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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. Chaps - before you start copying DG Autotech's work, it might be worth dropping them a line to see if they mind first! They may not make them any more and therefore might not care, but if they are still selling them, they might not be too impressed at people copying their products!


    LOL, it's a piece of cut aluminium sheet without a copyright or patent, so legally people can copy it if they like. What ever is left of DGA have made it clear they're not interested in this community anymore, so erm, so what?

  2. but my favourite was a nice M3 - I cheated slightly by carrying 15mph into the lights while he had to start from stationary, but he was so surprised he spent the next mile or so six inches from my bumper waving his fist :lol:


    WTF? That guy seriously needs to invest in some penis enlargement pills :D


    I know what you mean about autos though, they can be awesome off the line! The manual VR6 just has gearing that is too tall for it's torque curve. That's why sticking the 3.68 final drive in really wakes them up! Honda Type Rs have the same problem and they have mega short gearing to compensate.

  3. :D


    We mock, but there are some proper electric superchargers in development. Basically a turbo with the hot side chopped off and the turbine shaft hooked up to a motor instead.


    I saw one on youtube the other day that had a motor with a special gearbox and that thing did actually make a lot of boost! The advantage of motors is max torque occurs at 0rpm, so they spin the turbo up immediately. Better than a mechanical charger. Better than an exhaust driven charger. Zero lag. In fact, it might boost up too quick!


    All they need is an oil supply and can be mounted anywhere.


    We laugh now, but they are coming!


    They'll need a seperate battery though as the current draw will be very large.

  4. Thank's guy's I have changed the title so there is no confusion.They do look "slimmer" than the seats in a R32 but they are very comfortable and will look great in any corrado.


    They certainly are comfortable! Amazingly so considering how simple their construction is :D

  5. it just appears to me everyone is fed the potential issues by the media without putting these into perspective.


    Which is all the press ever do. Their aim is to simply stir up controversy and unsettle the public with their poisonous scribings.

  6. Not sure on the tree loss as this happens thousands of feet underground and they have a minimum distance set to drill from the well to water table so water is safe. Companies are aware of this concern and are creating organic safe fluids that will be pumped. It will scar the landscape to start with when drilling rig in place but they should be able to hide the surface equipment that deals with the gas once the rig has buggered off.

    It wont be perfect, nothing is, but I do think it should be limited to start with to understand the logistics for UK wells.


    Exactly. It's not like an amatuer deep-drilling club has decided to aimlessly put holes in the ground and see what happens when they blast water down them. Sure, there's an element of profitting from the oil companies (and what company is in business solely for our benefit?) but they wouldn't be doing it if the gas wasn't needed. People whinge about rising energy prices and when a solution is presented to them, they still f'kin moan.


    The thought of almost unlimited energy in the UK and not having to depend on precarious suppliers like Russia, etc is very tempting.

    We need to know more, as our crowded country is too small for its inhabitants not to be affected by any negative effects the laws of physics will impose - probably irreversibly.


    Exactly. If people want to consume gas, electricity, meat, vegetables and grain products with gay abandon, they can't complain about the methods in which they are produced. If the lobbyists have better ideas about how to feed and heat a growing population at a reasonable cost, then I'm sure the government are all ears. People's ignorance of how these products come about never ceases to amaze me. They just want to consume them and not know any more, until the fracking comes knocking on their doorstep. THEN they have all the opinions in the world about sustainability.


    The UK is not overcrowed. Just certain pockets of it are very dense. The goverment still have a ban on greenfield developments but we all know how to stop the overcrowding problem, don't we?

  7. This would be the process of harvesting natural gas by blasting water into the earth to force it to the surface for collection, or some such?


    What is the impact of doing this? Noise and disruption?


    It doesn't bother me and wouldn't bother me if it were in my town either. I've put up with Network Rail and housing developers pile driving into the ground for months now, so a bit of fracking wouldn't bother me so long as it doesn't directly impact my commuting.


    It's always the same with this stuff. National Grid announce new pylons and you get villagers picketting about it: "Bury, not Blight" etc etc. It's a proper "not in MY village" mentality but happy for them to go up elsewhere, completely oblivious to the costs and negatives of burying high tension cables. Tesco announce a new supermarket and you get people picketting about that as well, and so on.


    These moaning gits benefit from the work being done, so why the f'ck are they moaning? If it was announced that unless we frack, there will be no gas for ANYONE, anywhere, so it NEEDS to be done, they'd have a very different attitude about it, so they can frack off :D

  8. They do Mic, but I have already posted on ED38 and didn't want to confuse things, just posting on here to give folks the heads up :censored:


    Not that it makes any difference. Our other insurance sponsor likes to skirt around issues like these and just post up customer feedback instead.

  9. Bloody insurance companies.


    Another thing to watch out for: don't cancel the policy if there is an active claim on it as you don't get a refund in that situation either.


    In short, they want to keep all of your premium and never pay out, the greedy f'ckers.

  10. I was very dissapointed with my standard VR6 when I first got it. The rusty old D reg 325i I traded in for it felt faster :)


    You need to see at least 4000rpm on the tacho otherwise the engine wants to stay in bed watching Homes under the Hammer.

  11. I can see why it won't work with a mk4 cam cover, with the CCV on the left, looks like it may fit ok with a mk5 one with the ccv on the right, what do you guys think?


    Rocker covers and intakes are all interchangable on the 3.2 engines, so you'll be fine on that score!


    Ok, now I've got my 24v back I've got to fix the rev counter which doesn't want to work. Did people use a can-bus converter and how do I get it working?


    I used a coil trigger one. It's a simple 4 wire jobbie. Stealth sell em for about 10 sheets. The input wire you take off one of the coil trigger wires (coil 1 probably the best one to use), 12V and your ground, then the output to your tacho. Couldn't be easier.

  12. Yeah the Alfa TB is way too big. Even an R32 throttle is way too big for an R32, lol! The way VW map it is 10% pedal movement = 40-50% throttle opening, which is just mental for town driving. Revo do a "linear throttle" map where 10% pedal gives you 10% throttle, but as you're running a standalone, it's a moot point. Still worth mentioning though and it's throttle sizing that's giving you the weird power band.


    I suspect also if Emerald mapped the engine themselves, I bet they whacked the intake VVT open full instead of progressively like VW do.


    I ran my old Corrado R32 on a DTA ECU with their DBW controller, so it all behaved like a stock R32, so if you need any more tips, let me know!

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