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Posts posted by Andi

  1. Brian, I doubt very much you'll get out of it.

    If it's your first 3 points don't worry about it - most insurance companies don't care about 3 points for speeding as a lot of people have them. Any good insurance company will probably only shove £20 on just to be an arse.


    I have 6 points for speeding and my premiums rise by about 10% which isn't a great deal.


    Dragging the ordeal out after the incident has occured will just annoy the police and won't get you anywhere. Sadly, you need to be quick-thinking when it happens to get out of it - afterwards is normally too late.


    I have a Bel 550 Euro and my SatNav system gives me verbal warnings 20 seconds and 5 seconds before any fixed camera on record, which can be updated easily via the internet.

    So the SatNav gives me ample warning of a camera, then the Bel tells me if it's on or not. The Bel also does speed-traps, mini-Gatsos etc etc. 8)


    Just Vascar I can't detect - but this uses two white squares a certain distance apart on the road (about 100 metres or so) and the points are generally on a hill, so mostly spottable.


    And keep an eye out for 2 people in a unmarked, normally pretty clean, and normally pretty quick car. Once you start practising, you can spot unmarked plod a mile off.

  2. I would keep looking on the garage-front.

    I'm sure you can find a place that will do it all - rather than you having to source this, them sending off that, etc.


    You just need a garage with an engineering mechanic - I know a couple down here (do Turbo conversions, etc etc) - I'm sure they would be more useful - as long as they know VWs.


    Sorry I can't be more specific, but don't know anywhere up 'north' like that :(

  3. You can't beat the Milltek on the VR6. Substancially better welding and craftsmanship in comparison to Magnex, Scorpion, etc.


    John at PDM was telling me earlier about it - Milltek do proper welds with joins, whereas Magnex just roll the edges of the joins then seal - which apparently split and blow after a while. John could probably explain better. I was very impressed with the worksmanship on my system when we depacked it - which will be on by Saturday :)

    Milltek have paused production on the VR6 system for at least 2 months. They had to specially do a run for mine! 8)


    All depends on how much noise you want your system to make. Was amusing with my car running next to John's and Ant's G60s with their louder exhausts - couldn't even hear my engine running! :oops:

  4. One of those things I haven't got round to either.

    My passenger side has this rattly clunk, and my driver's side lock/unlock pin thingy doesn't work and has become detacted.

    So thats both doors apart one boring afternoon. Might get round to it in 2005.

  5. Can you see them now? If not I'll try again. All you do is submit a quick reply then go back and edit it to attach the pics am I right? If I'm doing something wrong can someone please tell me? Thanks


    There's no need to use the Quick Reply then edit - you can use the "Post Reply" at the bottom of the page - then you can write your message and attach pictures all at the same time.


    And you need to be logged in in order for pictures to show - so that may be why you can't see them sometimes. If it says "Logout [username]" at the top, then you're logged in, else its a "Login" button.

  6. Trust me whats the worst that can happen


    On a non-VR6, you get oil on the cam belt and knock the timing out, potentially damaging your engine?


    Ah, good ol' VR6 cam-chains..

  7. The VR states 36 front and 32 rear - thats half-load.


    I am suprised the G60 sticker states higher, since the VR is a considerably more heavy engine!


    I'd agree with Supercharged, however, you have to remember that different tyres react in different ways and different pressures. It's not as simple as one pressure is the de facto answer for all G60 owners.


    I've experimented with mine, and found the recommended 36/32 for the VR works fine - but thats on 205/40/17 Avon ZZ1s. Others may find it different.


    My neighbour's Celica GT4 runs 40 psi at the fronts, and they still look like they're under-pressured :?

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