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How much has been spent on your Corrado over the past 10 years?

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Hmmmmm, I remember saying exactly the same thing a few years back. Now married, daughter's a year old and the car's in a million pieces at my Mother's....


Actually, now I come to think of it the car's only in bits due to an attempt to get it fully 'prepped' for a turbo build that Mr Bacon talked me into!! Lol, I think we should introduce a 'Kev Health Warning' stamp on his posts to save any other self respecting, fully functional, slow-@rsed Corrado's from being Baconated.... :)


Congrats on your daughter mate :D


Blimey, it must be 2011ish you bought my turbo bits?! Time flies! I remember back then you having to be wary of the missus RE your purchases :lol: You see boys, I will never let a woman come between me and my hobbies :lol: I may live to regret that when I'm in a hospice on my own, with no wife, kids or grandkids to visit me, but for now, I'm happy with my spanners and short term girlfriends.


Lol, that paints a picture in my mind of guys reluctantly driving around in a VRTs, a grimace on their face pretending to enjoy it and sporting a "I was Baconed" sticker on the back :lol:

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15k & counting.....but that's from my total Corrado addiction to date, not just one Corrado (makes me feel better some how). With a G60 rebuild & a 16vG60 project on the go it's going to get worse before it gets better but wouldn't change it for the world. Met some brilliant people along the Corrado journey & I'm sure there are more that'll pop up along the way. Can't put a price on that:cheers:



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Congrats on your daughter mate :D


Blimey, it must be 2011ish you bought my turbo bits?! Time flies! I remember back then you having to be wary of the missus RE your purchases :lol: You see boys, I will never let a woman come between me and my hobbies :lol: I may live to regret that when I'm in a hospice on my own, with no wife, kids or grandkids to visit me, but for now, I'm happy with my spanners and short term girlfriends.


Lol, that paints a picture in my mind of guys reluctantly driving around in a VRTs, a grimace on their face pretending to enjoy it and sporting a "I was Baconed" sticker on the back :lol:


We keep our finances seperate, we agree on what we're going to put into the house, bills etc, the rest of the cash is mine, to do with as I please, if I wanna trouser the lot on my C, thats up to me! :dance: She knows better than to tell me what I should be spending my money on!


Likewise, I never say, "do you really need another 10 pairs of shoes love?" :thumbleft:

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Likewise, I never say, "do you really need another 10 pairs of shoes love?" :thumbleft:


ha ha ha brilliant m8, thats the way to do it!!!!!

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Current one around £3k all in over 3 years. I had loads of spares from previous cars so only really serviced and replaced broken bits.


The Audi on the other hand....I have kept a spreadsheet and its nuts. Only 4k in service items inc suspension in the 2.5 years though.

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Over the last ten years I have spent enough to easily qualify for free board at an asylum of my choosing, and have a base line figure that looks more like the national debt, but not quite enough to make me think I'm content to stop investing in playtime in 22 years of ownership I've never counted the cost, it's irrelevant, and at best a prerequisite to achieve the latest engineering enhancement.

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I always tell myself I'd rather have a £4k car and spend £10k on it and still have a £4k car after 8yrs.


Instead of having a £14k modern car for 8yrs.

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Right here we go roughly over the last 13 years of owning my Corrado I've spent on parts alone about £10,000 :suprised:

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I won't be getting the calculator out.... Having said that I've had the car 11 years so it probably cost less than holidays, eating out, booze etc over the same period. Oh and my house cost more and it's nowhere near as pretty :lol:

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Wold be interesting to see what the break down of spend is between "essential" spend and spend on "nice to haves"

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I guess we all make some money back on items sold from the car to 'hopefully' reduce thst frightening figure!

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Oh and my house cost more and it's nowhere near as pretty :lol:


Hopefully your house is making you money though!

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Way more than Clumpy, but I don't care. It's a hobby and money doesn't / shouldn't come into it. If it does, get a cheaper hobby and take public transport.


love it Kev! :)


everyone spends money on things they like & love :D

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