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Posts posted by Andi

  1. I typically don't do group buys in the USA because it's not fair to our distributors. I'm in essence stealing the sale away from them. But in this case (not in the USA), we maybe able to work something out - if the admin permits these activities here.


    You are more than welcome to setup a group buy here.

    Let me know if you need any assistance.

  2. Oh, btw, can someone also tell me, when you lock the car with the key and the windows roll up, is the sunroof meant to as well as mine doesn't and I don't know if this means it is faulty.


    Yes, it is meant to.

    And the top speed is listed as 131mph, if I remember correctly (nerd alert)

  3. I would always recommend changing the oil filter and doing an engine rinse at the same time. A can of the stuff costs about £5 from Halfords and helps removes some of the rubbish within the engine.


    VW do not recommend using engine flush on a VR6 engine.

    I don't know about G60s and 1.8/2.0 litres engines though.


    There is no need to flush the engine if you do regular oil changes. If you change the oil every 5k-8k anyway, you'll find you're flushing things through quite nicely.

    When you do your own oil changes, you can afford a more regular schedule and keep that VW purring nicely.


    189k miles and still going strong ;)

  4. But just to put a spanner in the works - I have the original passenger+driver arm/blade setup, and can lift the wipers with the bonnet closed without any problem...


    The only thing is the passenger side doesn't rest completely horizontal as its slightly too long, but does mean I get the largest possible sweep area, so I really don't mind.


    [Edit: Pics added]

  5. i moved mine out of place when fitting my samco coolant pipes, went stiff, the result was the rubber gromit in the pedel streching and the cable popping out !! DOH


    Dude, you need to get out more... getting stiff over fitting Samco's and popping/stretching stuff... :shock:

  6. But you said the plugs were not changed.

    So it all depends if they check the torque and condition of plugs even though they are not part of the service.

    If its 'just a service', then probably not - however, if a service plus a general check-over - they should have picked it up and haven't done their job properly - whether they were loose already or they loosened them in their checks.

  7. Ok, maybe more of a chance - but it may well depend on the good-will of the garage, as they can quite easily say "we didn't touch it, it's just a coincidence"

  8. Seems a bit of a coincidence that it was serviced 3 months before the plug jumppeed out


    3 days, maybe, but 3 months for a service-related problem to occur is quite a while!

    You may find they say it has nothing to do with the service and it was just coincidence.

  9. Ahhhhhhhh cool in mine...


    Passat aircon systems are possible - or even their full climate control system.

    Most aircon systems can be retrofitted, tbh, just depends on the skill of the fitter.


    I have a Daviair system in mine - hardly high quality, but works, and bloody cold, so does me fine :)

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