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I know the name of who I have to kill

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Some of you may remember someone doing a hit and run on my car at the end of last year. Today I was sitting in the beer garden of a local pub when some guys came in and sat at the next table. One of them pointed to the Corrado and said, "That's the car Eddie hit when we were out gritting." They made another couple of comments and I went over to them and enquired as to who Eddie was. When I said why I was asking they just clammed up and said something about proving it. At least I know I'm looking for a Council gritter driver named Eddie.

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I hope you get him man and they fire his ass and he then loses everything. What a ******* he deserves it

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Good stuff Wullie. At the very least someone is going to cr@p themslves, if not, make someone's life very awkward. You should be able to request what gritter persons were on duty on the night, and who was covering the route you were parked on (in theory).


I wonder if you coudl get it under Freedom of Information....it helps you have a name. Good luck!

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Wullie really please that you found out the culprit and it occurred in unexpected circumstances. Thoguh i suspect the council will hide behind the data protection act. Though not sure how the fact you could have your insurance AND police involved will change the councils stance. Im guessing the police will have to approach the council, though as the blokes said, its a case of proving it to prompt the police to step in.


good luck, hope it works out for you

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What a git considering he is with the council he would be insured and all, running away just to avoid a ticking off , what a coward!

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What a git considering he is with the council he would be insured and all, running away just to avoid a ticking off , what a coward!


Agreed i hope he gets whats coming.

It really annoys me with all these hit and runs, my mate had his golf smashed into outside my house not long ago and the culprit drove off no witnesses no details, no way of getting any justice :(


Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

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Matey. Put some real pressure on council. Use the police and papers threat carefully and not too early in conversation and give them a chance to be helpfull. Play the poor member of public who does not want to really further involve the police (despite the fact that if you can you will nail him to the ****ing wall) hope that council will step up to avoid bad press. Don't take no and ask for senior person if it does not go your way. Then contact police after.

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Gotta be worth a letter to the council. They will know who Eddie is ( as well as the chap you overheard as I assume he was in the gritter as well) and may question him/them about it. You could intimate you have further evidence and offer them the chance for an out of court settlement? .......


"....on investigation I have discovered that the vehicle that hit mine was a council gritter and this has been further corroborated by a conversation overheard where X said that was the car me and Eddie hit when we were out gritting" I have a witness to this conversation and intend to pursue the matter with the authorities if we cannot reach a satisfactory settlement"

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If you have the councils e-mail address, I don't mind e-mailing them and being a witness !

Or just giving them some stick on your behalf !

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A lot to be said for eavesdropping while drinking in a Renfrewshire pub - Always knew that, of course!


Wullie, lawyers pursuing personal injury claims regularly acquire data from the council under the FOI act. These include Gritting teams handwritten log/time sheets.

Never used to see that - now I see them regularly.

Good luck!

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I hope this turns out well and eddie gets sacked i cant understand why people drive of !! He was insured for god sake all he had to do is say look im sorry im driving a big gritter and i made a mistake but thankfully my companys insurance will fix your car for you because thats what its there for , he would have probably got a slap on the wrist and kept his job , but he drove off and left you to foot the bill so i hope he gets sacked and i hope his kids dont get any christmas presents for that reason ! Stupid fukker

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Thanks guys for all your comments. I'm going the sneaky route. I work closely with the council doing poetry and literary events and have a pet councillor. I spoke to her this morning and took in all the info I have including the previous thread from the forum. I thought initially that I would be flogging a dead horse but when we went through everything she was pretty mad about it. (She's been in the car a couple of times though she needs a helping hand to get out of it.) Her comment was to leave it with her and she'll get back to me in a couple of days. Suppose it's sit back and wait time.

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Not to undermine the cost and hassle this Eddie berk has caused you, but just be mindful of the fact his dumb arse mates have seen you. Just thinking of retribution if this Eddie pillock dumb f'ck does end up being hauled over the coals for it.

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Very good point. Don't forget to always have your handy breaker bar in the car with a 17mm nut on the end for changing a wheel.


To quote a good film

(Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesnt work you can always hit him with it)



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Very good point. Don't forget to always have your handy breaker bar in the car with a 17mm nut on the end for changing a wheel.


To quote a good film

(Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesnt work you can always hit him with it)




Lol great film. Hope this gets resolved and Eddies mates don't get involved.

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Well that was quick. Just got a call from my councillor friend. Eddie was sacked in April and would I accept £450 in full and final settlement. Sorry guys, but I said yes. Maybe I could hold out for more but a bird in the hand and all that.

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C'mon folks, we shouldn't encourage violence. You now know who did and can now seek compensation.


If you don't get what you want, hire a gritter and go hit Eddies car. :thumbleft:

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