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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. In the case of R Tech finding more power after taking the BMC off, how do we know the owner of the car had recently cleaned and over oiled it, thereby screwing up the MAF readings? Seems likely to me because I have never seen a stock airbox make more power than a BMC on a VR6 or R32.

  2. Henry is the best vacuum cleaner for this type of job or infact any kind of job.

    Mine is soley used for Building renovations, car etc etc, being downgraded from the house. Have a Sebo for the house now as this is an Upright.

    Miele make the absolute best Vacuums, but up until recently they only manufactured cylinder vacuums, but recommended Sebo for Uprights.

    Henry is about as good as you will get for the price, being close to half of the Miele.

    You also do not need to use bags in Henry, I never have and it is easily 20 years old.


    Kev - you must have had the one in a million that was faulty, not up to the mark.

    Numerous times they are used in Commercial situations due to their suction, durability etc etc.


    Yep, Toad should be here anytime soon.............. !!!


    A little more insight into my vaccum life.....


    My biggest complaint of my old Henry was it's lack of suction. It was especially noticeable in the house with the carpet / lino head. It seemed to just move the dirt around rather than sucking it up, just like a Dyson :D Using the tube in the car, it was merely adequate but it certainly wouldn't suck up pea shingle like cheapo hoovers do with ease. I think I'll just it put it down to be old and worn out perhaps! It was solidly made for sure, but it's performance wasn't inline with it's price.


    I also have a Miele upright for the house because you just cannot beat a heavy vaccum's weight pushing a rotary brush into carpet imo, and they are much less effort than pushing a carpet head around with a Henry style hoover. The suction from the accessory hose is waaaaaaay stronger than Henry, but it's a very heavy hoover and lugging it out to the car can be a pain. The Miele is so far the only upright I've owned that has resisted the power of long female hair jamming the brush!


    I did recently buy a stainless steel Henry style hoover from Machine Mart for the car and sucking ash out of the fire place, but I think the ash has wrecked it as it's suction has gone right down, even after a thorough clean up.


    I've also managed to break the Miele a few times too. I think I should take up a career in product testing because I always seem to get 'a bad one' or break things easily. You name it, washing machines, irons, dishwashers, hoovers, Fridges, they don't last 5 minutes in my house!


    So maybe a George in my life might give me the suction I need :D


    Do you remember the Kirby Hoovers salesman rocking up to your door with their £800 hoovers? They look like they were from the 60s with it's light on ther front, but those things were crazy powerful and came with some mental accessories, like sanders, hair clippers etc

  3. The Henry I have has the secondary switch for more suction , if it pulls clients carpets up when I'm finishing a job it's powerful enough alright .


    Mine must have been an old one as it only had one switch. Apart from said switch losing it's latch (had to tape it down and use the wall socket switch instead), it was reliable enough, but vacuums less than half it's price easily out sucked it!

  4. Cant beat a George! A fair bit of money if its just for the car at £200 but they are excellent.


    I hope George is more powerful than the Henry I had.


    People obviously buy into them because of the cute eyes on the front and human names, but underneath they are very average vacuums.

  5. a bloke niki from R tech he told me to get rid off it and do something like https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/998605_10152968110880157_596697936_n.jpg


    I thought it was R Tech who said that. They've told a lot of people that and it's unsubstantiated nonsense.


    I suspect the R32 in question had the universal CDA85-150 fitted, which is what most, if not all, VR6s use. BMC do an R32 specific one, which is larger.


    As Cazza said, he and Stealth have found a 7hp gain on a VR6. Stealth also saw a 14hp gain on an R32.


    I used a BMC CDA on my VR6 turbo and it made 392hp with 11psi of boost. Restrictive? I don't think so :D With an open cone it made less power and just felt flat off boost, made a heck of a lot more noise and got dirtier far, far quicker.

  6. Tell me about it. I've got a MK7 Golf GT with GT lowered suspension, optional 18" alloys on very low profile tyres......rides absolutely great. A lot has improved over the years that is for sure.


    Most of that is down to body shell stiffness. An 18 yr old Corrado shell built with1980s construction techniques is like a blancmange compared to your MK7 :)


    And short wheel bases with beam rear axles doesn't help, but you have to over look (or try to) all that with Corrados and love the car for what it is!

  7. The roads are terrible but cars have improved to deal with it. Modern cars with stiffer suspension and elastic band 19s don't make a meal of small bumps and pot holes like Corrados do.

  8. Sachs Advantage were sold as an OEM equivalent, but weren't exactly the same quality or damping. H&R springs for 4 cylinder Corrados are blue, but there's white writing on one of the coils to confirm. They are pretty hard.

  9. I do certainly agree but my thinking was that by working up a solid na build the eventual charger will be better complimented by the existing mods.


    Anything you do to improve flow through the engine in n'asp form, will make forced induction a lot better too, so it's not a waste of money in the long run if you're going to keep the car.


    Big valve head (forget porting, waste of time)



    Schrick / VSR (if you can tolerate the 4000rpm step)


    3.68 final drive


    That little lot will make a standard VR6 feel incredibly flat.

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