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Middle lane hoggers

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So this has been on the news all day, about bloody time too :)



This made me chuckle:

"older drivers have a 'built-in safety mechanism' which inclines them to drive in the middle of the road" :rofl:


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We all hate them but it will be interesting to see how its implemented and what the various levels of time spent in the center lane are considered to be hogging.

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I dont agree with Middle lane hoggers but have you seen some of the manouvers that other drivers make to put a point across to the middle lane hoggers like cutting right in front of them dangerously or drive at high speed at them and overtaking at the last minute far more dangerous in my opinion.


Just drive round them.

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I spent 10 miles on a empty m74 yesterday overtaking 1 dorris, pulling to the nearside lane letting them past and doing it again before she noticed...


Before any do gooder has a whinge and I know someone will, I wasn't speeding, driving too close or cutting her up. I was on a 380 mile journey and was bored!

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We all hate them but it will be interesting to see how its implemented and what the various levels of time spent in the center lane are considered to be hogging.


pretty much summed up my thoughts here mate. I just dont get it, if there is nothing to overtake then why move over from lane 1 at all??

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I also agree with this, but fail to see how it can be implemented unless your are shown video evidence by the officer pulling you over, and you signing an agreement. Otherwise its just gonna end up exactly how it is at the moment, and cost the taxpayer millions a year in the courts (which is what they are trying to avoid). I've not had too many dealing with the Police to be fair, and what I have had, they have always been pretty good. There are obviously some exceptions though, and it'll be impossible to ensure fair dealings with them if they are judge, jury and executioner without this.

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Some studies suggest that up to a 3rd of total capacity is lost because of hoggers. I think the biggest problem is what people consider to be a reasonable amount of time to spend in an outside lane - if its going to take you 10 seconds before you overtake the next vehicle is that ok to stay out? or should it be 20 seconds or what? Then on a busy motorway no one moves in because they don't want to lose their place in the stream. I'm glad they have announced this as it raises awareness but I don't think it will have a major impact as there are not enough traffic cops to really make a difference and convince people there is a reasonable probability of being pulled. Personally I'd like to see undertaking approved as that solves the problem but may increase risk?

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I spent 10 miles on a empty m74 yesterday overtaking 1 dorris, pulling to the nearside lane letting them past and doing it again before she noticed...


Before any do gooder has a whinge and I know someone will, I wasn't speeding, driving too close or cutting her up. I was on a 380 mile journey and was bored!

Ah, that's what we'd call a 'Lulu' in South Africa!!

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It's the trucks overtaking each other that causes the most delays Imo. It forces the car drivers who were doing 63.4 mph behind them into the outside lane causing the entire 3 lanes to slow down and bottleneck.


This coupled with tailgating people and those riding the brake pedal for no actual reason other than for the driver to feel like they're slowing down when in reality, they're not; result in causing phantom traffic jams.


Ban trucks from racing each other at peak hours and that should help a lot. If it's not banned on motorways, at least ban it on dual carriageways!

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Yes to this! proper pet hate. so frustrating.


Ban trucks from racing each other at peak hours and that should help a lot. If it's not banned on motorways, at least ban it on dual carriageways!


the middle lane thing doesnt really bother me. if motorways are clear, i'll drive in the inside lane and undertake. if they're busy, chances are i'm going quicker than the warriors, so will be in the outside lane anyway. of course, the reason for the motorway being busy could be middle lane congestion. in which case they should be burned to death, not fined.

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On the one hand it makes absolute sense, but it's the typical response we see to every situation. Rather than trying to understand why car drivers drive that way and look to educate them, they look to modify their behaviour by fining them.


For me education is key and the reality of this policy is that we don't have enough traffic police to enforce it. As a tax payer I would rather there was an overhaul of the driving test to ensure we are putting competent drivers on the road, than paying for more officers to police the roads. After all, how can you pass a driving test without going on a motorway?


Having both a motorcycle and car license I would like some of how they teach motorcyclists to drive to be embedded in car driving lessons. Driving a car is not just about car control it's about hazard perception, reading the road, planning and putting your vehicle in positions that allow you to respond in advance of situations developing.


Driving on motorways provides the best examples of this. How many people sit in the inside lane at an on-ramp section when there is no traffic in lane 2, meaning that those joining the motorway have more difficulty in filtering in. How many people even understand what the various line markings mean. These help you understand where there are hazards, they are not just there to help your auto lane control function. How many people in lane two, when they see a car just ahead in lane one approaching a slower moving vehicle in that lane, look to move out to lane three to help the flow. Lack of forward planning also wastes fuel as you are more likely to accelerate and brake hard in responding to situations.


However I support the fact that someone is looking to do something about it, I just don't believe it will have the desired effect after all mobile phone use is still rampant despite various high profile campaigns.

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They should be burned to death, not fined.


I'd vote for you!


Education can work but seeing as most people don't have any form of education after passing their test, It could take 50 - 70 years before you begin to eradicate those people who don't drive properly. I say, make all cars (except mine obviously!) underpowered - Say 30 bhp. That would force people to think ahead as there isn't the performance available to drive erratically. Look at the way truck drivers (mostly) plan ahead and get annoyed when people cut them up.


People tend to remember when you take their money from them. Sometimes they even learn from it!

Edited by Sean_Jaymo

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Have you noticed the 'more experienced' drivers driving at 40 in a 60 limit zone and when it changes to a 30 zone they're still driving at 40????

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Motorway driving should be part of the driving test, then this could taught at an early stage

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Ban trucks from racing each other at peak hours and that should help a lot. If it's not banned on motorways, at least ban it on dual carriageways! [/qoute]


As has been the case in the Netherlands and Germany for donkey´s years. In GB all they´re doing is testing a ludicrously small section of the A14, which, of course, not a sinbgle lorry driver sticks to.


Motorway driving should be part of the driving test,

When I came to GB (had and still have a German EU license) I was amazed to learn that motorway driving is not taught at driving school.


people sit in the inside lane at an on-ramp section when there is no traffic in lane 2, meaning that those joining the motorway have more difficulty in filtering in

And this I do not know whether that is actually legal in GB, but it certainly is not in Germany. Traffic wishing to come onto a motorway needs to yield to traffic already on the motorway, and must not hinder traffic on the motorway (by making said traffic move to a different lane). As a matter of fact if during your driving test in Germany onto the Autobahn you fail to get onto the motorway (the trick is adapting your speed to the traffic already on said motorway) and run out of feeder lane, that´s a fail!



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On the one hand it makes absolute sense, but it's the typical response we see to every situation. Rather than trying to understand why car drivers drive that way and look to educate them, they look to modify their behaviour by fining them.


That's the problem. People don't seem to get the message until they are hit where it hurts: in the wallet! How many years have the government / police been trying to clamp down on speeding, drink driving and using mobiles? But people still do it. Some people still don't wear seat belts and that was made law in the 70s IIRC.


I agree that education is important. It's ludicrous we're in 2013 and Motorway tuition is still not mandatory. It will certainly help a lot of people but the biggest issue imo is still attitudes. People don't respect of fear the police anymore and they care even less about fellow motorists. Complacency that they'll just get a warning or at worse a few points and £60 fine. And there are far too many SARPs on the roads (Self Appointed Road Police). The "I pay my tax, I can drive how I like, I am right, everyone else" is wrong types. What people seem to forget is driving is a social activity and we have to share the same road space, regardless of who pays what amount of tax, or any tax at all. There are too many selfish idiots who won't behave in a civil manner and cause road rage.


If I was a traffic officer, I would spend all day targetting and fining 40 in a 60, 40 in a 30 types, mobile users, lane hoggers etc. No warning, slapped with points and a fine. Zero tolerance. It's what this country needs. And bring back public stoning for minor offenses and death for serious ones.

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I heard quite a few discussions about this yesterday.

I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing when some people tried to defend why they hogged the middle lane... yes they were admitting it!!!

1 - The inside lane is poor condition so it's safer in the middle lane

2 - If a had a tyre blow out I am safer as I have more space around me

3 - It leaves room for people joining the motorway to come on...(they didn't seem to realise that is what a slip road is for!! and heaven knows why 10 miles+ would be needed between junctions..LOL)


and 4 - The 'outside' lane is for overtaking... meaning the far right lane only...


And it's by no means only younger/newer drivers. In fact I believe there is an element of older drivers who are no longer able to cope with the traffic nowadays that sit there as it's easier for them than dealing with proper lane control.


And re the new 'law'.. that is only as good as its enforcement.

As earlier, I would much rather undertaking was allowed as I bet those that can't cope with traffic passing on both side would flippin well stick to the inside lane.

Edited by Butterfly

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1 - The inside lane is poor condition so it's safer in the middle lane


Lorry ruts can indeed make life in Lane 1 irritating. It's still no excuse to occupy lane 2 though, just because the car doesn't feel nice to drive in Lane 1! That's the driver's problem for choosing that particular car, not the users of Lane 2 who want to make progress.


I think some of it is down the 'being in the middle' mentality. Some people still have the stupid attitude that lane 1 is the 'slow lane' and they're too good for it.


I also suspect the older generation are just blind, so sit in the middle using lanes 1 and 3 as buffers.

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Lorry ruts can indeed make life in Lane 1 irritating. It's still no excuse to occupy lane 2 though, just because the car doesn't feel nice to drive in Lane 1! That's the driver's problem for choosing that particular car, not the users of Lane 2 who want to make progress.


Totally agree. Lane 1 at times can be horrendous. On an empty motorway, especially in rain, I may choose to drive in lane two. HOWEVER - I always look in my rear view mirror for approaching vehicles probably every 5 seconds, subconsciously. If there is someone coming anywhere near I'm over before I could be even the slightest inconvenience.


Looking in mirrors and having an awareness of other road users is one of the biggest problems we face. I could tell you at any time what car/cars are behind me when driving. I can almost guarantee that wont be the same for 99% of middle laners.

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My only complaint with this policy is as above: education is more important than slapping the unlucky few who actually get stopped .. but more than this even, the description of "careless driving" is *so* open to interpretation that I'd quite like a court to decide if I've done it or not. If a copper has the right to fine me for something that vague, you know straight away what he's going to be doing all day long, whether you've done anything wrong or not.

I'm all for people driving better, but I do think that the police have to be able to prove they're in the right when they hand out penalties, you can't just go on the judgement of one guy.


The most annoying thing about these headlines is that this is a blatantly popularist policy that's been invented by a desperate government to draw attention away from the fact they are screwing us all in so many other ways. Don't lose focus - the people in charge are still dicks. ;)


And FWIW I've seen the reports about motorway capacity being lost by the middle lane hoggers, and it's mostly bullsh.. It is entirely possible that in a totally pathological situation where literally no-one uses the left lane then one third of your road's capacity is lost, but don't be ridiculous - this never happens. The reality is it costs us a few percent, and most british motorways are so damn busy all the time that the middle lane hoggers are trundling past trucks all day long. You can argue they should pull in between trucks, but who's going to do that? All that happens is some inconsiderate ****er won't let you pull out next time you need to, so why bother?

Edited by dr_mat

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I went to collect the new daily yesterday, and did about 6 miles on the M3. It was pretty quiet, but on three occasions I had to pull out from the first lane into the third, then go back across to the first lane again due to middle lane hoggers.

What did I notice............... all three were Women drivers!

Now I'm not suggesting ALL woman are poor drivers, and its quite a brash generalisation if I were to suggest that, and I'd come across as a chauvinist pig. But IN MY EXPERIENCE, most of these problems are caused by Women, and people over the age of 65.


Just my 2 pence worth.................

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Anyone that is in the 2nd or 3rd (overtaking) lanes on a dual carriageway or motorway whilst either, not overtaking or not allowing for traffic joining from a slip road, deserves to have a fine and points imo. No excuses. It's just lazy, dangerous and annoying. Making motorway driving part of the test is a non-starter unfortunately. I live in East Anglia. No motorways in Suffolk or Norfolk.

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Making motorway driving part of the test is a non-starter unfortunately. I live in East Anglia. No motorways in Suffolk or Norfolk.


That´s no excuse. When I did my motorway driving training as part of my German license, I also lived about 1 hour or so away from the nearest motorway, so the driving instructor just said: ¨Next Saturday, that´ll be a 3-hour drive, then. 1 Hour on town roads and A roads to get to the motorway, then 1 hour drive on the motorway and 1 hour A-roads and town driving back home. Simple.¨



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That means that someone will have to dictate that as a rule. Being British, someone will moan and that will require an enquiry which will cost £2.8m and result in new laws which people complain about and try to ignore. This will mean that the police will have to slap people with fines and points...


​None of your German sense and efficiency here please!



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Have you noticed the 'more experienced' drivers driving at 40 in a 60 limit zone and when it changes to a 30 zone they're still driving at 40????


Yes!!!!!! This is so annoying!!!! I am a massive speed limit freak as getting points at 23 will REALLY sting! I do the speedlimit everywhere.... And when people drive like that it does my nut.


And don't get me started on middle lane hoggers.....

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