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Posts posted by Andi

  1. I have them on mine.

    Coupled with an uprated loom and 100watt bulbs the light is brighter and a more-modern looking spread than my previous lights+100watt+loom combo.


    They are projector lights with a highly concentrated lens, so should be better!

  2. I have to take a rather rough ride to work (though they have now fixed most of the crappy bits) and it really took its toll on the alignment on the C.


    It's always been tough to line up and I got the tracking done every 3-6 months, but this time was a proper alignment.


    I left them the car all day - they laughed and said it wouldn't take that long.


    Wrong. Took them a few hours... lol


    They had to pretty much dismantle all the geometry stuff and reattach it to get it back within tolerancies, etc... the poor sods didn't see me coming!



    Toe: -2.1mm (L) , -6.8mm ®

    Total Toe: -8.9mm

    Camber: -2.2deg (L) ; -2.6deg ®



    Toe: 0.0mm (L+R)

    Camber: -1.8deg (L) ; -1.4deg ®


    They can't adjust the rears, but the toe isn't too bad at the back. They did recommend some spacers to sort this though - anyone any ideas on that? I assume they mean the camber...


    It's currently at:

    Toe: 0.8mm (L) , 0.3mm ®

    Camber: -1.7deg (L) , -2.2deg ®.


    Standard ride height and 17s, before anyone asks.

  3. I'm with RAC too, and I abuse them cronic!


    I always insist on a flatbed truck and not having the car towed.

    I've even got them to pick up my car from my house, load it onto a transport truck, and deliver it to G-Werks over 60 miles away! (Without me going with it, either!)


    I've got it registered as a 'specialist' car, so you get the nicer treatment!


    (Plus I get it for free, but that's irrelevant ;))

  4. corradowales, I had a nice fold in my bumper from a multi-storey car-park incident which a local come-to-you patch-your-car-up firm pulled out - kinda like pulling dents in metal... but for the bumper!


    Was impressed and you cannot tell..


    Not that you care though, 'cos you've got a spare one. Tart.

  5. kebabman, still not fair for 56k'ers - which some of the regulars are. Also its not good to remote-link pictures unless the server is designed for it or its your own webspace. Admins can get a bit narked about it.


    This forum is heavily modified from phpBB, but it is a standard release from Orion - so I can apply the patches in seconds rather than HOURS.


    It never is as simple as the changelogs suggest. I know this first hand. Hence why going down this route.


    I also get better support sticking with a standard - albeit not phpBB's - form of the site.


    We have no problems with bandwidth and server speed now, so there should be no reason not to use the attachment option!


    :offtopic1: My apologies.

  6. jonocos, you are able to attach files to post for a reason... makes it fairer for people on dial-up and also doesn't mess up the page so you have to scroll left-right to read it too.


    Phat though :)

  7. If we go past 99.9p/litre, surely lots of companies will need to put up new signs, as they don't have enough digits!


    It's getting ridiculous in this country...

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