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WARNING!!! Corrado RIP Thread - Killers at LARGE!!!

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i was nearly another to add to the list today. ive just sent an email to the CEO of 'target express':


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to let you know one of your drivers nearly caused me to crash my car today.

I was travelling on the A429 southbound at 6.15 this evening and one of your drivers, [reg WX54 TXY] pulled straight out onto the main road, from the junction at Lower Stanton St Quinn.

He didn’t even appear to slow down as he reached the junction, and only slowed when he was in the middle of the main road, to take the right hand turn.

I had been travelling at about 25 mph, as the junction is on a slight corner. Had I been travelling any faster, I would have been sure to hit him. As it happened, I came to a stop less than a foot away from the side of his truck.


Luckily no-one was hurt, but I was left very shaken, and angry enough to write to you to let you know.


I really hope that the driver just didn’t know the road and was unaware of the approaching junction, but doubt that to be the case. If the driver intentionally pulled out, thinking he had enough clearance, he should go back and retake his test. As I joined the motorway junction alongside him, he seemed to be enjoying his cigarette without a care in the world.


I feel you should know what a bad portrayal of your company this incident has been and with a slogan like 'Nobody Takes More Care' you need to look at who you employ!


ill keep you updated!

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I never leave it in gear.....

It's funny, the same people that religously leave a car in gear are the same people that switch all the plug sockets off in the house before going to bed :-)


i don't - but i'll plug you into a socket and you'll have haywire hair to suit your name :)


I can fully testify that this is infact what happens :lol:


and blimey Bernie - 24 going on 65?? You should have signed off with "Angry from Bristol"


Admittedly the only time I've nearly crashed my car due to other traffic was also a S*itty Link courier van that came flying round a bend and pulled out around a parked car at the bottom of a hill, while I was coming down it.


Which would have been annoying, but ok if the road wasn't covered in snow. I was damned glad I had ABS that day...

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and blimey Bernie - 24 going on 65?? You should have signed off with "Angry from Bristol"





Also , the man has a point. We are now a nation of aofficial moaners. :lol:

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Ooooh - cutting Mr H!! OCD is nothing to laugh about :lol:


Surely it takes as much subconscious thought to leave it in neutral as it does to leave it in gear? And I know which one has the more benefit....


Now where's that plug I left on ...... :lol:


Not when you've got Alzheimers like me :lol: OCD hasn't kicked in yet, so no walking round the car checking the doors 8 times before I walk into the office :lol:


The only time I left it in gear was on your silly steep drive and low and behold, I forgot it was in gear the next day, LOL!

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and blimey Bernie - 24 going on 65?? You should have signed off with "Angry from Bristol"





Also , the man has a point. We are now a nation of aofficial moaners. :lol:


Ha d i not written it as soon as i got home, i wouldnt have bothered. It was very close though, A moments hesitation, or less traction and the C would've been a gonner i reckon. I'd have tucked in nicely just in front of the rear wheels. :x

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Ouch - that hole in the windscreen doesn't look too nice (well, not that the rest of it does either mind you...)

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Ouch - that hole in the windscreen doesn't look too nice (well, not that the rest of it does either mind you...)


Thats not an "ouch", thats an



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Sorry to hear about the dead/dying Corrado's


Recently revived mine after blowing the engine, and have so far spent over 2 grand to get it up and running. The only way its leaving the road is with me stuck inside it.Permenantly.

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Just a reminder of what not to do to your pride and joy... (let your mate drive it)


Presumably he now walks with a limp and speaks with a higher voice? :shock:


It was around this time last year that I killed my last Corrado :cry: - I don't intend on repeating it.

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WARNING! always ensure your handbrake is sufficently applied!


sorry, this might disturb some people with weak consitutions...




sample pic below.


You left your handbrake off??????? Man you must be gutted, I can't believe that amount of damage wrote off your car! Could you not repair it yourself??

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Twas quite spooky last night, I had just mentioned to the Mrs about this thread and all the Corrado's being written off & she was joking that I better watch myself because it must be a curse or something.


Then on the way back from doing the shopping some twit in a punto decided not to use the left turn lane but to stop dead in front of a truck in the middle of the road, truck swerves & starts to jack knife, the idiot tailgating him doesn't react in time and heads for the punto, I braked stuck the hazzard lights on and moved a bit to the right to avoid them, the idiot tailgating me missed all that completly and just missed my bumper, so a long story but nothing happened in the end, Just a very close call.


Still, makes me wonder if I should leave the Corrado at home, although if I was driving the Polo the crap brakes would have meant that I would have crashed for sure.

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chris, its all yout fault!! - unfortunately your corrado's waywardness has sent out a vibe to all corrado's turing them all into lemmings!!!!!






Mines staying in the garage with earmuffs on so it can't hear ethereal voices from the grave of your corrado calling all corrado's to commit harikari.......... :roll:

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