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The infamous 'Corrado oversteer' - yikes!

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Just been driving home and went round a roundabout i've been round plenty of times. I guess I went into it a bit quicker than I realised and on the way out the car ended up going quite a bit sideways. Nearly caught me off guard (was singing along loudly to the stereo) but thankfully I corrected quickly enough to not end up in a field. I guess all those driving games have paid off, but it is a pretty weird sensation when the back end steps out.


Also think it reinforces the fact that my suspension is well past it given that it was dry and my tyres are pretty good.

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Just been driving home and went round a roundabout i've been round plenty of times. I guess I went into it a bit quicker than I realised and on the way out the car ended up going quite a bit sideways. Nearly caught me off guard (was singing along loudly to the stereo) but thankfully I corrected quickly enough to not end up in a field. I guess all those driving games have paid off, but it is a pretty weird sensation when the back end steps out.


Also think it reinforces the fact that my suspension is well past it given that it was dry and my tyres are pretty good.


It's a little bit fun too though, isn't it??




My valver often slides out a bit on certain roundabouts if it's wet and clear of traffic, and has been provoked...

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It was a bit of fun yeah but not the sort of thing i'd deliberately try and provoke out of it again! I feel it'd be a fine line between getting it right and going off the road backwards which doesn't appeal - think I was just lucky this time!

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It was a bit of fun yeah but not the sort of thing i'd deliberately try and provoke out of it again! I feel it'd be a fine line between getting it right and going off the road backwards which doesn't appeal - think I was just lucky this time!


Try rear wheel drive mate, awesome fun.

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Was listening to some Coldplay and wailing away at the top of my voice. For some reason I like to sing in the car! :D


And yeah.. must admit Yan, its made me want to drive something RWD with a bit of poke. Don't think my old mans Mercedes 200TE would quite cut it though somehow :lol:

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The famous rear beam bushes me thinks.


Hence why alot of cars are front wheel drive so when it goes pear shaped its easier for the numpties who cant drive to get it back into line easier.

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Rear beam bushes were changed about 6 months ago....


I know my rear bake bias valve is shot though - could that have contributed? I might have dabbed the brake (which was stupid in retrospect)

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Braking would do it, yes ...

You car lowered Jim? The rear brake compensator valve is actually very reliable, they rarely seize completely (it's a very simple object, obviously), so you can probably resurrect it if it's dodgy. Secondly, it would need to be calibrated if the suspension is lowered.


I've had this a few times though, wound up on full opposite lock once (hit the rack end stop pretty hard), and that wasn't *quite* enough so I had to dump it into 2nd and welly it too to pull out of it..!


Generally it was a sign that a) I was being a prat and b) my back tyres were so dead it's just not true..

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Well done for keeping it on the grey stuff mate:



That's funny about the singing, I always look forward to a drive on my own, get the vocal chords going :lol:

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i would blame what you were singing along to :lol: what were you listening to?


I believe you have to make sure "joie de vivre" does not get you carried away when driving. It can seriously impair your judgement!


In 1969 my wife ended up off the road in a ditch in her Austin 1100. She, too, had been singing along exuberantly to a song on the radio.


Around the same time I came off my Honda (50cc :oops:) speeding home from work through wonderful rural Ayrshire on a beautiful spring day and taking a 90 degree bend far too fast.

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...The rear brake compensator valve is actually very reliable, they rarely seize completely...


dunno about that, I've seen rather a lot of them sieze up.


Only time I've ever had anything but understeer in my valver was coasting into a round-about in neutral in the wet :lol:


sure, breaking on a bend will do something nasty, but I've always found the Corrado to be very predictable and very stable.

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davidwort said:

sure, breaking on a bend will do something nasty, but I've always found the Corrado to be very predictable and very stable.


Yep - if something goes wrong it will almost always be down to human error/poor judgement. The buck stops with us. :lol:

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It has been confirmed by Tempest and 2cc that my brake bias valve is very dead. Its siezed up I think so has to be forced open to a particular position / setting. I already knew this but frankly with my car its a question of what to spend money on next as there is no shortage of broken stuff... i've got a water leak, suspension is shot, brake bias is fubar, and so on!


It'll get done soon!

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It has been confirmed by Tempest and 2cc that my brake bias valve is very dead. Its siezed up I think so has to be forced open to a particular position / setting. I already knew this but frankly with my car its a question of what to spend money on next as there is no shortage of broken stuff... i've got a water leak, suspension is shot, brake bias is fubar, and so on!


It'll get done soon!


I know that feeling well! Fortunately nothing major but a list as long as your arm of niggling little things.


I love chucking it into corners though. There's a big roundabout near the Tescos in Stow and if it's clear I go into well quick. The other day I over did a little and the tyres were squeeling like anything. I didn't lose it (it held the line beautifully) but I've never had that much tyre noise before! It was fun but I think I need to curb it a little before I go overboard....

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Yeah it's a fine line between fun and disaster I should of learnt that lesson by now I'm 36. Doesn't help when some old guy who should of handed his license over years ago is doing 30mph in a 70 zone. I shouldn't of been doing 90ish but he should not be driving 40mph below the limit. Don't get me on old people though. I often think people are drink driving till I see the grey hair and the half dead look in their eyes! Yes I know it will be me one day but it doesn't mean it's OK for them to keep driving, like they do. You know more old people are involved in accidents than new drivers. Now thats saying something!


I was once sat in a que for a hand car wash when the car next to me jolts forward into the back of a mint mk3 golf gti and proceeds to do f'ing burnout on the wet tarmac. Everyone just stopped and stared in disbelief as this old dear just sat there not knowing what to do, seconds later one of the carwash blokes opened her door and turn the engine off. She'd got the carpet up round the accelerator pedal?!?!? Glad I chose the other que, as she would of been behind me :lol:


It was fun but I think I need to curb it a little before I go overboard....


Yeah you wouldn't want your sig to come true :lol:


:lol: Yeah exactly, I'd never forgive myself if I killed myself.... :?


On old people I used to love getting the complaints into our underwriting department from old people wanting to know why their premiums had gone up. I used to just say it's because they're over 65. And then I'd get back "well, surley the older you get the lower your premium is". That would of course be true, except we get as many if not more claims from the over 65s as we do for the under 25s.

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I've only ever had a C step out on me once when I was not feeling/expecting it to do it.


In the wet, sweeping left hander down hill with a bit of adverse camber, hit it at the same speed I had the previous week with my 14 year 70,000 mile old suspension but this time had a brand new set of collies on it, and the back end whipped out without warning. Caught it ok and kept it on my side of the road but I scared myself and the people coming the other way were not too happy either.

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Mine's only ever stepped out at the back once in 70,000 miles, and only a very small little shuffle which barely needed correcting.


It was in the wet at speed and I was peeling off a well used main road to the left over some bad camber / ruts and diesel spillages etc. It just kind of twitched. Eagle F1s aswell. Haven't used them since and not had a reoccurence.


Whoever said the best tyres need to be at the back on a FWD is spot on. Having stiff springs at the rear and lots of damper rebound is asking for trouble too.

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I don't think your car counts Kev.. you change suspension on a near enough weekly basis to properly high end kit! I'd hope to high hell you were not having problems with the car stepping out! :)

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