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Everything posted by K-rado

  1. Hey Bally Tirde my arse :lol: Looking Cool, as always. 8) Them ole bill in MK giving U grief? not going fastenough :lol:
  2. U the man,. I presume your operating on OBD1? that Vr's a little tight with 15k mls, mine's just loosened up and ripe ( i think) for some hard wear. Did u do it your self or at Stealt? Anybody got a clue if the work involved or if Stealth was to do the overhaul? Not sure which way to go, only know a hyke is on the cards.
  3. I dont meen to copy, but that is exactly what I is after. output?
  4. Jeeeez Bally, there are some lovely Vr's out there at the mo. The other day at the same meet I spotted a 130k miler Vr that is, realy is Mint with elect recaros/black leather and everything done with sweeet BB's. Just lernt that he is thinking of selling. realy will be a cracking buy! plenty of scope for the "Bally mister" drop :lol:
  5. I was at a meet the other day as you do and a well sorted Vr Golf was sporting a new charger and schrick manifold. one gets talking as one does at these sorta gath,............. I'll Pm u :lol:
  6. 4.5k gbp. I have found as place for a new schrick at 1300eura (950). think I will go with it for a start., couple of Gs for the charger? 600 notes for the koni's? 600? for ancor overhayl and ohhhhhhhhhhhh running outa lolly? :lol: whats up with ur's Bally?
  7. Right, with 50k mls approaching on my car, I have decided that come the new year, I will be giving her a rest and a makeover. A drop with koni coilovers, full break overhaul, new BB's n Boots and some proper lights to name but a few things on the cards. What I would realy like for the engine bay is a schrick manifold and a charger. now the question......... with a straight manifold changeover/chip n tune, what sort of torq/bhp could we expect? then the same as above with added charger (air or water dont know which is the best way to go) with all of the above done, a fresh coat of paint. I am gonna setaside a buget of abt 4 1/2 Gees. recon enough?
  8. K-rado

    rebuilding CVs

    CoxyLaad, you the man. was that before or after the milk splatted on your moniyor :lol: :lol: oh and was I right after all?
  9. Went to work again. but yesterday, Ohhhh, that was a different matter. Have a look :D http://vagdrivers.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4220
  10. Aew people, this is going from bad 2 worse, c class, 3 compact, jees what next, punto sporting? :sad:
  11. Cheers Dan, its perfect. Will remember you in dispatches :wink:
  12. K-rado

    rebuilding CVs

    your brave/adventurous/pioneer Mad/doolally/bonkers Delete ad applic :lol: :lol: Put a price on your time. £10/hr after 3 hours you have earnt nothing and infact lost abt 4.50 as a replacement cv costs abt 25.50 Mad/mad/mad :D good luck blue :D
  13. Sweet rado, class wheels and welcome on board :D
  14. Class :lol: right answere. :D very diplomatic :lol:
  15. c coupe sucks. (IMHO) and upsetting to think you can cross breed a rado with a C coupe. Andy665 you may verry well be right but what abt the question in hand? what da'ya recon abt the corrado rsr? would it be nice?
  16. Can see sim to the c, but not convinced. I thought somthing from audi/seat house, but what would it take to make it reality?
  17. I did what I always do n my rado. Drive it. Cant wait every day for a clear stritch of road to let her rrrrrip. overtaking a breeze. love it. Nearly hitting 50k mls. time for a change?
  18. Sorry if repost and yes did a search. What was the verdict? http://perso.orange.fr/jeanluc.miquel/d ... o_bs_R.jpg I know photoshop at play here but hey. come on 8)
  19. Cheers Dan, PM en-route K-rado
  20. Loads of Lady rado drivers/owners out there, appeals to both sexes. Shame my mrs dont share my passion for cars/corrado's. There are alot of male drivers out there too that drive like... woops, shouldnt say that :lol:
  21. They have some very good hardwear on there and some pants. alfasud? have they ever driven one? :lol: I had a blast in one many many years ago. sure at the time if was a bit of fun, but didnt go very well and fell asunder with rust!
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