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Posts posted by Andi

  1. How about this for service... ;)


    In the pic - middle-bottom - the new looking black cylinder (replaced mine a couple of weeks ago).


    Use the large 32/36/38mm socket (can't remember which!) to undo, and filter is inside :)


    And yes, I did just go outside to take this photo for you 8)

  2. Just upgraded my brakes to 312mm Audi TT brakes... good improvment. I've taken step by step pictures etc and have loads of information about what you'll need for the upgrade, i'll get all this posted soon. (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS HAS BEEN DONE ALREADY NO POINT IN DOING IT TWICE)


    Wanted to know if there is a bigger master servo to fit the VR6, if so give me the info.


    You can submit this to the 'Wheels and Brakes' section of the Knowledge Base here:



    You will need to use IMG tags to put images in. If you need any web hosting for these, let me or one of the mods know - we sort it out for you.

  3. I have no idea why it does it - but yeah, I'll blame you.




    Edit: Hopefully fixed now. Just ran some 'clean-up' scripts on all the attachments - deleting all the files which are still on there but the post no longer exists, and all the files uploaded, but then deleted by the person who posted them.

    Should sort it all out now!


    Pity I can't merge this with the other thread, but nevermind!

  4. Believe it or not.. the mods haven't gotten together as one big group as yet. I still haven't met Andi, G60Jet or VR6...


    Whereas I have met Tom and Nige (in fact been on holiday with them!) but yet to meet stevemac and dinkus (I think!! :lol:). Met Kev though. He like my engine. Hehe.


    And that Jim bloke - he's the wierd one of the bunch... not met him...


    P.S. No photos of me - I don't wanna break my own forum!!

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