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VW Fox...wtf?

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So VW had quite a cute, cool little ditty with the Lupo...then they go replace it with a dreary tin can resurrecting a crap name/brand with the Fox.


What are they playing at??

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yep, less than impressed




cant see that looking good on design 90's! I actually quite like the 'fox' name for its retroesque feel, but the new design looks like a micro MPV. when will car manufactuers realise WE DONT ALL WANT CARS THAT LOOK LIKE MPV'S!!!!

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Yeh it's to compete with these silly little 'superminis' that seem to be selling well at the mo. Swift, Jazz etc. Lupo was too big I suspect. What size wheels are those 10"?!

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cant say i'm a fan. I've been applying for jobs at car dealerships recently and everyone says why not go to VW? ... and its for reasons like this that i dont!

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bristolbaron, Good move, could you honestly sleep at night after you sold someone that? It truley is horrible, looks like it was made by Kia! Im getting tired just looking at it!!

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I heard the 'fox' aint got no air con, no electric windows, no radio . . . . .apparantly its as basic as they come. Tryin to compete with the Kia i suppose.



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when will car manufactuers realise WE DONT ALL WANT CARS THAT LOOK LIKE MPV'S!!!!


Trouble is they are styled to suit the masses, lots of mums who can't stretch to the budget of a real MPV. As a mumsy car it's probably quite good. They make what people will buy.

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Heh heh, we're all whinging about this now, yet it was the stripped out, simple cars that got VW their reputation and indeed, business to start with.


But at least the original designs were interesting and different...

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