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What's everyone's favorite brand of hand tools?

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Hi all,


I've been slowly collecting a reasonable tool set over the last year or so, mostly mid range stuff (I think), and it got me thinking, what brands of hand tools do people swear by?


Also, what brands are generally not up to it, don't last or you had to replace very quickly?


I've heard Halfords professional range is very good.



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Most of my stuff is halfords pro, taken apart and rebuilt quite a lot of the car, the only snap on thing i have is a breaker bar which i got 2nd hand from ebay

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Teng - had most of mine twenty odd years and only broken one item and that was down to misuse. Only heard good things about Halfords Pro range too so well worth a look.

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Another thumbs up for Halfords pro, I've had my big socket set for over 10 years and the only bit I've broke is the 2pz pozi bit which Halfords swapped for a new one with no hassle.


I work in a train depot and when we got ratchet spanners they were from Halfords, I don't think any of us have had a failure and we give them some serious abuse.



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I beg your pardon?! :lol:


As others have said, Halfords Professional socket sets for me. Had them since 1990 and in that time I've only replaced one 3/8" ratchet, and that was only because the ratchet retainer screws fell out and got lost.


I'm sure I've read on PistonHeads or something that Halfords Pro are made by Britool, or some other well known brand?


As for other tools, I've had great luck with Ruko drill bits, Wera screwdriver bits, Facom bits and bobs etc. I don't tend to go for certain brands, I just avoid cheap sheet!


For cordless tools I like Hitachi. I've got a nice little 1/4" drive cordless wrench for jobs like rocker covers and sump bolts.

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As others have said, Halfords Advanced Pro for a lot of hand tools. But as Kev says, don't limit yourself to one brand.

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.....Wera screwdriver bits.....


These were a wonder find for me from screwfix after spending years wasting time with branded driver bits that seemed to be made of butter!

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I've got quite a few halfords pro bits and pieces, as well as the odd britool and snap-on spanner, but I've got a 180 pc Crescent set for Xmas a few years ago that I use more than anything else. It was in costco for about £60 and has a lifetime warranty. The only bugger was that my mum's husband had bought the set a few months prior, and his came with ratchet spanners the lucky sod! It's been perfect up to now and has had a fair bit of Abuse! Worth a look as they sell some good stuff there mate!

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I've got a mixture of Halfords pro and some Stanley tools that I inherited from my grandfather..... they're much older than me and arguably in far better condition....

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Mostly Snap On from when I worked for a rally team and got the habit of entering "the van" when it arrived every Wednesday! Plus a fair amount of Teng, Facom, Britool and Halfords Pro thrown in for good measure. The Halfords stuff really is good quality for sensible money plus they have no problem with swapping stuff when it does break, rather like Snap On but without the eye watering price tag.

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I've got a mixture of Halfords pro and some Stanley tools that I inherited from my grandfather..... they're much older than me and arguably in far better condition....


Stanley tools are decent Mic, but lets face it, when are you gonna use a Plane on a Rado :silly:

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Stanley tools are decent Mic, but lets face it, when are you gonna use a Plane on a Rado :silly:


When your doors drop... naturally :)

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