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Totally gutted

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I'm feeling very sorry for myself after writing off my corrado on sunday night. A young girl pulled across my lane to turn into her house but waited 'til the last minute to do so. I the side of her car so hard i spun into the other lane and was then hit again by the lad behind me.

I spent the night in hospital with mass abdominal bruising, 4 broken ribs and a boken hand. Thankfully, i was the only person hurt!!

I was well impressed with the way the corrado stood up to the crash, the cabin virtually intact!!!

I'll post some pictures up soon and also be selling bits and pieces that i didn't have time to fit (like the rear window spoiler Tempest got for us :( )

Despite it breaking 4 ribs my seatbelt saved my life, so for all those who dont wear it please do from now on (that was my sensible head!!)



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Whoa, blimey mate. That's some really sucky news, but glad to hear you're ok, if a little battered.

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Ouch.. well as is customary to say in these situations, the main thing is you got out relatively unscathed. Sorry to hear that another Corrado has been taken off the roads though.


I take it (hope!) the girl is entirely to blame and you were being a sensible driver at the time?


As for the seatbelt.. i'd never drive without one. Those who don't wear their seatbelt deserve whats coming to them IMHO.

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Absolute stinker man, sounds like you were pretty lucky, well done for wearing your 'belt.


Always a shame to say goodbye to an enthusiast-owned Corrado

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bummer... :(


Glad to hear that you're not too badly hurt... Hope it all gets sorted out with the minimum of hassle and delay... 8)

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bummer abt the car mate, atleast yr not to bad..


you could always save the bits for another rado???

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Cheers chaps,

I would love to get another corrado but finding a good one these days is hard. My insurance have been really helpful so far (Equity star via Adrian Flux) so hopefully it'll be a painless task of getting a settlement from them!

I'll keep you all posted


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Count your lucky stars (and the German safety men with clipboards and white coats). Remember that cars are easily replaced.

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Another Rado gone :-(


I hope you recover quickly, both emotionally and physically.


Good luck hunting down another good Rado.


As for the seatbelt.. i'd never drive without one

Yup, agree: Long live the ELRA (automatic seatbelts)!



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Owww. Hate to read these things m8 but very glad you are pretty much in one piece. Not looking like a good week this.

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That sucks on the car mate, but glad to hear you're mostly ok!


I'm sure there's people out there who think it's big and hard to drive without a seatbelt - maybe this'll make them think twice...

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glad your ok. sorry to see that rado go, she was a sweet one!

just hope you get a good settlement so you can get another and show us all how to do it!

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can i be the first to say i couldn't give a sh/t about the car except that it protected you to ensure your injuries were not more severe. :roll: and have you got a spare drivers wing :oops:

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Thanks chaps......its definatley starting to hit home how lucky i was.

Hopefully i'll pick up an another G60 very soon.

As i said before i'll keep you posted....




PS "H8RRA" - my front wings are mashed mate...sorry pal!

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Aye, 'rado's are good cars in protectecting you. Glad you're ok old boy, but sorry to hear about the car (I konw how you feel).



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I feel for ya chap. like these guys say, at least you are ok, but there is always that niggeling feeling of loosing your motor.


Hope the insurance sorts it out for you.

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Gutted for you. Main thing is you lived to drive another day. Anyone who doesnt wear their seatbelt these days is taking a bungee jump without the elastic.


Hope you have a speedy recovery and that you find your new dream car out there, everything happens for a reason so lets hope that something good will come of this.


Best of luck mate.

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