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run away 'rado :( - another update - fat lady sings.

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Mate....that is bad beans, glad you've got such a good attitude about it, I think if it was me I would still be curled up in a ball on the side of the road rocking back and forth.


I remember when some fatherless child tried to rob my oz turbo's and they left a scratch on one of them, man , wakeing up to that was bad enough, so this must have been horrific!.


Best of luck with getting it sorted.

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gutted mate... absolutely gutted!


i hope you can it all sorted without too much hassle and expense to you....


poor Rado..... :(

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I'm sure it'll all be fine and it's not a hard job to sort the work out on the panels, i suggested it goes back to the bloke whom sprayed it in the forst place.




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I am so gutted for you mate, it was or should that be is one of my fave cars on here, im a sucker for silver C's, Im just glad your keeping your cool about it, Id be a gibbering wreck and hell to live with for the next month or so...truly feel for you Chris, hope you sort it out soon.


ps. hope that cig lighter of mine was ok in the accident

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Geeee Chris. Sorree to see the pics. Pride is always repairable. Looks bad but a body shop can work wonders on that.


Not unknown for the Corrado to slip anchor occassionally with the handbrake ON on a slope. Usually to do with hot brakes cooling down and then the pads become slack. Always turn the steering wheel a fair way (towards the curb) and if safe (from traffic), put in 1st gear when on a slope.



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Oh dear oh dear. But no live babies were set on fire. Still. No one should under any circumstances tell the insurance company they might have left the handbrake off. This is known in the 'business' (the police and insurance business) as 'quitting'. And although it's not common for insurance companies to use any excuse they can think of no matter how trivial or small wwwwwwhatsover (Bill Hicks tribute) for voiding a contract... you may have one of the few that doesn't joyfully click its heels at the expensive repair of several cars.


There is also some past suggestion of Corrado handbrake failure so play on that.


... or PM me and I'll edit it. What, paranoid? Me?


See, if I hadn't had my PM ability disabled I could have... PMed you.

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Oh no, sorry to hear/see the news mate :(


But as you (and others) have said, it'll be good as new after a bodyshop have worked their magic ;)

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the same thing happened to my corrado,after i parked up some bloke knocked on my to asking if that was my car,when i loked it wasnt there :shock: then he pointed down the road..luckily the road was empty so no damage

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Sympathies to you Chris... I had my first Corrado do this on my parents driveway... down the drive, through a wheely bin, through a fence, over the road and up the drive opposite, then rolled back down their drive and ended up in the middle of the road with the alarm going... :| :crazyeyes:


Again, mine was the victim of handbrake failure due to naff calipers which had heated the rear disks on my journey home and then let go when they cooled down and contracted back to their normal width... :roll:


Hope it all gets sorted out with the minimum of pain and expense... 8)

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same things happened to chrisvr6 nos in the past too, he was telling me yesterday his rolled off down the street but casued no damage.


Out of curiosity I parked the car up where I normally do last night and left the handbrake off (while sat in the car!) and it started rolling back right away. I think its safe to say the handbrake WAS on but for some reason, more than likely the cooling brakes loosing their grip, the handbrake failed. I suspected as much since the incline of the hill I park on isn't that gradual, I think i would have noticed if the car had been moving when I got out of it!

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Think the main thing here is theres a lesson to be learned for all of you who park your Raddo's on a slope.... although a costly one for Chris a free one for everyone else.

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main thing I'm worried about is paying the £275 excess, how it'll effect my premium in the future and how it'll effect selling the car on. I'll get flamed by everyone for saying it but at the end of the day, its just a car, no point getting upset about it.


speaking to my mum on the phone last night and I swear she fell of her chair when I said something along those lines to her, I guess my priorities have changed in the last couple of months, still love the 'rado but theres more important things to be concerned with.

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I'll get flamed by everyone for saying it but at the end of the day, its just a car, no point getting upset about it.


Remind me not to park next to you. That be 'door dinker' mentality!! ;) :D

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Chris, just make sure you apply the handbrake to the fickin pushchair when the little one's around, you wouldn't want the same thing to happen to that :shock: :wink:

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bloody nora aye, good point! I dont think I'll be trusted with the pram/buggy though since the missus already cowers in terror when I drive. wonder if the RH's will fit on a mama's & papa's pram? 8)

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