and told him I had a VR6.

"they're awesome," came the reply. "proper driver's car."


Chuffed! :D

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@ Critical Mass: The Leisure centre in Pudsey, just up the road from me! :p


Had one of my cisco tutor's mess with my head the other day "Your car... is it blue?" ... yes... "vw?" ... yes... "old?" ... yes... "oh... it's on fire."


What a pillock. Never moved so fast in my life! Not really a chufty... but kinda counts.

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@ Critical Mass: The Leisure centre in Pudsey, just up the road from me! :p


Had one of my cisco tutor's mess with my head the other day "Your car... is it blue?" ... yes... "vw?" ... yes... "old?" ... yes... "oh... it's on fire."


What a pillock. Never moved so fast in my life! Not really a chufty... but kinda counts.


done like a dog :rofl:

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got two yesterday in the space of 15 mins

whent to the fishing shop in warrington, n the bloke inside asked me if it was a VR (i wish!)

parked up at the lake, had a scout round n when i got back to the car some bloke was takin a pic on his phone, he asked me if it was a VR to, must be droppin me a hint :D

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was driving along in the middle lane, messing with CD player.....looked up and saw the front of a Porsche 993 very close to bum bum of my VR. So he sits there a while, I decide, sure what the hey, and drop her into four and blip away. He quite easily catches up and then pulls out to overtake....very slowly...finally I see the driver and he's got the big thumbs up going on. I also give his car the thumbs up and follow behind for a while. I'd say he was well chuffed!!

Just IMO, the back of a 993 is stunning, but the front a bit less so :shrug: I wasn't sure what it was at first, thought it was a 928 :confused4:

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Went down to the stealers for the intake elbow only to be told it's obsolete. Young girl on the reception desk heard me say Corrado and asked if I had it with me. Told her it was in the car park. When I returned to the car she was looking at it and said it was lovely and looked "growly"??. Took her for a [strike:xov14nlr]ride[/strike:xov14nlr] drive in it round the bingo car park and she reckons it's better than the Scirocco cos it's got character.


Going down next week to pick up some bit's I'd ordered so if I can get hold of some Viagra I may just ask her out (That's just and old man fantasizing)

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:lol: Dont do it Wullie she's only after your prize possesion


And if she finds that difficult to take off and escape with, she's bound to nick your Corrado. :D

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I've been out doing the poetry and being literary thing which equals wine in quantity and I so want Viagra. When I go to pick up my seat clips I'll probably be the nice old Grampa type guy, who is actually stripping her item by item and...... I'm having a coffe and going to bed.......to sleep.......while listening to she who must be obeyed snoring............well.........I'm sure theres an advert for Viagra in my spam folder.

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Went out for a mates birthday last night in newcastle and saw my old g60 driving round there. It sounded awesome, miss the noise of that charger.

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in an industrial estate recently, driving slowly to find the workshop, guy standing on the side of the road was watching the car from a distance, as i pulled up past him he gave a thumbs up and says 'Nice wheels mate, looks wicked on them tt rims'.

No doubt, the corrado is a fine looking motor.

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I had 2 chufties recently.


I was driving up to Silverstone last week to drive an Aston Martin Vantage - it was a birthday present - great fun :) On the M23 a bike passed me, then slowed down and gave me the thumbs up :).

Then on Saturday the Tesco delivery guy asked if the Corrado was mine. He was really into it and was asking questions.

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After Vornwend and I had parked up at The White Horse pub (Buckover near Thornbury), a guy came over and said he'd always loved Corrados and was a MK2 fan too. He asked what it was, then noticed the badge. Said they were 'really nice' and 'well done'. :D

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A chap in a big, flash and quick Beemer gave me a massive chuftie yesterday on the M5, going up towards the M42 peeling off at 4a. I'd pulled into the middle lane to let him pass but he slowed and pointed at the car, mouthing "Nice car!". I gave him the thumbs up and an opening up of the throttle as I then overtook him as he pulled into the middle lane to take the M42.


Huge chuftie. slightly lessened by the feller then driving like a bit of a tool, weaving in and out of traffic and undertaking rather recklessly before taking the M42. Sorry if you're on here: loved the chuftie, thought the driving was a bit full on.

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Got stopped this morning by the local Constabulary as I had a brake light out. No biggy as I carry spare bulbs.

As I'm stood there changing it, he has a quick look round (tires etc) and then complements me on how good conditions she's in for the age.

Said that the exhaust note sounded good as he was following and it was nice to see a modified car not being driven like it's been TWOC'd.

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Not sure if this counts, but driving my VR6 up the road after buying it. First time dropping it into 3rd to overtake and hearing the note was amazing. Had such a big grin on my face. VR6's are definitely something else.

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My neighbours (a couple) wanted to know if any of my cars were for sale (never really spoke to them before for 2+ yrs) Both walk up drive while I'm mowing the lawn. The fella knew without prompt what my Corrado was (it's been under a cover for 1yr+). Both from Poland, he's got one back at 'home'. Asked me if it was a 3.2? I said no 2.9. Said they're really nice cars. Told them they couldn't :p have it. The woman's learning to drive, wanted my Focus tho, and the gist is they've noticed I 'look after them both' and knew they'd be reliable. :shock: Bollox - me? I just top up the engine bits, tyres & clean them OCD style. They left quite disappointed... and it felt good. :grin:

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Got a thumbs up from a Mk2 Golf driver today on the A57 Snake pass, then some doofus in the co-op said 'nice Scirocco mate' to me, so I pretended I hadn't heard :roll:

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