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first crashed veyron?

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Shame. I'd hate to be the person responsible for that - huge repair bill. Wonder if it'll be a write off or repairable?

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This is the first time I've ever made this joke on an internet forum, and I feel terrible about it. It's out of my system now and I won't be doing it again.

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Easy repair.... Wings, bonnet front bumper and lights


I'll see if they've got any parts at the local breakers... :roll:

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hahaha he has all that money and buys a car like that but cant drive for Sh*t!! says it all!! maybe he'll take himself on some advanced driving courses before getting in his Chelsea Tractor!!

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Whoops!! Thats going to cost a bit to repair if VW make a substantial loss on each Veyron they sell they aren't going to repair it for cheap!

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Oh dear. Even with the front end smashed, it still looks lovely, I'd just take it home and mount it on my bedroom wall :lol:


Is that B375 written on that sign? Where's that then? Anyone gonna go and hunt for expensive bits!

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More on it here : http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007100574,00.html


The driver rented it from the owner (who runs a car hire firm) for £20,000.


I reckon the owner was being a bit nieve if he was supprised by the guy crashing it, you pay £20,000 to hire the worlds fastest production car... of course you're going to drive it carefully and sensibly *cough*

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On TG it looked great. That colour scheme is just hideous. It should only be fixed on condition it gets a proper paint job.

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I tell you, all the technology in the world ( 4wd, 1000 bhp, probably more computing power than the space shuttle ) and he was caught out by standing water.


Ha ha ha....................


Bet he's feeling cleaver now!!


Hope he enjoy's his day at court too.


Sometimes you just cant beat the laws of physics.



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