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Rotrex Charged Storm: She's Gone!

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I have now fitted the bmc induction kit and sorted the fuel hoses out and used the nice end finishers. Looks much better now. It also lines up well with the wing vent so should be able to sip some fresh air.

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My AMP Arrived today and the sub, but missed the delivery for the sub. It will be re delivered tomorrow so I should have some nice base. The JL 10W6V2 gets really good reviews, should be a nice punchy sound with it being at 10 inch.

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Just reading your OBD2 conversion. Where can I find the Wiki by Nathan? I'm not finding it in the knowledge or regular Wiki. can you post the link?



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The rado is now back at the body shop, should collect her on Friday.


Dropped off the 2.8 vr6 engine to my friends workshop where we can strip it down. After debating the options of Turbo / Supercharger, I am convinced a Rotrex Charger is the route I will take. The Turbo option just sounded to complex for me and would take longer to achieve. The Rotrex can be installed over a much shorter time. Its also going to tick that box of my younger days dreaming about a supercharged vr6 and they do sound nice. This is also one of the reason I want to use the 12v.


I have quite a bit of space around the callipers now the fronts are spaced out by 40 mm and the rear 35mm so will be measuring the distances to see if I can make the next incrase in disc size. Currently on 288 and know the larger discs work with the calipers but the carriers need changing. If I' ve got that right? Is the next size that accomodated the ATE callipers 312mm?


Trying to decide what budget I can give to a 6 branch manifold to work well with the Jetex. Theres such a big difference in price and I dont know where my money is best spent here? Hopefully have the ARP's purchased and some other items and now scanning the net for the other bits and pieces needed. If anyone is selling a set of new sp263's and LSD, please give me a shout.

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My car is fianlly done, had the door re painted and cills re done so they are nice and smooth. The 3 wheels I kerbed are now fixed so we are back in the game. I want to do the mod to change the gear linkage to the MK4 using Polo parts as well, the more I drive it now the more I want a tighter shift.


My detailer guy is booked in for the 9th, sat morning and after that, I promise to get some professional pictures taken with a decent camera. Looking forward to meeting you guys and girls this year

Edited by Rams
forgot to add pic

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That looks like the sex mate!! :D Good to meet u on Saturday buddy, am actually quite glad your 'rado wasn't around coz if i'd seen that paintwork I would've cried when I got back home and looked at mine!!

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It was good to meet you to, if you are free for the CCGB day, I fancy going up, could meet you somewhere on route? Will look out for your pics when the new manifold is fitted. I thought it was funny that you wanted to compromise your gfriends comfort so the manifold wasnt knocked around lol. Good lad!

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keep the pics coming Rams, yours is highly inspirational. But as above, i wouldnt want to see that paint as i too would come home and cry at mine ;)

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Well after Brad detailed the Storm from 9 till 5 on Saturday, he solved all my swirl marks and buffing trails left by painter. The car really looks ace. I have had a good pal of mine take some pics with his camera near his work and he will send them to me next week but for now, they are just with my usual Iphone but look quite good. Other than that, I had my sub box made so I connected it all up and screwed the sub into the box and wired everything up.


I did have the exhaust polished up but forgot to picture that once everything was finished. Before the detailed eyes out there pick it up.


Driving early this evening did make me feel 21 again so that was a result, even played some old school Kevin and Perry go live tracks, just to bring back the memories with the new 10 inch JL, lovely sound. Just what I was after.


I have slightly bothered to say the least today as the gf organised a photographer to take some pics and he managed to damage the paint work to the rear arch. Even though I told her to postpone as I wasnt happy with the overcast weather but I have posted that in the general chat, just for some advise really as it happened whilst I was away today.


Trying to be positive as its not anything major but it has gone through to the primer in 2 tiny places and caused a couple of other dents to the paint in that area. I believe it was his keys in his jacket pocket as he swung off his jacket whilst standing by the C. I did manage to work that all out though before I did a 'Scotland yard investigation' on the gf.


Anyway, will see what the painter says, I am hoping a few touches of paint on a brush, bit of lacquer and a mop over will fix it, otherwise, its going back in and someone will cover the cost, even if its me!


Hope you like the pics and be on the look out for next week for some nice ones.

Edited by Rams

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Looks great!


Shame about the marks though. Is the paint still a bit soft? He must have done something fairly vigorous to chip it like that, so he must have noticed - I bet he sh!t his pants!! :-)

Edited by Conker

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I think as he took his jacket off, the motion of his keys in his pocket caught the arch. I agree that he would have heard that, funnily enough he was on the phone the next morning at 8 30 asking what I wanted to do..... so he knew he was guilty. Had I been there, saw it happen, all hell would have opened up and the situation may have gotten worse.


I went back to the painter and we have touched it in for now with some paint I had left over but to have it done properly, back as it was, would mean the entire rear panel, roof section, a pillar, rear valance, it just keeps going! He said we could try and get a soft edge to the arch line and loose the join there so that maybe an option. Now the chip isnt as noticable at a glance I feel a bit better. I am also planning on taking the engine out at some point when the new one is ready and having the bay painted so might get it re done then.


As for the muppet, theres nothing I can do. I didnt see him do it but the gf said she heard something as he took his jacket off, plus when she pulled him up on it, he said something about his jacket. For £100 I can have the arch painted and hopefully we can make it look seemless where it joins in the rear panel.


Thanks for all the positive comments guys!

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Ok, I didnt really want to see the pics the guy took but they are quite nice! The first 7 are the photographer that the gf organised and the rest my friend took for me.

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Have to say the ones your friend took look so much more proffessional than the actual photographer. Cars looking gorgeous mate. Only thing im not keen on is the sprinter vent, rest is perfect.

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wow cracking photos! noticed you have the TT pedal covers, really wnt to get these for mine and just wonderin what combinations i need to order?


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two clutch pedal covers, plus a LHD accelerator pedal cover (iirc about the accel pedal)

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I used the Skoda sport gas pedal and as Hasan said, 2 clutch ones.


After the drive up today to the CCGB, I have those annoying stone chips on my bonnet! But its kind of made me realise that I have to relax abit and just enjoy the beast. But get them touched back in! lol

Even the bonnet brab wouldnt have defended where one of the stone chips were, but I want one to atleast protect the front which to be fair takes the most hits. Will have a look now at whats available.


Nice to meet some corrado people today and I was taken for a spin in a lovely supercharged vr which was great, thats was some lovely power.

Edited by Rams

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