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what made you want one?

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i was just thinkin there a lot of us on here really, and there must be some good stories behide it - so how did we all end up where we are now (with a car we no and love for sure but probably a low bank acount to go with it).


what i mean is how did we turn ourselfs from 'oh thats a nice car, what is it'? to I MUST HAVE A RADO! :twisted:


i remember when i first saw a c (i must of been about 10). a friend who lived next door had an older bro who was in the army or somthing, so didnt see him around much. but i can can still recall the the fisrt time the bright red beast pulling round our corner one day, it was a 1.8 16v and wasnt new or anything but still one of the nicest car to come round our way! he took us out in it somewhere that day but all i remember from the trip is the sound and looks of the car! as it goes he only ended up keepin it for 6 months or there abouts, so i only saw it the once. but it planted the seed in my mind!

and so it turns out that years later when im about 16 i had alot of older mates (all of them with vag motors, mostly golf). so you can see how i lost the way a little bit with cars (right family, wrong sister :wink: ) ending up with a few golfs under my belt, but it wasnt until i saw this c in the pvw mag (showing me potential this already great car had) that i got myself well and trully weilded back on the rado tracks :luvlove:

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Defintely because of one of my cousins, he was a mk2 golf GTI dealer(mainly oak greens) in the late 90s. Had to be different, the whole family is mk2 and rallye crazy

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It was the right way to go after some Spanish tosser rear ended my mk2 gti

Bit more modern, bit sportyer. but still a cool sort of understated car.

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Started with my old man in the 70S(bear with me!!!!).He had been a Cortina man all his days and then came home one day clutching the brochure for the new VW Scirroco.Loved it.Unfortunately or not he fired another direct hit and with another family member on the way the S wasnt practical so it didnt happen.I always liked the c but by the time i came to start looking there were some really tired ones and the C was about.Not much of a contest really so waited and waited and eventually got my black, leathered up VR6 which i still think is the best car ive ever driven until this weekend when i drove a 225 TT.So my beloved C will soon be going,but no regrets whatsoever.A truly brilliant piece of kit!

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I didnt even know about the corrado 'til about 1995 when I was at Uni.

One of my coursemates had a Nugget Yellow 16v


Couldnt believe it when I saw the VW badge on the front :lol:

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ever since my sisters ex had a storm when they came out he only got rid of it last year he now has a DB7 and a F 360 he still loves corrados thinks its the best car he has owned 8)

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I had the red Mk1 Polo (top right) as my 1st car, this got me into VWs when everyone else wanted Escort RS Turbos.


I really wanted a Mk1 Golf GTI. I wrote the Polo off :cry: and got a Silver Polo (bottom right) but still wanted a Mk1 Golf.


My mate wrote off my silver Polo and I got my Mk1 Golf GTI (bottom left).


It was whilst owning this I decided I wanted a Corrado. My criteria was, it had to be VW, fast, rare, handle well and more comfortable than the hard as nails Mk1.


I could not afford a Corrado, the cheapest G reg 1.8 16v was £6k back then, so I ended up with a 1990 Mk2 Golf GTI (top left).


After 5 years with the Mk2 I loved it, but whilst polishing it up for inters 4 years ago I thought, "Its still not a Corrado". Within 2 weeks I bought my Corrado which I still own today.


The red Seat Leon lasted for one year, but I sold it because I could not get anything for my C.

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Saw one in an old top gear mag of my dads when i was about 10, planted it as one of my dream cars and bought one as soon as i could, even though i had to store it for 2 years b4 i could afford to insure it :roll:

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Going out in my dad's friend's brand new vr6 when I was 12 and thinking how cool it was, he still says its one of the best cars he's ever owned (M776 WLC don't know what happened to it), he says it brings back fond memories everytime he sees mine.

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I used to sell em for a living! along with all the other vw's available at the time. used to fight with the other salesmen when ever there was a demo available to take home!!! so i thought id just buy one instead!! problem solved!!

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I was 15 at the time or maybe 14.


And I was never into cars and my sister said to me that her boyfriend was getting a Corrado, I had no idea what she was on about.


The day he got it I just fell in love with it, sounded gorgeous, looked fantastic and I knew I wanted one.


So I found out he was selling and I bought it off him, I know the history of the car pretty well too and I know he spent loadsa money on it as it was in a bit of a state when he bought it.


No matter what happens, I will always have a Corrado as a car.

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The fact that it's a VW, active spoiler, nice & quick, looks really cool.


I had a mate when I was 17 who had one, that was the first one i'd knowingly seen. He got rid of his and now has a boxster, I bought mine!

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For me, it's the fact they're quick and good looking, but don't make a song and dance about it like a lot of jap cars. plus my mum couldn't complain coz it's "just another volkswagen"!

other than that, the rear spoiler is cool, and there's something about the way the bonnet curves down to the rectangular lights that's lovely!

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Mk2 golf, mk3 golf and then a corrado.... a natural progression and i got sick of driving the same car as millions of other people


... and they look cool, especially the reflection in the back of shiny black cars coming up to traffic lights!


really must stop doing that

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Looks fantastic even today - infact i think better today than ever. On my second now had a 16v now got a VR6. Makes me smile everytime i sit in it, love the noise, love the car.


Look fantastic from the front esp when driving. If you've ever seen one come up behind you you'll know why people move over!! low and wide!!


Always loved em... always will

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Come from a VW/Audi family. Grew up in Mk1s and Mk2 golfs. First took note of a C when my tasty Chemistry teacher turned up in a brand new J reg dragon green valver I think it was - she was dead chuffed with it! I told myself i'd have one eventually, then from a natural progression of polo to MK2 GTI I reached the VR6 pinnacle. May have to sell for MK4 anniversary GTI diesel later this year....but I know it won't be my last C! Gotta get one at a later date to keep for the future so that if I have kids they can also experience one!

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sounds like most of us already had the vw bug and started off with golfs in there earilier form (mk1-3) and move on to have a C.

wounder if this is a natural progresion of the vag modin bug we all seem to have? :scratch:

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Had a Focus before my C and will never look back now, but I think i fell in love with the C as my Uncle had a Sirrocco just before the Raddo came out and I remember seeing the it for the first and thinking "I gotta have one of those"

All the other points about looks, noise, spoiler ect, and theres also the fact that they are rare, it's nice to have a car that you don't see many off, the reason why we have a Raddo Spotting thread.

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Long story, but to keep it short: Whilst living in Germany when the C first came out I already had been bitten by the Mk1 Rocco bug (was still too young to own one, though), and just loved the looks of the C.


Many years later, i thought I would be cured, until I discovered my current Mk1 Rocco sitting in my garage (even arrived on my birthday, how cool is that ?)


I then wanted to replace the daily hack, a Polo breadvan, with something better (the Mk1 was only ever going to be a show car). I succeeded, nearly, by buying a Mk2 Rocco, but it had to be the Storm special edition, so within 2 weeks that was locked waway, and kept as showcar #2.


I then wanted to replace the Polo with a sensible car, a Mk3 Goof or something, low tax, etc., boring in other words.


During a holiday visiting my mate in Germany, I was handed the keys for 3 full days to his G60 C :shock:


Out of the window went the Goof Mk3 sensible car plans, 4 weeks later a flight to Aberdeen and a trip down back to Coventry in my newly acquired US-spec G60, which after a whole year or so, has also lost its daily hack status.


Oh well, story did turn out longer than expected :lol:



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i 1st saw one when i was about 14 whilst doin my paper round,loved the look of it then,nut i'll be honest i never really looked into gettin one till i was about 26-27 yrs old as i knew the insurance comp would laugh @ me,by far the best car i've had and also the longest i've kept a car,think i would change the G for a charged vr though :D

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Similar story here...


I've been into VWs since I got my first Mk2 Golf GTI when I was 19 (apart from straying for a year to the performance Vauxhall camp when I was 20). I was a massive Mk2 Golf fan and owned my second GTI for six years. I only sold it because I was given my first one back for free and I needed the cash. During my time with the second GTI my mate bought a 1990 1.8 16v Corrado and I knew I'd buy one someday.


On the way back home after picking up my rolled Golf GTI on the recovery truck I saw my Corrado parked on the side of the road for sale. I bought it the next day without even looking around it. It's been trouble-free for 2.5 years and I'm only spending money on it now because I want to, not because it's making me!

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The second they were first produced, I knew I was going to own one, just had to wait a few years until they finally came to a price I could afford.


Love the overall styling, the discreetness of its ability in power, the rarity and a realitively natural progression after Scirroco Scala and MK11 16V.

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I had a goluf vr and was literally just about to buy another as my mechanic kept saying 'don't get a C - you'll kill it like all the others and they're even more expensive to repair than the golf vr'


then i saw a black one with leather, worked out i could just about squeeze my kids in the back, and the rest is history....... :)

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Had 2 Mk 2 Golfs 1300 and the Driver - excellent car. Saw the Corrado for the first time in what must have been Aqua blue I guess, 'twas then that I knew that this was the car for me but I'd never afford to have one (well I may be right with the affording bit. :wink:)

Got my 16 valver as a toss up between that and an AUDI 80, ooh I'm so glad I did the right thing.

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