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Old Banger Daily Drive or the VR6?

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Hi y'all - 6 months ago, I finally found myself a nice VR6 'rado - I'd been thinking about getting a nice car for ages, and I'd always liked the styling of the 'rado. I've had a grin like a cheshire cat the last 6 months, hooning about - even managed to just about keep up with a '98 911 carrera s the other day - well, he couldn't shake me, let's just leave it at that!! - but now I'm getting a bit concerned. I thought I'd be able just to use the car as a, ....well, car - but after looking at other fine examples on this forum, I'm starting to worry about putting mileage on her. I do averageish mileage - but the dreaded '100k' will be coming up in about 12 months - look - it's 12 months away and I'm thinking about it now!! - sorry, I'm rambling - anyway, should I get a shed for day to day transport, and cherrish the 'rado (thinking all the time on my way to and from work, I wish I was in the 'rado'?) or should I not let it worry me, and rack up the mileage whilst p1ssing everyone off up and down the A47 my local 'A' road!!? Cor, I'm knackered after that! Please can you help me decide what I should do!!!

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Lets put it this way.. we have Corrado VR's on this forum with over 200k on the clocks. The car will need some TLC over time but it certainly shouldn't depreciate a monster amount so it should balance out the books nicely.


They were built to be driven - so get out there and drive it! Just be prepared for an awful fuel bill ;)

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Enjoy it, drive it and dont worry.


The cars have done their depreciating and no one in their right mind gets one for investment purposes the amount that needs tinkering with over time. And if in 12 months you are fed up of ocasional problems just think how bad it might have been if you drove a beigemobile everywhere.

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Just drive it dude. Crossed my mind about the mileage, but once you start modding stuff/improving it the resale thoughts never balance out anyway.


If its well looked after and serviced correctly the mileage will be a lot less important on resale value than the condition its in, in terms of having been thumped etc.


Turn the key, and keep grinning to the ultimate sound track, you know it makes sense. im looking at 20k a yr plus in mine, fuels a ripper in this country but their not going to get me down about it, debt or not!

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going by the number of corrados that are getting written off lately you would be better off using a banger as a daily driver

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drive it - the only reason to lock it away to keep the mileage down is to retain some residual value. the fact that the market seems to have fallen out of corrado's - ie lowish milers going for 3-4k, i don't see the point in depriving yourself.

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Drive it, the money you would spend buying, insuring, taxing and maintaining a banger will probably easily cover the extra fuel costs of a VR, plus leave some for maintenance and a few nice bits for it.


Mine spent a year being a second car, and it got very damp inside just sitting around. It's much better now it's doing what it was intended for.

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Drive it, drive it all the time. IF you want to get anything else then get a bike. You could spend loads making it look the mut's nuts but then you will live in constant fear damaging it. Most people hear have their cars as daily driver so keep it that way

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Stick with the VR as a daily driver. Get something else and you'll end up going back to the VR. I tried using alternatives as daily drivers and 4 cars (VW's) later ended up with two VR's :D .

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going by the number of corrados that are getting written off lately you would be better off using a banger as a daily driver


This is exactly why I have started using my work van in the evenings more. It's just been one thread too many now about a rado thats been written off. I really would hate to see mine go to the scrappers.


So I'll be using a Polo GT as a car to get abused. Something that I dont mind if it gets car park dents or scrapes. The rado will get used for meets and shows.


The plan this year is to buy a GT and transplant the engine into my current polo GT (G40 conversion), then use the shell as a donor for my G40 engine that needs rebuilding after melting yet another piston!!


Although first I need to fix my Mk2 Golf GTI and sell it as I have too many cars on my drive!!


It's going to be a busy year especially as I have a lot planned for the rado and will be on the look out for an R32 lump...

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Can't beat getting a run about mine first one died but it saved me the good woman and my corrado :)


first i got this






to save the ware and tare on this




then this happened :(






so then i got this :D





run abouts are great if you ask me





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I would love a cheap run around for the 6 miles to the park and ride in a morning but other than that I would use the VR.


17 - 20 mpg for short journeys is bad enough without thinking about what I'm doing to the engine.


Roll on spring when I will be back on my bike (not of the 'motor' kind)


Use it, drive it but for Gods sake be careful with it.

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Drive it whenever you can. So at least if the worst did ever happen to it you know you got the most out of it, rather than using it once or twice.



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i have an audi 80 tdi to run around in it does 65 mpg on a good run so as well as saving wear on the c im saving money on the running costs as well.

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I really wouldn't want to drive anything else and I certainly couldn't be fagged with two lots of Tax, MOTs and moving the cars around the drive on my narrow street. With the money and time invested in mine, it would be a waste not to use it every day.


The fear of crashing it, or someone crashing into me, doesn't put me off using it daily. I know of people that have their cherished weekend cars destroyed on a rare Sunday drive, so you just never know......but the chances of it happening are reduced if it's used less, granted.

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......but the chances of it happening are reduced if it's used less, granted.



Maybe not when you think about the fact that you are driving a slow bag-o-sheet all week and then jumping into a sporty coupe on the weekend, maybe the change from one type of car to the other could even up the chances a bit.


When you drive one car and one car only you get used to it and it becomes like 2nd nature driving it.

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