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Top Gear or Fifth Gear?

which do you watch?  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. which do you watch?

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Leading on from the fifth gear thread and the pro's and cons of both these shows, here is my case for Top Gear.


i found 5th gear last week embarrassing - they tried to get a car to do 200+mph and bought a lotus v8 that did 170 as std. This started at 18k i think.


they then fitted a big turbo, mapped it, fitted NOS, broke the g/box twice, rebuilt the engine, spent 32k in total and achieved















The mapping was crap and resulted in an engine rebuild, they had the engine and gearbox out and never replaced the clutch which ended up slipping when they fitted NOS (how dumb is that!!!!!!) and generally the whole episode was immensely embarrassing as they didn't have a clue.


The runs were hyped up and Needel was portraying terror at trying to achieve 200mph with his full flame proof suit, helmet and racing gear etc.....

....and then this guy in an old sierra cossie saphirre comes along and blasts up the runway in jeans and t-shirt, one hand on the steering to crack 200mph with ease.


The questions fielded and discussed by Needel and Plato (who I like) were equally embarrassing and showed total ignorance. Fair enough they can drive but having been in motorsport for so long, some knowledge is required when hosting a motor show. And that hairy geezr is the most obnoxious presenter i've ever come across and just wants to score points and be insulting wherever possible


There were constant digs against Top Gear - they're now copying the fastest lap board originated on Top Gear - but this is half baked as their is no consistency as different drivers do differnet cars - but still a canny feature even if its plagiarised and glossed up with a computer.


They seem to over-egg every report and I feel like they are trying to teach me to suck eggs. Very pretentious - but i'll still watch it for the cars.


Anyway - Top Gear.


It a laugh, its informative and not up its own ar5e, the guests are great - what did you reckon to the banter between clarkson and Trevor Eves this week - GREAT FUN!


Desipite its car pornography label, i enjoy watching this show far more and its finishes far too quickly for my liking. As I sit watching, I catch the clock and think - SH!T!! Its 5 to 9, its nearly finished!!!!!!


Watching Fifth Gear last night, I actually checked out the clock at 20 past 8, thinking, "Whens the next decent feature on, get on with it for gawds sake!"


I think this is a great indicator of a good show - is it over before you realise and another hour of your life has passed away in the blink of an eye? or are you checking the clock at 20 past 8 bored but terrified you'll miss something good? :)


*mod edit - poll added - Henny*

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My next door neighbour who kindly got us all the copy of the top gear G60 video used to go out with the Producer for Fifth Gear!!!


I met him once and can I just say - WHAT A TW*T!!!!!!


He came round to her flat on his 600cc bike and didn't bring his bike chain so spent the entire evening refusing to go out and sat all night on the window sill "making sure it wasn't stolen!" It's not like we live in a rough area.


Also he still lives with his parents but similar age to me! And drives an old rolls royce!


And I must just say he treated my neighbour (and very good friend!) dreadfully (politest word I could think of)


So can we all take a dislike to him and collectively rubish his program!!!!!!

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I tried to watch fifth gear last week and got bored, tiff's reviewing style hasnt moved on much since that g60 review, its all matter of fact monologue drivel. Like you paul, i rate plato, for saying he started out as a racing driver hes a better presenter than alot of other people on TV, its just a shame hes stuck on c5.


Did anyone ever watch 'A car is born' or any of the other 'a xxxx is born' shows? very home-made style show but massivly interesting. In the first series the guy built an AC cobra replica in a little garage using an old ford as a donar car and took you through the process step by step, then he restored a e-type jag in a bigger garage with more of a budget, then built a helcopter then a plane... amazing to see how this guys skills progressed since IIRC he was a Vet by trade and knew very little before he built the Cobra.

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chris - i caught some of that but it is a satellite show isn't it? M&M's i think.


It was a good show - would like the whole series to watch at leisure as some of the features and tips from experts are great - heres an idea chris - set off on a project like that guy and by the time you finish, your bonus will be restored and you can drive your creation :)

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haha not a bad plan mate, I've always facied a caterham with a silly engine... and you're right, by the time I finish I'll be well into my 60's so will be able to drive it ;)

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All a pain in the butt at times in both programs. Top gear better, though.

Liked Charlie Boorman - guest on 5th gear - what a gent - as is his father.

Have any of you seen "The long way round" with him and Ewan McGregor?

Both guys are a lot better than most "celebrities" - Personally, I rate them both very highly - a credit to their generation.

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the majority of fifth gear is cringeworthy, VBH laugh really grates after 10 seconds. Wouldn't kick her out of bed tho.


H8RRA has hit the nail on the head, with top gear it surprises you that the show has been on for an hour and finishes. Even though it does leave me thirsty for more information about how the car drives (thats were Evo magazine is brilliant). It is also something I can watch with g/f who isn't bored throughout and actually looks forward to Sunday evenings.


Fifth gear, each week I am hoping for improvement but all the features are thrown together, no common theme across the show and the production of each feature is completely different making it more hit and miss. E.g. Plato in the gallardo and fighter plan was good however the espirit feature was completely pants. Thinking about it Plato does carry the show really.


I'll still watch it beacuse I would hate to think I missed something amazing e.g. Corrados, TVR etc feature.

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Obviously it's horses for courses, and it's not usuall for me to agree with the generall opinion of this forum anyhow :lol: .....


I certainly can't agree that Top Gear isn't up it's own arse, that my biggest problem with it. The way it's filmed realy gets my back up and I find myself looking at the clock at 20 past 8 and thinking " Oh god have I got to put up with anoth 40 mins of these 3 pompus arse holes eating dinner by candlelight and spouting over scripted one liners. "


I find the features they do are generally a load of bollox with races across europe etc with one winning by split seconds and that sort of malarky, then the studio chat just riles me up having to watch a room full of BMW drivers giggle at every word JC says.


Like I said though, it's horses for courses, I wouldn't say that 5th gear is an amazing program, but I find it more watchable than Top Gear :wink:

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One thing I have to say in favour of Fifth Gear is the fact that I'm enclined to believe what they're reporting on a little more than Top Gear. Did anyone see the supercar vs superbike episode? That was awesome to watch, seeing a motorbike getting the back end out under braking and having difficulty keeping the front end down when accellerating out of the corners! Incidently the superbike won this little battle. Compare that to the Top Gear version of Car vs Bike, where they had a porsche vs an R1, or something like that, where the guy on the bike didn't even seem like he was trying, half leaning into the corners etc. I don't know much about racing road bikes, but you can certainly tell the difference between the two pieces of footage, and the Top Gear version was set up for the car to win right from the start, it didn't prove anything.


I think Top Gear tend to do this quite a lot (I seem to remember another incident where an old Jag with NOS beat a 911 in a 1/4mile drag race with a time that the 911 should have been able to easily beat as standard). Its made for entertainment, and certainly succeeds, but as a result loses credibility in my opinion.


As others have said tho I still far prefer Top Gear, I find the new episodes of Fifth Gear cringe worthy, they're trying far too hard to be like Top Gear, and it now just looks like a cheap alternative with poor presenters...

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dont ming either of them,but hammond does my head in,it seem he tries to act his way through the program rather than present it.and the way he drawls his woooords

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One thing I have to say in favour of Fifth Gear is the fact that I'm enclined to believe what they're reporting on a little more than Top Gear. Did anyone see the supercar vs superbike episode? That was awesome to watch, seeing a motorbike getting the back end out under braking and having difficulty keeping the front end down when accellerating out of the corners! Incidently the superbike won this little battle. Compare that to the Top Gear version of Car vs Bike, where they had a porsche vs an R1, or something like that, where the guy on the bike didn't even seem like he was trying, half leaning into the corners etc. I don't know much about racing road bikes, but you can certainly tell the difference between the two pieces of footage, and the Top Gear version was set up for the car to win right from the start, it didn't prove anything.


I think Top Gear tend to do this quite a lot (I seem to remember another incident where an old Jag with NOS beat a 911 in a 1/4mile drag race with a time that the 911 should have been able to easily beat as standard). Its made for entertainment, and certainly succeeds, but as a result loses credibility in my opinion.


As others have said tho I still far prefer Top Gear, I find the new episodes of Fifth Gear cringe worthy, they're trying far too hard to be like Top Gear, and it now just looks like a cheap alternative with poor presenters...


yep agreed, 5th gear is trying to be like Top Gear, but in doing that it seems to me to be more like the Top Gear of old, not so bloody staged.

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It is also something I can watch with g/f who isn't bored throughout and actually looks forward to Sunday evenings.


Thats the other deciding factor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What time do you look at the clock and does the rest of the family watch it.


My 8yo daughter loves Top Gear and theres no chance of getting her to bed before 9 on sunday - (There again, i often come in and she's watching men and motors rallying or something as opposed to ceebeebies :) - Daddies Girl :).


the wife has a chuckle at it as well but sits bored or leaves the room when 5th gear or any other car prog is on. thats the thing about top gear - i doesn't pretend to be anything but fun.

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Watching 5th gear last night the lingering memory (apart from the Vauxhall barge and the "boring TT" comments), was how impressive it is that Tiff can do his piece to camera without stalls, stutters or without even looking like he's trying, WHILE throwing a car round a corner and applying opposite lock ...

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Gotta be TG. Hugely entertaining and something to get my GF vaguely interested in cars!


That episode of 5th gear with that guy drifting the motorbike when racing that Westfield or Radical or whatever it was was fantastic though. It's very "channel 5" though, A bit rough round the edges.

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TG is the best by far IMO! I think Clarkson, Hammond and May make an unlikely but highly entertaining threesome! The challenges are superb and they speak their minds about alot of things..speeding, Germans etc. Alot of people in my office watch it and half aren't even into cars!....always the discussion topic on a monday morning. Fifth gear is a bit wooden by comparison...but Tiff's driving skills are superb!

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Well I watch both, TG is very visual, loud and entertaining but as others have said with little factual content and there credibility has to be questioned


Alot of people in my office watch it and half aren't even into cars!....always the discussion topic on a monday morning.


yep In my office two!!

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TopGear by miles!


My dad watches TopGear even though he has no real interest in cars. Jeremy Clarkson and Hamster are capable of presenting other shows, e.g. brainiac and the brunnel thing. I cant see any of the 5th gear presenter having enough charisma to present anything else.


Tiff is good for doing massive power slides, but he should stick to that.


Vicky gets right on my nerves; she's like one of those qiz tv presenter, pouting every couple of seconds trying to look sexy. Just get on with it!


What H8RRA said about clock watching is right on the money. :lol: I even channel surf when watching 5th gear.


For the first 15mins of the 5th gear show with the Honda NSX on they spent all there time trying to get us to phone into there premium rate competition line.

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Top Gear all the way for me. It's great fun and it's just boys playing with toys and them having fun. There's no way on earth that I'm ever going to be able to afford an Aston, so who cares which of the 911, the DB8 or the M8 are quickest? If you've got enough money to afford something like that, then you'll buy one because of the badge, or you'll go out and drive them yourself.


Admittedly, the credibility is lacking somewhat, but it makes no difference to me and they're not making out that these are highly scientific tests - they're just having a laugh.


If I want informative reviews on cars and/or subjects that are likely to affect me, I'll go buy a car magazine (usually either Car or Evo). I'd much rather do that than sit through VBH's annoying laugh and awful presenting combined with Tiff's wooden and rehearsed commentary and their general lack of clue when it comes to every-day cars.


I must say that I do like Jason Plato though - he knows his driving and he's actually a good presenter.

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i was at croft recently (BTCC) and plato was sat having a cuppa - stopped and had a chat and had a couple of snaps taken - what a totally nice chap!!!!!!!!!!


...very aggressive driver and great to watch as well.......



Don't agree with the "both" vote above mind - i watch both but voted top gear as the superior show for entertainment value - Voting both is a pointless vote and voting none is totally irrelevant to the thread, shirly???!!!!


Can we not get rid of the both and none option?????? Thats not what the thread is supposed to be about.....

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Tiff is good for doing massive power slides, but he should stick to that.


wouldn’t say sideways action is all that tiff is good for and they do have Jason Plato (VBH does rallying in her spare time as well I think although I may well be wrong) and as for the presnters on TG there not good for anything but power slides



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but what do you want from a presenter - wooden and boring or entertaining and (questionably) witty but can't drive except do power slides?


BTW, i thought the feature where clarkson chased a touring car driver in a murciolago (probably spelt wrong) in an evo was quite good for a presenter


and lets face it, having a "normal" driver as opposed to a professional racing driver review a car connects more with me - as they have a hoot around a track, screaming like a teenager at the power of the latest car they are fortunate enough to drive.


Mr Needel, power sliding while effortlessly commentating, as stated previously, is a skill but shows he's totally non-plussed about the perofrmance and is used to far better from custom, proper racing cars.


Hammond screaming like a banshee and saying inane, stupid things in the heat of the moment is more true to the way i'd feel and act doing his job :) :) :) What a hoot!!!!!! - and isn't it great to see it on screen !!??

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