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Project Plum - The Plan of Attack

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good points sonic and pete!


to be fair there is a japanese guy who owns an AE86 and a fair few nice Golfs and Corrados kicking about.

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Broke my bike yesterday. It's a hand-me-down from ProdigalSon and quite a good one at that! Must have retailed at about £500 back in the early 90s.


Anyways, I'm cycling along, giving the legs a good working and I slow down for traffic. CRNKT. The pedal slips away from me. Weird, the chain is still on. It does it again. So I pull over and pop the bike upside down to have an inspection.


I thought maybe the crank bearings had gone, but there was no grinding or play in the pedals at all, so I ran through the gears...all fine although there was a little lag when taking up forward drive. I limped it up to my friend's house and got a lift in with him as usual.


Took the bike down to the shop today and they confirmed that the "free wheel" is on it's way out :shrug: so I left it there and they said it should be about £25, although I asked them to check the bike over generally as it's been stood for at least a year before I started using it in October.


Apart from that, updates are few and far between. Hopefully Pete_Griff is coming down to help me do the brake lines next week, what a legend! He offered to fix my bike too :shock: but my old dear offered to pay for the work so I shopped it out. Cheers anyways though Pete :salute:


Going away this weekend but hopefully more updates next week when we're doing brakes :clap:

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Well, being an ex-poly there are an awful amount of



who think they're the



and be all like:



and you're like....



Before you know it, they're braggin about their tight



and how they're



So you go check out their



and it seems they might have eaten some



for lunch and washed it down with some



cos this here ride looks like a



The suspension's all like



Engine's all like



Brakes are all like



Exhaust's all like



It is one big



and the whole thing needs to be



Please say :nono: to rice.jpg.


Simply had to quote this... :lol:

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Well, being an ex-poly there are an awful amount of



who think they're the



and be all like:



and you're like....



Before you know it, they're braggin about their tight



and how they're



So you go check out their



and it seems they might have eaten some



for lunch and washed it down with some



cos this here ride looks like a



The suspension's all like



Engine's all like



Brakes are all like



Exhaust's all like



It is one big



and the whole thing needs to be



Please say :nono: to rice.jpg.


This is too much fun... :nuts:


Seriously though, J, it must've taken a good coupla days to get that together :cuckoo: :lol:


Wassup wit da rice dis? Rice canz be gud!

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:lol: Ahh Andy, I miss you on the forum buddy!


Yeah it did take a while, I'm a bit of a google image whore though.


I like rice when it is actually a Banzai Wagon, but not when it's Dave's Mum's Fiesta :bonk:

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just been reading through some more of this thread, where do you get the time to document everything you do! great reading though and some funny comments from some of the usual suspects :)

seeing what you did to the top caps on your front suspension with a dremel though, WTF! why didn't you just drill into the side of the nut and split the nut? - I've done that a few times, if you're careful (and you need to reuse them) you won't damage the threads on the damper .

I'm still taking my time over doing my front bearings, driveshafts and painting stuff up, always gives me more enthusiasm seeing how much work you're putting in :salute:

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Ha ha, Well I didn't work much over summer and I just use time between coursework to sit on the forum. Kinda sad.


Ah yeah, see what you mean with the dremel. I think that was my weapon of choice: I was still upset with the drill after it failed to liberate that wishbone bolt on Subframe #1 (RIP).


That's good :D my NS hub isn't painted but now it's all torqued and camber'd up! Argh, what to do. Maybe if I change the springs I will give it a lick. And maybe even paint it too :nuts: Keep at it matey! I will probably harass you when I start putting my PAS back on :lol: :salute:

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The legend that is Pete_griff is en route as I type to do all the hard brake lines on the Plum :clap:


there'll be next to no pics of it though as I broke my phone (and subsequently my camera!) and won't get a replacement until this evening. But I guess I could snap a few after that :salute:

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** :clap: Page 60 is my servant**


It went alright, Pete had a lot more enthusiasm than I did! I bitched out quite hard round about lunchtime.


We got the main 2 front to rears done, and aligned with the brake pressure reg which was a good start. I started working on one of the rear NS lines - brake pressure reg to rear beam brackety bit - and finished that. Still got that one to do the other side and then both of the hard lines that join to the hoses to the calipers if that makes sense.


Had a little scare when one of the front lines actually snapped under it's own weight when removing! Pete spotted it and it was really badly corroded so i'm gonna need to do the fronts now too....looks like the Plum will be Project Prune by the time it's finished...


I still have to do the 280s so i'm not massively worried, just a bit annoyed that progress is slow, but that's down to me being lazy and tired :/


Massive massive thanks to Pete though, what a legend! Left me with a lot of his kit to do aswell. Cheers mate :grin:

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no worries my friend - hope you manage to get the rest sorted asap :)


by the way, did i leave my white usb stick there??? i have a nasty suspicion that i did as i can't find it anywhere....


don't forget to keep us updated with pics :D

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Rear springs came today (cheers Dave!)


still got their waxoyl on so i'll have to give them a scrub tomorrow. Then full assembly once I sort out the 1,075 washers and bits that are needed! I can see why people buy coilovers now :pale:

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Pics / suspension fun won't be happening today as I (fortunately) remembered a coursework deadline for tomorrow.


Stay tuned plum groupies.

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[thread hijack]


:new-bday: :bday:


Happy Birthday broseph! :D


And here's a teaser pic of what I got you from Japan... (it's not car-related!).


Sorry that the pic is a bit blurred (in all the wrong places) :norty:



Oh, what? You can't read Japanese? That's a shame... :wink:


See you at the weekend 8)


[/thread hijack]

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[thread hijack]


:new-bday: :bday:


Happy Birthday broseph! :D


And here's a teaser pic of what I got you from Japan... (it's not car-related!).


Sorry that the pic is a bit blurred (in all the wrong places) :norty:


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf_DSC9906.jpg[/attachment:v8pjwya3]

Oh, what? You can't read Japanese? That's a shame... :wink:


See you at the weekend 8)


[/thread hijack]


Used my japan-english photo translator 8)

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i know what u mean...well kind of lol

helping fix my mates 1991 clio valver and its been nothin but a b**tard, mind u what u expect from the french!?

good to hear u got the beast running tho :)

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