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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Yes, it is! :) The server doesn't change timezones, you do! The "Could not preset the download files" bug is fixed.. though some people seem to be having problems with reference to a "ban list". Your posts DO go up, so don't repost! You just get an error instead :(
  2. Thanks Ryan! :) It's an amazing amount of fun for such a big 'family' car. I love the fact you can zip up to 40mph in 1st, off the lights, with no wheel-spin whatsoever in standing water! Also very entertaining on roundabouts.. ;) Back on topic. The 4Motion system is predominantly front-wheel-drive (about 90% iirc) and only distributes to the other wheels when needed, so there shouldn't be much drive-train losses, etc normally associated with 4wd which would cause a loss in mpg as well as power. Plus it's not as heavy as my mechanical Syncro system so shouldn't be lugging more weight around. I don't know about the 24v engines though. I think they may actually be more thirsty than the 12v - or at least that's the impression I get from the 24v users on here.... Or maybe it's just the effect of having a greater lead foot when you have a 24v! It's a pity the 30v engine wouldn't fit in a C (it's the wrong way round to start ;)) as it's such a torquey, effortless engine, good returns, and cruises at 30mph in 5th pulling itself up hills on tickover 8)
  3. Well, in my case they don't, I get better mpg still - but as Roddy points out, I have a 'special' one.. ;)
  4. I get better mpg out of my V6 Syncro than I did out of the Corrado.. Can get 32mpg on a long journey. Fuel-wise, it's about £55 to fill up from completely empty, and I get over 300 miles easily with my driving to work malarkey. Corrado used to be £60+ and I'd be lucky if I hit the 300 miles mark. And mine's the 'heavier' Syncro (mechanical diffs) as opposed to the 4Motion (electric gismos). Drive-by-wire and more advanced fuel handling than the old OBDI VR6s! I also have the lovely lazy but grunty 30 valves too ;)
  5. I'm sure this will help... http://www.the-corrado.net/wiki/index.p ... ent_Part_1 Gotta be something useful in that lot ;)
  6. Yup, ask to speak to John (the boss) - he'll look after you. He works 8am-4pm (I think) our time, as he actually lives in Oz now and works over the Internet ;) Jammy sod. (They just transfer you as if he's on the next desk - but it actually uses VoIP). He gets a lot of business from us - and will do his best to correct any problems. He may also be interested to hear how you were treated, especially as he may feel a little disjointed from the company now.
  7. Andi

    Aftermarket HID's

    Be wary of the colours: -- higher the temp, the less bright the light -- anything more than an off-tint of blue will likely pee off the police and pull you over for it, and potential MOT failure -- having coloured lights makes objects that colour disappear The point of HIDs is to get better light, surely? I don't understand why people would want light other than white. You install uprated looms to make the light whiter and brighter, then put HIDs on to screw up all your work?! DEL VR6, yes, got your cheque - thank you very much. And yes, still stand by my statement -- pointless to be installed on reflector headlights. You will not get a proper light pattern and will fail the MOT as well as blinding everyone every night.
  8. Andi

    Aftermarket HID's

    Hehe! Make sure you RHD them too, then, if they're German jobbies.
  9. Andi

    Aftermarket HID's

    Henny's doing the converstion 'cos I've already done the conversion on my Passat ;) http://www.ukpassats.co.uk/phpbb/viewto ... 2712#12712 Works brilliantly and well worth it. Got my kit for £90 delivered, and took around 30 mins to install neatly. Word of warning though - HID light patterns do not work as well in reflector headlights - you will be far better off if you have projector (a la Angel Eyes) lenses. This is because HID bulbs do not have a 'cap' on the end to stop the light just going out in any old way (normal bulbs have this so they only shine at the reflectors).
  10. G60 = Output 160bhp at 6300rpm / Torque 165lb/ft at 4000rpm VR6 = Output 190bhp at 5800rpm / Torque 181lb/ft at 4200rpm Though that's European spec, I believe the US VR6/SLC is more like 180bhp.
  11. Yes, you can drive your car to an MOT station if the appointment is pre-booked, whilst it is still SORN. You can't deviate, go shopping, or anything like that though. If it passes, you need to get a tax disc ASAP, if it fails, you must take it off the road ASAP. I take it you still have valid insurance on it?
  12. 'Tis a scam/rip off. From the same branch as "Earn £20k working from home!" load of twoddle. You've gotta ask yourself - how are 'all these buyers' waiting? How do they know your car is for sale, but don't know how to contact you? Anyone with any sense wanting to buy a car would look in AutoTrader anyhow.. ;)
  13. Erm, isn't that almost a default theme for Joomla? I'm sure the last time I installed Mambo (what it used to be called) it looked almost exactly like that, just with an orangey background.
  14. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43764
  15. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47518 Locked.
  16. It was a repost when you put it up, mate. It's been on FastPurple Videos since: May 28 2004 12:22:48 am :-P
  17. I'd agree with the both thing, but you only need a little for a holiday... Have you seen how cheap they are at the moment? Tenerife for 4 nights, 3* self-catering, £89 per person! (http://www.thomascook.com) No-one wants to fly, so it's all cheap cheap cheap! Use the rest on the i/c ;)
  18. Sounds like you need a couple of hidden switches then. Turn on pretend foot brake. Turn on pretend hand brake. Turn off pretend hand brake... you get the idea. I might be you need ground to the handbrake and live to the foot brake cables... Not sure, I'm sure the instructions will tell you
  19. I think you'll find it needs to be grounded rather than live'd.... (Last headunit I installed with a DVD I had to do this). Try grounding it first - since you won't blow anything up then ;) Then it's time to put 12v to it 8)
  20. I did mean that comment in a sarky way - but if you don't spot a police man in a car, chances are you won't spot a kid either. They're generally smaller and faster too. There's more likely more kids on the streets than Bobbies too. I've gathered 9 months in my life of driving so far, 3 still valid. The last 3 I could have wriggled out of - the copper even told me how at the time as he was a sound fella, but I told him no, I will take it on the chin as its the only way to learn. He respected me for that, and it certainly has had it's effect. Yes, I can't possibly say I've never gone over the speed limit, but I have slowed down, and I do pay attention to 20s and 30s and I feel I'm much more vigilant on the road because of it. I'm sure its no conincidence that I'm a lot calmer behind the wheel, and tend to have little stress (if not any) when travelling anywhere. You'll live longer - try it ;) It's probably all part of growing up - one of which is taking responsibility for your actions, and not always looking for the easy way out.
  21. Yeah, those young kids who just run out into the road from behind parked cars and get killed before you even touch the brakes are just so sneaky... Take it on the chin. You won't learn if you wiggle out of it.
  22. Really? I know someone who's just been done for driving without insurance and caused an accident and has been slapped with a bill of £7,000. I certainly don't pay £21,000/year for my insurance...
  23. That's $0.84 / litre, which is 45p/litre. So your fuel is half the price of ours!
  24. Oh 'cos it really sounds like you had a horrible time selling your car to her... ;) Good work though. All forum members should really only allow their cars to be sold if the new owner promises to sign up! Or maybe it should be done before the sale is completed, kinda like a security check.. :) Welcome asp*, and sorry about the 'pets'. They're not house-trained yet. They try and hump anything that walks in the door. Now where did I put those two bricks.... Oh Greeny... *crack*
  25. Andi


    Oh, not again...! *sigh* http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... turbonator http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... turbonator http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... turbonator Locking this one.
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