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Blackberry VR6...BBS RS301's -SOLD!

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Sounds like maybe a little air in clutch & brakes, looking forward to seeing it at Stanford, hope it doesn't rain !!!

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Good news indeed, bet you were apprehensive about turning the key..


I don't think there is a comment i can make on the work standard that hasn't been said already..


Apprehensive is an understatement!! I was finding loads of little bits to do just to delay things.


Sounds like maybe a little air in clutch & brakes, looking forward to seeing it at Stanford, hope it doesn't rain !!!


I bled the brakes with a Gunsons Eezibleed kit and put a fair bit of fluid through and went round a couple of times. Any tips on getting any air out that might be traapped somewhere? I did strip the ABS pump but I guess this will just re-fill during the bleeding process? I dont need my ignition on for bleeding do I???

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With the easibleed connected slacked off every hard line connection (M/C, ABS pump, flexis, rear pressure regulator and calipers) to purge any air trapped, a quarter of a turn is usually enough, retighten and wipe off any expelled fluid.


Don't forget to clamp the pressure regulator fully open to give full pressure at the rear brakes


Another old trick is to wedge the brake pedal down overnight to help larger bubbles to split and divide to make them easier to dispel

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Thanks chaps, what tyre pressures do you use when using the eezibleed?


I'm not a fan of easibleed, using stale water laden air from an old tyre sort of defeats the point of changing the fluid imo?


I use one of these




Bare in mind the fluid reservoir is just a push fit (you could temporarily cable tie it on?) I think the recommendation is 1 2- 15PSI?

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Thanks chaps, what tyre pressures do you use when using the eezibleed?


I normally do mine between 10 and 15 psi so I don't pressurise the system too much, I've always used my pushbike tyre.


think the booklet suggests 20psi

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I have an eezibleed kit but I'm a little wary about it, me and a mate had a bit of an issue when we were bleeding his mk3 golf. Stuck the kit on flat tyre and it popped the filler tank, literally inflated the thing then popped it!

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As already mentioned ,I would give it a little drive & then bleed again but do it conventionally with 2 people,I have never got on that well with easy bleed & the likes

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I easybled mine and had my foot on the brake on a slight incline and it started to roll like id lifted my foot but it was still on the brake pedal. Bled it again and still the same luckily it was going to stealth at the time for the rebuild and brake lines renewed got it back and brakes were awesome again. Moral of story never will use an easibleed again.

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Thanks again guys, I'm taking it to a mate on Friday who has a garage and he's offered to lend me a hydraulic bleed kit, would this be the same as an easibleed?

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I've not had any problems with mine , and it was your stuff haha , I used 5.1 fluid though if it makes any difference to bleeding , mine have took a thrashing and been fine so , only other thing I did was use a compressor with about 16 to 17 psi to push the fluid through , sod doing it with a car tyre the pikeys way haha

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Thanks for the help, had another quick bleeding session tonight whilst setting up my coilovers and it's seems to have improved the pedal. I did it the old fashioned way with the help of the wife and looked to get some decent slugs of air from the drivers side rear!! Fingers crossed it will be ok.


How is the clutch done without an eezibleed please?

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Ive done 3 cars with Ezibleed and all have been fine. I always keep the pressure lowish i.e. less than 10psi for the reason above. Remember a lot of these reserviors will be old.

Take your time, they always feel a bit crap to start with but then after a few days they do tend to settle, most people seem to **** themselves that they feel rubbish straight away but give it time and then bleed again.

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I finally got the car finished on Thursday night ready for the tracking to be done on Friday.


Got a quick picture on the ramps



Its maiden journey was down to stanford hall and it was a bit of a nervous drive down but all seems fine!!


Next job between shows is taking the stereo system out I think.

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Didnt really take any pictures at the national day as I only have my iphone, I did take this one of mine just before I washed it, quite impressed and a little moody!




Thanks again for those who voted for my car, very grateful and didnt expect to get anything with all the impressive cars there this weekend.

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Thanks Sean.


Just thought I would put my video link here so I dont loose it.


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Just got back from Crail and see you have it up for sale Didn't see that one coming WOW it's Too cheap mate your car is exceptional Just WOW

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Woah! I'm sure its not a decision which has been made lightly and can only hope it carries on in as good hands as it has done so far. GLWS [or with 'advert locked, keeping' post soon! :lol:]

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If your after a Classic Green Storm Chris, I'd reluctantly agree to a straight swap............:thumbleft:

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