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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. According to Alien vs Predator, 'God' is this guy:-




    Personally, I believe we are the real Truman Show. The stars at night; scientists tell us they are Suns but we all know that's bull. They are in fact just pin holes in a giant blanket letting light through from 1000s of bulbs.

  2. It says they've got a bloke from AMG in to develop it, which I thought could be good as they might redevelop the block in ally, but then again AMG seem to prefer developing old war horse engines instead of creating new ones!


    Kind of an odd move really as Quattro GMBH is part of VAG and they developed the TT-RS's 5 pot motor, so it could have been done cheaper in-house.

  3. No i'm deffo not talking genuine for that price hahaha, when i say cheap i mean it :p


    2 examples of the ones i've been looking at, if the idea pans out then I would replace it with a genuine Garrett unit.






    I've also been looking at 20G TD05's, i figured weld up the internal gate and use an external one, just not sure if the turbo would be a bit restrictive on a 3.2


    I'll have a look and see if anything is available that doesn't require cooling but I think such a beast will be expensive!


    As for the RR day the wife is supposed to be at a school reunion in deepest darkest Norfolk, but the rate people are dropping out i'm hoping it will be abandoned and I can palm the kids off on her for the day instead ;)



    "Maxtuningrods-uk" :lol: That's definitely Chinese all right :D It's amazing how they can sell a GT35R copy for £155 and still make a profit. The controlling interest of the company must pay the workforce and absolute pittance. Quite sad really, but good for us! I certainly wouldn't run one of those on an engine as I don't trust the metal quality, but at the back of the car where it's much colder, no worries!


    I'd stick with the internal wastegate tbh and make it even simpler. I think simplicity is key with a rear end job because it means jacking the car up or putting it on a ramp every time there's a problem or if you need to do maintenance, so the simpler it is under there, the better, imo :D And to that end I would also do rigid boost pipes front to back. No silicon that can get ripped, or cheap clamps that can rust up, get knocked off etc etc.


    I think with smaller turbos I'd do one per bank if you can run 2 pipes down the car!


    Deepest Darkest Norfolk, lol. I used to work in Naaaaaarwich and yeah, there's some 'rum old' parts of Norfolk :lol:



    Thats a bit below the belt and would have put me off too! I've not heard/read one bad comment about Vince and Stealth in general!


    Absolutely. I know both parties read the forums, so I won't say too much, but suffice to say I've known Vince for 13 years and wouldn't trust my car with anyone else :)

  4. Yeah I understand why you suggested the GT30, I'm leaning towards a GT35 at the moment, purely on a cost basis tbh, a 35 is almost half the price of a 30, not sure why lol. Think my mate has sorted me a good deal on a 44mm Forge wastegate and recirc DV, if it all comes together then 3 of the main components will have cost about £600, well on target for a budget build haha


    A dry bearing would make life a lot easier yes, it would be easier to just watercool the turbo rather than messing about with oil feed/return/pump.


    The Walbro from stealth sounds like a good call, I was aiming to approach them about the mapping, i did email united motorsport the other day but not had a response. Probably easier to discuss it over the phone anyway, but i'm hoping to make the RR day at stealth so that would be a good opportunity to have a quick natter about it!


    Thanks for the links i'll have a look at them once the kids have been shipped off to bed! Appreciate the advice/insight too mate :thumbleft:


    I don't understand why more people haven't tried it over here, or maybe they have and were too embarrassed to let the world know about their epic failures :p


    I'm sure you'll not be able to resist for much longer ;)



    It could be a supply / demand thing. GT30s must sell in greater numbers! If we're talking genuine ones, I've used a GT3071R, a GT3076R & a GT3582R and they were all within 50 quid of each other. How things have changed!!

    £600 for all that is indeed a bargain!


    I was thinking of no oil or water at all. Just lump the turbo at the back, exhaust in and out, boost pipe to the front and that's it :) I was also thinking of a truck turbo. Something simple and agricultural that won't mind hanging under a car! There must be tractor or digger turbos out there that don't bother with oil and water feeds, lol!


    You won't get very far with United Motorsport. They are famous for being unresponsive and with something like this, you really do need need Vince on the case anyway. Yeah I would have come to the RR day myself but I'm on call with work, booooooo!


    No worries. I'm really keen on this idea. I'm not even that bothered if it works or not, I just like the experimenting :D


    I think general awareness of it is still low and it will always attract negative comments from the traditional route guys. Don't knock something until you've tried it I say! If it doesn't work, I'd have no problem reporting my findings if it saves someone else the hassle & expense :D


    Maybe next summer!

  5. I think there will be a little lag, but not as bad as some people suggest! That's why I thought a GT30 might work a bit better. It certainly is a gearbox breaker when mounted to the engine (I know of 2 guys who broke 5th and quite a few more broke 3rd) but with all that extra pipework from being rear mounted, I think it will be about right!


    These electric supercharger guys use dry ceramic bearings -http://www.phantomsuperchargers.com/index.html


    I don't know where they get the turbos from but that's what we need :) The temperatures at the back of the car will be very low compared being on the engine, so it shouldn't need oil really. That would make life so much easier!!


    For the pump, I'm sure I saw a youtube clip of an STS installation and they used a Meziere pump. I used one for my chargecooler and they're the best by miles!


    Interesting clip and comments -


    Yeah I would get a walbro drop-in pump, the GSS340. Stealth sell them for around £90 but they are unique in providing a sleeve so that it fits in the stock pump cradle properly ;) Good for 500hp.


    Yeah the MK5 MAF is a little bigger than the MK4 but again, I've heard the standard MAFs can peak out at 280gram/sec, which divided by .80 gives you 350hp :) I'm pretty confident Stealth could map it with a standard MAF. I hate all that 4" bore MAF housing nonsense to be honest.


    That won't happen on mine for a while yet!

  6. Oh yeah, piece of p1ss! With the roof tilted, sharply jolt panel liner with your hand to detach the clips, slide back into the roof, undo the 4 torx bolts, lift roof out :D


    To realign it afterwards. the front must sit 1mm lower than the roof line and the rear must sit 1mm proud.

  7. Blimey, where have 5 years gone?!?! Yeah that's right, yours had monster midrange torque :D


    Yeah after 9 years, it was time for me to move on and as you've seen, I ended up in MK4 land too. I was never taken by FWD MK4s but the R32 feels like a completely different car. Not the quickest thing out of the box, but it makes up for it in other areas :D

  8. Is this for a glass roof or steel?


    On both, I've found it easier to superglue the leading edge to the panel (stops it moving when fitting the rest of the seal), heat the seal with a hair dryer / heat gun, smear a light amount of fairy liquid onto the panel and whilst stretching it at the same time, press or tap it on. When you go all the way round and meet the leading edge, cut it a few mill short, dab some glue on the panel, stretch the seal to close the gap, press and hold until the glue sets. Done.

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