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Stanford Hall 5 May, 50 Car CCGB Display. Full to the Brim :)

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It was a great day guys, even with the mother of all hangovers ;)


Car is bloody filthy though!



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I got there about 10.30 after having to make an emergency detour to buy some tools. Had to park on the overflow car park which when I went back to the car a few hours later was rammed!!! Busiest show I've been to. Great selection of corrados, will hopefully have mine there next year!

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Had a good time, nice to meet some fellow owners and check out all the cars on show. The early morning convoy went smoothly and made the journey a lot of fun. Shame the place we parked was so dusty though!


My friend and I took some crappy digital camera pics, so sorry in advance - photographers we are not! Most of the convoy pics came out crap so I've ommitted them...





















More to come...

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Last few, including some non Corrados.










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It was a great day guys, even with the mother of all hangovers ;)


Car is bloody filthy though!




Ah you Managed to get the only flattering pic of mine mate with out the space savers ;)


Just for those that werent aware why I was running 2 space savers, unfortunaley on the way down my rear wheels developed a wobble as id only just put them on so presumed the bolts just needed tightening, upon tightening the bolts i stripped the threads on one of the aluminium rh adapters. Nightmare. All the others have steel inserts so are ok.


So Option of going home via aa or we suggested putting 2 space savers on the back to balance out the rear and as I'd come this far I didn't want to admit defeat.


Im glad I carried on tho as I had a great day and saw some gorgeous cars, amazing dedication by people as to the level they have taken their corrados to.


The drive home was slow, however i saw 3 ac cobras! made my day, Maserati gt, 458 italia, a track 911 rs being trailered,aston martin DBS and I got overtaken by a Prius and an ambulance on the limp home :)


Look forward to the next event :)

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Hi to all the people I (we) met today,

Thanks John for the expert advice, I'll be giving you a call,

Chris, Have you stopped cleaning you car yet????

Nick, loved you dash, Let me know when I can pick up the dash and what do you drink?

and lastly "thank you" to everyone who organised the stand,


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Got back around half hour ago - absolutely fantastic day out! I counted 47 Rado's + 1 imposter ;)


Great athmosphere, great to see so many corrado's in one place, and thoroughly enjoyed my first ever club meet! (Well all apart from the d*ck right at the end in the bus behind selling rusty bits of metal leaning into the window of the guy next to me's car and turning his ignition off! Alex wasnt it? Well done for holding your cool, I flipped but Mrs Meth slapped my thigh to stop me stoking the fire. What a t*sser. Apart from him though it was an awsome day out!)


Took a few pics, will put them up when I can!


LOL, yeah was a surreal exchange to say the least. What a douche. :bonk:


Anyway, was a cracking show with great weather.


Was good to meet you two, and the few others I spoke to. Real friendly group.

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Also took a quick video of the early arrivals. Apologies for the rubbish digital camera video recorder (and cameraman!)




Steve - I'll let you know when I'm next in your area and I'll bring my spare dash with me.



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Indeed, great day out, reconfirming that Stanford Hall is definitely my favourite UK show.


Thanks everyone for taking the effort and turning up, some really nice Rados today.


Good to catch up with a few folk, too.


Congrats to the concourse winner, P&J (house extension for all those trophies in order now, methinks :lol:).



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Show was simply great, just can't get better than that. It all begun on a early Sunday morning and quickly developed into a nice convoy:



Some time later we all arrived on amazing Stanford Hall grounds and well this happened next:












More photos available on my usual Google+ profile available here: >>> click to see


Many thanks to all that made it happen. Grats to all winners. Some cars are simply out of this planet. Hope to see you very soon.

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Yesterday was a great show. It was nice to see so many people turn up and get involved. I'll get my photos developed this week and get them up.


Thanks to all that showed for the M1 J9 convoy, sorry we lost a few of you! :) I'll retrieve the footage from John's GoPro soon and we'll get that up.



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I'll get my photos developed this week and get them up.



Old school!

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Only managed a convoy of two with Joby(Richard) but what a journey down a total of 6hr round trip ...Great to see so many corrado again and catch up with fellow corrado enthusiast. Love this black stealthy looking period beetle.


Also got the chance to test out the circular Polarise filter on the DSLR camera I had recently purchased to reduce/remove glare from shinny glass surfaces...Look at the front windscreen on the classic audi. No glares at all. Does exatcly what its suppose to do.

Edited by VWVW

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Well i made it safely home last nite what a drive but it was worth it to see all the car's from the forum etc that i have only seen in pic's before now some absolute stunning car's i know i have my work cut out to get mine anywhere near the standard of some of them also good to meet some of you Michael, Laurence, Ron and the very nice Mr Kippax your car's are truly inspirational.It was a rather eventful drive home what with the weather and being a bank holiday there was some awesome car's out there my best encounter had to have been with an AC Cobra don't believe it was a genuine one but it had 427 on the side and certainly sounded of the V8 variety we were side by side at 80 gave mine some gas and he struggled to keep up which was very pleasing i slowed back to cruising speed and when he came past gave me a toot and a wave i think he enjoyed it as well. Absolutely cracking weekend just one final comment Chris L get that car in concourse it is stunning i felt a bit of an ugly duckling between you and Michael two gem's. :cheers:

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Good Show as usual at Stanford.

Nice to see so many put in so much effort to attend. Good to catch up with so many folk, it always seems ages.

Even the weather did a fair attempt.


Thanks for the cake Judith, good idea, looked good and tasted fab.


Also nice Kip to do the Remberance for Chris Gaskell. He was bound to be laughing at us, but quietly appreciative and proud.


I hope some noticed the Video earlier and that I was on it - The 'Early arrivals' !!!! Especially for those who think I cannot ever get up early.


And as for Joby - lossing some of the convoy - well !!! Even I haven't managed that one !!! :-)

Maybe in my new machine..........................

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Hi all had a great day yesterday met a great bunch of people who all have one thing in common, the convoy up was great fun, congrats to all the winners for their insperational cars and a very fitting tribute to Chris. Yes i,ve stopped cleaning for now knackered after a long round trip.:afro:

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Good Show as usual at Stanford.

Nice to see so many put in so much effort to attend. Good to catch up with so many folk, it always seems ages.

Even the weather did a fair attempt.


Thanks for the cake Judith, good idea, looked good and tasted fab.


Also nice Kip to do the Remberance for Chris Gaskell. He was bound to be laughing at us, but quietly appreciative and proud.


I hope some noticed the Video earlier and that I was on it - The 'Early arrivals' !!!! Especially for those who think I cannot ever get up early.


And as for Joby - lossing some of the convoy - well !!! Even I haven't managed that one !!! :-)

Maybe in my new machine..........................[/QUOT


On the way home, ? I only saw 1 Raddo wendy


---------- Post added at 3:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 3:23 PM ----------


Good Show as usual at Stanford.

Nice to see so many put in so much effort to attend. Good to catch up with so many folk, it always seems ages.

Even the weather did a fair attempt.


Thanks for the cake Judith, good idea, looked good and tasted fab.


Also nice Kip to do the Remberance for Chris Gaskell. He was bound to be laughing at us, but quietly appreciative and proud.


I hope some noticed the Video earlier and that I was on it - The 'Early arrivals' !!!! Especially for those who think I cannot ever get up early.


And as for Joby - lossing some of the convoy - well !!! Even I haven't managed that one !!! :-)

Maybe in my new machine..........................[/QUOT


On the way home, ? I only saw 1 Raddo wendy

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I had a great day. So good to see some people I haven't seen for far too long and to meet new people. Some sensational cars. Chris, John Mitchell and dave16v stood out for me, all so different but brilliantly done.


I must say Mr kippax, that car is sensational. Congrats to you, Jude and brunt for the prizes.


Nice tribute to Chris, I'm sure he would have approved of all of our efforts.

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Thanks so much to all of you for helping out not just by attending but also for the many of you that helped set up and de-camp later in the day.


It was a massive success i feel for both the CCGB and Corrado too. So moved to see that so many had remembered to be there at 1pm in memory of our friend Chris Gaskell, i was actually a bit overwhelmed to be honest and anyone who knows me very well will know that this last week has been immensely tough for me with the sad loss of another friend.


Sunday though made all the effort worthwhile in that everyone pulled together to put on a great display and install it in all our minds that being part of the club is a great place to be.


Many apologies for not getting the chance to meet everyone as is usually the case :( but great to speak briefly with a few now people and and rekindle friendships with older ones too.


Ah Goldie i've missed you :lol: xxx


Here's to the rest of the show season and hope to catch some of you soon ;) Get over to here and get your name down. http://www.corradoclubgb.co.uk/ccgb16/index.php?option=com_illbethere&view=events&Itemid=202

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Good to see you and the missus won no disrespect to any of the other corrado's but your's is a hard one to beat (loved the turbo'd storm in concour's).I do understand why some thing's have to be kept standard etc but i am and always have been about less is more modification wise to look's performance is a different matter you should have seen the look on a 911 carrera s driver's face approaching Glasgow when he thought that going from 80-100 pretty quick was going to be enough to shake off this little car behind him vvt hadn't even come on song needless to say he was just another victim of a unassuming looking little corrado which is what i like they don't expect it :wave:

Let's hope the weather is the same for national day

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The concours cars were brilliant, as well as a lot of great ones in the club stand.


Didn't get a chance to say hello to everyone, which C were you all in?

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Best show I've been to for a while and lovely weather (shame about the dust storm next to our stand though!)


The convoy was good fun in the morning, too bad we got split up from JMR as I fancied a bit of a comparison! His future 4wd project sounds very interesting.


Apologies for missing the goings on at 1pm, I didn't know there was anything planned and we were off playing with the rescued parrots on the other side of the show! I did get some remaining cake though which was lovely!

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Really great show, so much bigger than last year and as friendly as ever.


Nice to meet new people and the regular faces. The only problem with seeing all these nice cars is the wish list just gets longer!!!!


If only money was no object!!


Well done Kipp and Judith, much deserved winners.


And so nice to see so many people gather at 1pm for Chris.


Will get the photo's up soon. And nice to see a few more Red Rado's on the stand!

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had a great day - my first time at Stanford Hall and I would say its now my favourite show! Fantastic turnout on the CCGB stand (big thanks to those who organised it) and nice to catch up with some familiar faces and meet some new ones. I would have likes to spend a little more time on the stand but the lure of the go-karts and the bouncy castle meant my boy kept dragging me away (thanks to Wendy (I think) for supplying him with cake and a balloon - he was very pleased).


I've got quite a few pics but cant upload them until I find my SD card reader!

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