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Redbourbons vr6 With extra grunt :)

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felt quite bad yesterday rubbing the whole car down with thinners !!


Guess it made it easier to do the roof if you were floating high on thinners fumes

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Started cleaning up the arches and chassis legs , well i say i but what i really mean is jodie haha , anyway few pics

Will be on the car today and tomorrow so will update as i go


As you can also see iv managed to do a good job of getting the scraper seals off !! Straight as an arrow :)

Also ****ed off as i cant find my door and wing morror seals that i bough before they became obsolite or however you spell it







No going back now

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You aren't going to sort that with a touch up pen and machine polisher!


Will try and pop round to see it soon.

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How long before you'll need them Matt? I'm putting my order in with ARZ next week so if you don't need anything else from them, I'll get another set and post em up to you...

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Cheers sean do you mean the wing mirror seals and the door handle seals ? If so yes that would be great mate id very much apreciate that sean

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Yeah wing mirror seals mate. Not seen the door handle seals but I'll have another look through the hole Corrado parts list again. I could do with a set too if they're available.

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Cheers mate well iv just ripped the house apart and found the wing mirrow seals and the door handle seals but im missing one side and i think it was used on my old rado when i fid the door handle repair


Its this one i need mate if you find any and im not sure if they are sided or not but this is the one i have


If you can get both and find both will you buy me both and i will square you round the day you buy them



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Yeah thats fine mate. I'll have a trawl through now, but I don't think the part numbers will be the same on ARZ. Send them across anyway mate, it may help.

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Just had a look and I don't think they sell the door handle seals mate. Think we're out of luck on that one. :(

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Cheers mate its coming on ill be on it tomorrow again jodies gonna do rear arches for me haha she is good


Iv got bits coming from all over lol need to get them fitted

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Few more










Happy to say iv managed to find my now obsolete wing morror bits and bobs i bought a few years ago aswell

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Cheers ron hopefully , still a way to go yet though , got the front bumper stripped down tonight , the metal parts are going to chrisl's mate to be blasted and then of to powder coat

Ill spend a few hour in morning stripping the rear bumper down and then that will be all till friday


Also got some treats coming for the car aswell they should be here by friday

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Cheers chaps not sure they are although as i see it now im actually not that far off how i want the car to be , most parts are bought to make it what i want but theres some engine work that need doing and im sure its not going to be cheap , my grandad always tells me you cant spend it when your dead haha !!

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Certainly looks like we're going to see a divide widening in the types of Corrados around in the future. The good ones are going to be minters and then the rest will rot away.

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Woah! Getting stuck in there mate :) Gonna look mint when all done! Although it looked pretty good before anyway ;)




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